Conditional instructions in the ARM1 processor, reverse engineered

By carefully examining the layout of the ARM1 processor, it can be reverse engineered. This article describes the interesting circuit used for conditional instructions: this circuit is marked in red on the die photo below. Unlike most processors, the ARM executes every instruction conditionally. Each instruction specifies a condition and is only executed if the condition is satisfied. For every instruction, the condition circuit reads the condition from the instruction register (blue), evaluates the condition flags (purple), and informs the control logic (yellow) if the instruction should be executed or skipped.

The ARM1 processor chip showing the condition evaluation circuit (red) and the main components it interacts with. Original photo courtesy of Computer History Museum.

The ARM1 processor chip showing the condition evaluation circuit (red) and the main components it interacts with. Original photo courtesy of Computer History Museum.

Why care about the ARM1 chip? It is the highly-influential ancestor of the extremely popular ARM processor. The ARM1 processor got off to a slow start in 1985 but now ARM processors are now sold by the tens of billions; your smart phone probably runs on ARM. This article is part of my series on reverse engineering the ARM1; start with my first article for an overview of the chip.

What are conditional instructions?

A key part of any computer is the ability of a program to change what it is doing based on various conditions. Most computers provide conditional branch instructions, which cause execution to jump to a different part of the program based on various condition flags. For example, consider the code if (x == 0) { do_something }. Compiled to assembly code, this first tests the value of variable x and sets the Zero flag if x is 0. Next, a conditional branch instruction jump over the do_something code if the Zero flag is not set.

The ARM processor takes conditionals much further than other processors: every instruction becomes a conditional instruction. Every instruction includes one of 16 conditions and the instruction is only executed if the condition is true; otherwise the instruction is skipped. (This is also known as predication.) The motivation is to avoid inefficient jumping around in the code.

The ARM manual excerpt below shows how four bits in each 32-bit instruction specify one of 16 conditions. Most of the conditions are straightforward, checking if values are equal, negative, higher, and so forth. Most instructions will use the "always" condition, which simply means the instruction always executes. The opposite "never" condition is not highly useful - an instruction with that condition never executes - but it can be used for a NOP, patching code, or adjusting timing of an instruction sequence.

Every instruction in the ARM processor has one of 16 conditions specified. The instruction is executed only if the condition is satisfied.

Every instruction in the ARM processor has one of 16 conditions specified. The instruction is executed only if the condition is satisfied.

Studying the different conditions reveals much of how the condition circuit works. It is based on four condition flags. The zero (Z) flag is set if a value is zero. The negative (N) flag is set if a value is negative. The carry (C) flag is set if there is a carry or borrow from addition or subtraction. The overflow (V) flag is set if there is an overflow during signed arithmetic (details).

The top three bits of the instruction select one of eight conditions, as highlighted in yellow. The fourth bit selects the condition or its opposite (blue). If the fourth bit is 0, the condition must be true; if the fourth bit is 1, the condition must be false.

Implementation of the circuit

The implementation of the conditional logic circuit matches the above description. First, the eight conditions are generated from the four flags. One of the conditions is selected based on the three instruction bits. If the fourth instruction bit is set, the condition is flipped. The result is 1 if the condition is satisfied, and 0 if the condition is not satisfied. One unexpected part of the circuit is that an undefined instruction or and interrupt causes the condition to be cleared, preventing execution of the instruction. The resulting condition signal output is connected to a control part of the chip, where it causes the instruction to be executed or not, as desired.

The condition code evaluation circuit from the ARM1 processor.

The condition code evaluation circuit from the ARM1 processor.

The diagram above shows the condition code circuit of the chip as it appears in the simulator; this is a zoomed-in version of the red rectangle indicated on the die earlier. The chip consists of multiple layers, indicated by different colors. Transistors appear as red or blue regions. NMOS transistors are red; they turn on with a 1 input and can pull their output low. PMOS transistors (blue) are complementary; they turn on with a 0 input and can pull their output high. Physically above the transistors is the polysilicon wiring layer (green). When polysilicon crosses a transistor it forms the gate (yellow) that controls the transistor. Finally, two layers of metal wiring (gray) are above the polysilicon.

The circuit is arranged in columns. The first column of transistors forms the logic gates to generate the conditions from the flag values. The next column is the multiplexer, a circuit that takes the eight input conditions and selects one. The rightmost column contains 8 NAND gates that decode the three instruction bits into 8 control lines. Each line is fed into the multiplexer to select the corresponding condition. At the right is the wiring for the 3 instruction bits and their complements. A few miscellaneous gates are at the bottom of the multiplexer and decoder columns. These include inverters to complement the instruction bits.

The condition generation gates

The diagram below zooms in on the left third of the circuit above. This part of the circuit uses standard CMOS logic gates to computes the conditions from the flags. Each gate is built from NMOS (red) and PMOS (blue) transistors in a horizontal strip. Comparing the text description of conditions from the manual with the logic shows how the conditions are generated. For instance, the HI (unsigned higher) condition requires flags "C set and Z clear". The top three gates generate this condition. The GE (greater than or equal) condition is more complex, requiring flags "N set and V set, or N clear and V clear". The next two gates compute this value. (Due to the way CMOS gates are constructed, an OR-NAND gate is constructed as a single gate.) Likewise, the other conditions are generated. The AL (always) condition is simply a 1, and doesn't require any circuitry. The conditions are fed into the multiplexer, which will be discussed below.

The output coming back from the multiplexer is the selected condition, labeled "cond" below. The NAND and OR-NAND gates flip the condition if instruction register bit 28 (ireg28) is set. This implements the eight opposite conditions. The result is labeled "ok", indicating the overall condition is satisfied. The final three gates block instruction execution for an interrupt or undefined instruction.

Gates in the ARM1 processor generate the various conditionals from the flag values.

Gates in the ARM1 processor generate the various conditionals from the flag values.

One thing I'd like to emphasize about the ARM1 is that its layout is very orderly and non-optimized. While it may appear chaotic, the gates are arranged by combining relatively fixed blocks ("standard cells") and wiring them together. Each gate forms a strip and the gates are stacked together in columns. The polysilicon and metal layers connect the gates as necessary.

The layout of the ARM1 chip is a consequence of the VLSI Technology chip design software used to create it. The resulting layout is simple, but doesn't use space very efficiently. Since the ARM1 uses very few transistors for its time, the designers weren't worried about optimizing the layout. In contrast, earlier chips such as the Z-80 were hand-drawn, with each transistor and wire carefully shaped to use the minimum space possible. The diagram below shows a small part of the Z-80 processor layout, showing the extremely irregular but dense arrangement of the chip. The transistors are not arranged in rows as in the ARM1 above, but fit together to use all the available space.

A detail of the Z-80 processor layout, showing the complex hand-drawn layout. Each transistor and wire is carefully shaped to minimize the chip's size.

A detail of the Z-80 processor layout, showing the complex hand-drawn layout. Each transistor and wire is carefully shaped to minimize the chip's size.

The multiplexer and decoders

Selecting the desired condition out of the eight possibilities is the job of a circuit called the multiplexer. The multiplexer takes 8 inputs (the conditions) and 8 control signals (based on the instruction) and selects the desired condition. To the right of the multiplexer, 8 NAND gates generate the 8 control signals by decoding the three instruction bits. Each gate simply looks at three bit values and outputs a 0 if the bits select that condition. For instance, if the first two bits are 0 and the third is 1, the gate for condition 1 outputs a 0, selecting that condition in the multiplexer. The animation below shows the circuit as the instruction bits cycle through the eight conditions. You can see the activated condition moving downwards through the circuit.

Animation of the multiplexer in the ARM1 condition code evaluation circuit.

Animation of the multiplexer in the ARM1 condition code evaluation circuit.

While a multiplexer can be built from standard logic gates, the ARM1 multiplexer is built from a different type of circuitry called transmission gates (which the ARM1 also uses in its bit counter). A multiplexer built from transmission gates is more compact and faster than one built from standard logic (NAND gates). One feature of CMOS is that by combining an NMOS transistor and a PMOS transistor in parallel, a transmission gate switch can be built. Feeding 1 into the NMOS gate and 0 into the PMOS gate turns on both transistors and they pass their input through. With the opposite gate values, both transistors turn off and the switch opens. The multiplexer is built from 8 of these CMOS switches. Each condition input feeds into one switch, and the switch outputs are connected together. One switch is turned on at a time, selecting the corresponding input as the output value.

The diagram below shows the schematic of the multiplexer as well as its physical layout on the chip. Only the first three segments of the eight are shown; the remainder are similar. Each input is connected to two transistors forming a CMOS switch. Because the NMOS and PMOS gates require opposite signals, the multiplexer has an inverter for each control signal. Each inverter also consists of two transistors, but wired differently from the switch.

Schematic of the multiplexer inside the ARM1 processor's condition code evaluation circuit. Diagram of the multiplexer inside the ARM1 processor's condition code evaluation circuit.

Schematic and diagram of the multiplexer inside the ARM1 processor's condition code evaluation circuit.

Working together the decode circuit, inverters, and CMOS switches form the multiplexer that selects the desired condition from the eight choices. The logic described earlier allows this condition to be flipped, for a total of 16 possible conditions.


One unusual feature of the ARM instruction set is that every instruction has a condition associated with it and is only executed if the condition is true. The ARM1 chip is simple enough that the condition circuitry on the chip can be examined and understood at the transistor and gate level. Now that you've seen the internals of the condition logic, you can use the Visual ARM1 simulator to see the circuit in action. While the ARM1 may seem like a historical artifact of the 1980s, ARM processors power most smartphones, so there's probably a similar circuit controlling your phone right now.

Thanks to the Visual 6502 team for providing the simulator and ARM1 chip layout data. If you're interested in ARM1 internals, see my full set of ARM posts and Dave Mugridge's series of posts.

More ARM1 processor reverse engineering: the priority encoder

In this article, I reverse-engineer the priority encoder in the ARM1 processor. By examining the chip layout provided by the Visual ARM1 project, I have determined how this circuit works and created a schematic.

The ARM1 chip is the ancestor of the extremely popular ARM processors used in most smart phones. The ARM1 is a good choice for reverse engineering since it was designed in 1985 and its simple RISC silicon circuits are easier to understand than modern processors. This article jumps into the chip details; if you want an overview of the ARM1 internals, start with my first article on reverse engineering the ARM1.

The priority encoder takes a 16-bit binary field, finds the bits that are set and outputs the 4-bit binary positions of these bits in sequence. For example, if the input field is 1000000000001011, successive outputs will be 0, 1, 3, and 15. (Bits are scanned starting with bit 0, the rightmost bit.) The priority encoder gets its name because it selects bits by priority (rightmost first) and encodes the result into binary.

The diagram below shows the layout of the priority encoder on the chip. It is implemented as 16 bit slices, one for each bit, arranged left to right ("backwards"). Slice 2 is highlighted in red; slices 5 through 13 have been cut out to make the image fit. The 16 input bits arrive through the data bus on the bottom and each bit enters a slice through one of the bit input lines (green). If the bit is currently the highest priority, the output encoder at the top of the slice generates the 4-bit binary value on the output bus. The pullups pull the output bus lines to the high state. Finally, the drivers amplify the output signals and send them to other parts of the chip.[1]

The priority encoder circuit in the ARM1 consists of 16 slices, one for each bit. One slice is highlighted in red.

The priority encoder circuit in the ARM1 consists of 16 slices, one for each bit. One slice is highlighted in red. Slices 5 to 13 are omitted.

The priority encoder is a key part of the ARM processor's block data transfer instructions, which efficiently copy data between on-chip registers and memory storage.[2] These instructions can transfer any subset of ARM's 16 registers in a single instruction. The desired registers are specified by setting the corresponding bits in a 16-bit field in the instruction. The role of the priority encoder is to scan this field and determine which register to transfer during each step of the operation.

Implementation of the priority encoder

The schematic below shows one of the 16 slices in the priority encoder. The input bit from the bus, bus_bit enters at the bottom. The green bit select block determines if the bit is currently the high-priority bit. If so, bit_selected becomes 1. The output encoder (blue) puts the binary value associated with the selected bit onto the bus. Finally, the bit used latch (red) marks the bit as used, blocking it and allowing the next bit in sequence to be active in the next cycle. The two-phase clock signals Φ1 and Φ2 cause the priority encoder to move from bit to bit.

Schematic of the priority encoder in the ARM1 processor, showing one slice.

Schematic of the priority encoder in the ARM1 processor, showing one slice.

The bit selection logic (green) is fairly straightforward. The input clear_to_left is 1 if all the bits to the left are clear. If all the bits to the left are clear and the current bit is set, then this bit is selected by the priority encoder. This also blocks clear_to_left from being passed to the next slice. Otherwise, clear_to_left is passed along. Thus, as it passes through the circuit clear_to_left will be 1 until a bit is encountered, and then 0 from that point. If the final clear_to_left output is 1, then all bits are clear and encoding is done. The logic for clear_to_right is similar, allowing the highest-priority bit to be selected from the right instead. Normally the initial clear_to_left input is 0, and the initial clear_to_right bit is 1, enabling the left scan and disabling the right scan.

The bit used latch (red) keeps track of which bits have already been output. It is what allows the priority encoder to move from bit to bit each clock cycle. The two transmission gates (indicated with the four-triangle symbol) are clocked alternately so the bit_selected signal will move through the circuit after two half-clocks. Two NAND gates are connected as an SR latch to store this signal. Once a slice has selected a bit, the latch remembers that the bit has been used and blocks bus_bit from flowing into the bit select circuit. This allows the next bit in sequence to be selected. The bit used circuit also has a clear signal that resets the latch for a new instruction.

The bus pullup circuit (purple) and the output encoder (blue) work together to output the binary value corresponding to the selected bit. They use dynamic logic rather than standard gates to reduce the circuit size. This logic depends on the clock and the capacitance of the output bus lines to generate the right values. In phase 2 of the clock, the bus pullup transistors pull the output bus lines high. Then, in phase 1, the output encoder in the active slice pulls the appropriate lines low so the bus will have the correct value. The schematic above shows the encoder for slice 6: the transistors attached to lines 8 and 1 pull them low, leaving 4 and 2 high; the resulting binary 0110 is 6. One set of pullup transistors supports the whole priority encoder, while each slice has its own output encoder transistors.

The output bus lines pass through drivers to boost the current; the signal on the output bus is relatively weak since it is generated by dynamic logic. The output flows to the register select circuit to select the appropriate register for the data transfer. See Dave Mugridge's article on ARM1 register selection for details on how registers are selected.


The block data move transfer instructions in the ARM1 require two special functional units: the priority encoder and the bit counter (which I reverse-engineered earlier). These two circuits are highlighted in red in the ARM1 die photo below. Supporting block data transfers added significant complexity to the chip (about 3% by area), but the chip designers felt the performance gain from block transfers was worth it.

The ARM1 processor chip with major functional groups labeled. The bit counter and priority encoder used for the LDM/STM instructions are highlighted in red. These take up about 3% of the chip's area.

The ARM1 processor chip with major functional groups labeled. The bit counter and priority encoder used for the LDM/STM instructions are highlighted in red. These take up about 3% of the chip's area.ARM1 die photo courtesy of Computer History Museum.

One interesting thing about the priority encoder's design is alternating slices have inverted logic: NAND gates become NOR gates and vice versa. The reason is to avoid inverters between stages. You'll note on the schematic that the clear_to_right and clear_to_left outputs are inverted. The obvious design would add inverters to fix the polarity. However, this would add an extra gate delay in each stage, which is significant when the signal has to ripple through 16 stages. By "flipping" alternate stages, this delay is avoided. The trick of alternating stages to avoid inverters is used in other chips. For example, the 8085's incrementer and the 6502's ALU.

One surprise with the ARM1 priority encoder is it supports both low-to-high priority and high-to-low priority, but high-to-low priority is disabled and not used. That is, the rightmost clear_to_right is wired to 1, so the rightmost bit circuitry will never be active. The explanation for this unused circuitry is interesting.

When using the block data operations to push and pull registers on the stack, you'd expect to push R0, R1, R2, etc and then pop in the reverse order R2, R1, R0.[3] To handle this, the priority encoder needs to provide the registers in either order, and the address incrementer needs to increment or decrement addresses depending on whether you're pushing or popping, and the chip includes this circuitry. However, there's a flaw that wasn't discovered until midway through the design of the ARM1. Register 15 (the program counter) must always be updated last, or else you can't recover from a fault during the instruction because you've lost the address.[4]

The solution used in the ARM1 is to always read or write registers starting with the lowest register and the lowest address. In other words, to pop R2, R1, R0, the ARM1 jumps into the middle of the stack and pops R0, R1, R2 in the reverse order. It sounds crazy but it works. (The bit counter determines how many words to shift the starting position.) The consequence of this redesign was that the circuitry to decrement addresses and priority encode in reverse order is never used. This circuity was removed from the ARM2.


The priority encoder is a large functional unit in the ARM1 chip, used for the block data transfer instructions. By looking at one of the 16 slices in the encoder, the circuit can be reverse-engineered and understood. While largely built from standard logic gates, the circuit also uses transmission gates and dynamic logic for efficiency. One surprise is the priority encoder contains unused logic allowing it to work in either direction. This wasted circuitry is left over from a design change during the development of the ARM1.

Now that you've seen the internals of the priority encoder, you can use the Visual ARM1 simulator to see the circuit in action.[5]

Notes and references

[1] The drivers also invert and buffer clock signals that are used by the priority encoder.

[2] ARM's block data transfer instructions are called STM (Store Multiple) and LDM (Load Multiple), storing and loading multiple registers with one instruction. These instructions can be used for copying data or for stack push/pop, saving registers in a subroutine call or interrupt handler. Note that these instructions are not implemented in microcode, but in hardware that steps through the registers and memory. These instruction are explained in detail on the ARMwiki.

[3] The block data transfer instructions work for general register copying, not just pushing and popping to a stack. It's simpler to explain the instructions in terms of a stack, though.

[4] If an instruction encounters a memory fault (e.g. a virtual memory page is missing), you want to take an interrupt, fix the problem (e.g. load in the page), and then restart the instruction. However, if you update registers high-to-low, R15 (the program counter) will be updated first. If a fault happens during the instruction, the address of the instruction (R15) is lost, and restarting the instruction is a problem.

One solution would be to push registers high-to-low and pop low-to-high so R15 is always updated last. Apparently the ARM designers wanted the low register at the low address, even if the stack grows upwards, so popping R15 least wouldn't work. Another alternative is to have a "shadow" program counter that can restore the program counter during a fault. The ARM1 designers considered this alternative too complex. For details, see page 248 of "VLSI RISC Architecture and Organization", by Stephen Furber, one of the ARM1's designers.

[5] Thanks to the Visual 6502 team for providing the simulator and ARM1 chip layout data. If you're interested in ARM1 internals, also see Dave Mugridge's series of posts.

Counting bits in hardware: reverse engineering the silicon in the ARM1 processor

How can you count bits in hardware? In this article, I reverse-engineer the circuit used by the ARM1 processor to count the number of set bits in a 16-bit field, showing how individual transistors form multiplexers, which are combined into adders, and finally form the bit counter. The ARM1 is the ancestor of the processor in most cell phones, so you may have a descendent of this circuit in your pocket.

ARM is now the world's most popular instruction set but it has humble beginnings. The original ARM1 processor was designed in 1985 by a UK company called Acorn Computer for the BBC Micro home/educational computer. A few years later Apple needed a low-power, high-performance processor for its ill-fated Newton handheld system and chose ARM.[1] In 1990, Acorn Computers, Apple, and chip manufacturer VLSI Technology formed the company Advanced RISC Machines to continue ARM development. ARM became very popular for low power applications (such as phones) and now more than 50 billion ARM processors have been manufactured.

One way ARM processors increase performance is through block data transfer instructions, which efficiently copy data between on-chip registers and memory storage.[2] These instructions can transfer any subset of ARM's 16 registers in a single instruction. The desired registers are specified by setting the corresponding bits in a 16-bit field in the instruction. To implement the block transfer instructions, the ARM requires two specialized circuits. The first circuit, the bit counter, counts the number of bits set in the register select field to determine how many registers are being transferred.[3] The second circuit, the priority encoder, scans the register select field and finds the next set bit, indicating which register to load/store next.

The ARM1 processor chip with major functional groups labeled. The bit counter and priority encoder used for the LDM/STM instructions are highlighted in red. These take up about 3% of the chip's area.

The ARM1 processor chip with major functional groups labeled. The bit counter and priority encoder used for the LDM/STM instructions are highlighted in red. These take up about 3% of the chip's area.ARM1 die photo courtesy of Computer History Museum.
These two circuits are highlighted in red in the ARM1 die photo above. As you can see, the circuits take up a significant fraction of the chip (about 3%), but the chip designers felt the performance gain from block transfers was worth the increase in chip size and complexity. This article explains the bit counter, and I plan to describe the priority encoder later.

Zooming in on the bit counter reveals the circuit below. It looks like a jumble of lines, but by examining it carefully, you can get an understanding of what is going on. The remainder of the article explains how a special type of circuitry called pass transistor logic is used to build a multiplexer — a circuit that selects one of its two inputs. The multiplexers are used to form logic gates, which are then combined to form a full adder, which adds three bits. Finally, the adders are combined to create the bit counting circuit. If you're not familiar with digital logic or the ARM processor, you might want to start with my earlier article on reverse-engineering the ARM1 for an overview.

The bit counter circuit from the ARM1 processor chip. This circuit counts the number of registers selected by the LDM/STM instructions.

The bit counter circuit from the ARM1 processor chip. This circuit counts the number of registers selected by the LDM/STM instructions.

Pass transistors and transmission gates

The bit counter is built from a type of circuitry called pass transistor logic. Unlike normal logic gates, pass transistor logic switches the inputs themselves to pass an input directly to the output. Pass transistors are used because sums (i.e. XORs) are inconvenient to generate with standard logic and can be generated more efficiently with pass transistor logic.

The ARM1 chip, like most modern chips, is built from a technology called CMOS. The C in CMOS stands for complementary because CMOS circuits are built from two complementary types of transistors. NMOS transistors switch on when the control signal on the gate is high, and can pull the output low. PMOS transistors are opposite; they switch on when the gate's control signal is low, and can pull the output high. Combining an NMOS transistor and a PMOS transistor in parallel forms a transmission gate. If both transistors are on, the input will be passed to the output whether it is low or high. If both transistors are off, the input is blocked. Thus, the circuit acts as a switch that can either pass the input through to the output or block it.

The diagram below shows two transistors (circled) connected to form a transmission gate. The upper one is NMOS and the lower one is PMOS. On the right is the symbol for a transmission gate. Note that because the transistors are complementary, they require opposite enable signals.

Schematic symbols for a CMOS pass gate. On the left, the two transistors are shown. On the right is the equivalent pass gate symbol. The circles around the transistors are to make the transistors clear and are not part of the symbol.

Schematic symbols for a CMOS transmission gate. On the left, the two transistors are shown. On the right is the equivalent transmission gate symbol. The circles around the transistors are to make the transistors clear and are not part of the symbol.

The multiplexer

Next, we can look at how transmission gates are used in the chip. The diagram below shows a multiplexer as it appears in the Visual ARM1 simulator. The ARM1 chip is constructed from five layers, which appear as different colors in the simulator. (The layers are harder to distinguish in the real chip.) The bottom layer is the silicon that makes up the transistors of the chip. During manufacturing, regions of the silicon are modified (doped) by applying different impurities. Silicon can be doped positive to form a PMOS transistor (blue) or doped negative for an NMOS transistor (red). Undoped silicon (black) is basically an insulator. Polysilicon wires (green) are deposited on top of the silicon. When polysilicon crosses doped silicon, it forms the gate of a transistor (yellow). Finally, two layers of metal[4] (gray) are on top of the polysilicon and provide wiring. Black squares are contacts that form connections between the different layers.

A pass-gate multiplexer in the ARM1 processor, showing how different layers are displayed in the Visual ARM1 simulator.

A pass-gate multiplexer in the ARM1 processor, showing how different layers are displayed in the Visual ARM1 simulator.

Each multiplexer consists of four transistors: two NMOS (red) and two PMOS (blue); the gate appears in yellow between the two sides of the transistor. These form two transmission gates allowing either the left input or the right input to be connected to the output. If "Select left" is high and "Select right" is low, the two transistors on the left turn on, connecting the left input to the output. Conversely, if "Select right" is high and "Select left" is low, the two transistors on the right turn on, connecting the right input to the output.

A pass-gate multiplexer circuit in the ARM1 processor. The left shows the physical construction of the circuit, as it appears in the Visual ARM1 simulator. The corresponding schematic is on the right. If 'Select left' is high, the two transistors on the left will be active, connecting the left input to the output. If 'Select right' is high, the two transistors on the right will connect the right input to the output.

A pass-gate multiplexer circuit in the ARM1 processor. The left shows the physical construction of the circuit, as it appears in the Visual ARM1 simulator. The corresponding schematic is on the right. If 'Select left' is high, the two transistors on the left will be active, connecting the left input to the output. If 'Select right' is high, the two transistors on the right will connect the right input to the output.
The symbol for a multiplexer is shown below. If the select line is 1, the input labeled 1 is selected for the output, and conversely for 0. Note that the inverted select line is also required, but isn't explicitly shown in the symbol. This is important, since the inverted select must be generated in the circuit.

Symbol for a two-input multiplexer. Based on the select line, one of the inputs goes to the output.

Symbol for a two-input multiplexer. Based on the select line, one of the inputs goes to the output.

Building a full adder from multiplexers

A full adder is a digital circuit to add two bits along with a carry in, generating a sum output and a carry output. (If you think of the output as a binary sum, the sum output is the low bit and the carry output is the high bit.) Equivalently, the full adder can be thought of as adding three input bits. The full adder is the building block of the ARM1's bit counting circuit.

In the ARM1, a full adder is built from multiplexers, along with a few inverters. The diagram below shows how a full adder appears in the simulator. Counting the yellow rectangles, you can see that there are 29 transistors in the circuit. The transistors are connected by metal wires (gray) and polysilicon wires (green). While the layout may appear chaotic, the transistors are arranged in an orderly way: a row of PMOS transistors (blue), two rows of NMOS transistors (red), and a second row of PMOS transistors (blue).[5]

A full-adder circuit in the ARM1 processor, as it appears in the Visual ARM1 simulator.

A full-adder circuit in the ARM1 processor, as it appears in the Visual ARM1 simulator.
Arranging components for high density wasn't important to the ARM1 designers, so they built circuits from standard blocks (or cells) using computerized design tools, resulting in the regular layout seen above. On the other hand, the designers of earlier processors such as the 6502 and Z-80 tried to minimize the chip size as much as possible, so the chip layout was highly optimized. Each transistor and wire was hand-drawn to fit as tightly as possible, almost like a jigsaw puzzle. The image below shows part of the Z-80 chip, demonstrating the tightly-packed, irregular layout. The difference between hand-draw, optimized layout and computer-generated layout is striking.

A detail of the Z-80 processor layout, showing the complex hand-drawn layout. Each transistor and wire is carefully shaped to minimize the chip's size.

A detail of the Z-80 processor layout, showing the complex hand-drawn layout. Each transistor and wire is carefully shaped to minimize the chip's size. Z-80 data is from the Visual 6502 project.

The schematic below shows how the full adder in the ARM1 is built from multiplexers. In the lower left, a multiplexer generates "A XOR B", which is the single-bit sum of A and B. If you try the combinations of A and B, you'll find that the output is 1 if exactly one of the inputs is 1, and otherwise 0. The next multiplexer reverses the A inputs and computes the complement of A XOR B.[6] The third multiplexer implements a NAND gate: If B is 1 and A is 1, the output is 0.[7]

Schematic of a full-adder in the ARM1 processor, showing its construction from multiplexers. Inverters for A and B are not shown.

Schematic of a full-adder in the ARM1 processor, showing its construction from multiplexers. Inverters for A and B are not shown.

The multiplexers in the upper half compute the sum and carry (i.e. bit 0 and bit 1 of the binary sum), as can be verified by trying the input combinations. You might wonder why inverters are used, rather than generating the desired outputs directly. The reason is to boost the signals, since the outputs of multiplexers are relatively weak.

The diagram below indicates the multiplexers and inverters[6] that make up a full adder, with the components highlighted. Each multiplexer is built as described earlier, and they are arranged as in the schematic above. The multiplexers are connected together by polysilicon and metal wires. The three inputs are at the bottom and the two outputs are at the top. This adder is the main block used to build the bit counter, and the next section will show how adders are connected together.

A full-adder circuit in the ARM1 processor, showing how it is built from pass-gate multiplexers and inverters.

A full-adder circuit in the ARM1 processor, showing how it is built from pass-gate multiplexers and inverters.

Building the bit counter from adders

The bit counter takes 16 bit inputs and generates a 4-bit count as output, using adders as building blocks. The flow chart below shows how it operates, with data flowing from top to bottom. Each box is an adder, with carry (C) and sum (S) outputs. Boxes are colored according to which bit of the sum they are computing: red for the 1's bit, green for the 2's bit, blue for the 4's bit and purple for the 8's bit. Each box passes its sum output down and passes its carry to the left.

Overall, the process is similar to long addition if you could just add three digits at a time. You compute partial sums, then add up those sums, and so forth until all the sums are added up. Then the carries need to be added up, along with the sums of those carries, and so forth. If there are carries from those digits, they need to be added up, until finally everything has been added.

The first step of counting the bits is to add each triple of bits with a full adder, generating a two bit count (0, 1, or 2). Inconveniently, since the sixteen input bits aren't divisible by 3, one bit is left over and is handled separately. Next, the five partial sums are added by more adders (red). As carries are generated, they also get added (green). Carries from the carries are also added (blue). In the final step, two-input half adders[8] compute the sum output; these half adders are simpler than the three-input full adders.[9]

The bit counter in the ARM1 processor is built from full-adders and half adders. Red corresponds to sum bit 0, green is bit 1, blue is bit 2, and purple is bit 3.

The bit counter in the ARM1 processor is built from full-adders and half adders. Red corresponds to sum bit 0, green is bit 1, blue is bit 2, and purple is bit 3. To simplify the diagram, outputs from the first stage are indicated by letters rather than lines.

The diagram below shows how the flow chart above is implemented on the chip to create the entire bit counter circuit. The adders are numbered to match the flow chart. The data bus is at the bottom, connected to the bit counter inputs by 16 polysilicon wires (green). Data flows generally upwards through the circuit, opposite to the flow chart. The five adders at the bottom add triples of input bits, and the remaining adders combine the sums and carries. The four half adders are connected to the output drivers in the upper right. The control circuit enables and disables the output drivers, so the bit count is output to the bus at the right times.

The bit counter circuit in the ARM1 processor. The full-adders and half-adders are indicated with numbers. The bits enter and the bottom and the count is output at the upper right.

The bit counter circuit in the ARM1 processor. The full-adders and half-adders are indicated with numbers. The bits enter and the bottom and the count is output at the upper right.


Well, it's been quite a journey from individual transistors to the bit counter, a complex functional block in a real processor. Hopefully this article has taken some of the mystery out of how circuits in a processor are constructed. Now you can try out the Visual ARM1 simulator and take a look at this circuit in action.[10]

Notes and references

[1] An interesting interview with Steve Furber, co-designer of the ARM1, explains how ARM achieved low power consumption. Acorn wanted to use a low-cost plastic package for the chip, but it could only handle 1 Watt. The designers didn't have good tools for estimating power consumption, so they were conservative in their design and the final power consumption was way below the target, just 1/10 Watt. In addition, ARM1 had a simple RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) design, which also reduced power consumption: ARM1 had about 25,000 transistors compared to 275,000 in the 80386 which came out the same year. Thus, the low power consumption of ARM that led to its wild success in mobile applications was largely accidental.

[2] ARM's block data transfer instructions are called STM (Store Multiple) and LDM (Load Multiple), storing and loading multiple registers with one instruction. These instructions don't exactly fit the RISC processor philosophy since they are fairly complex and perform many memory accesses, but the ARM designers took the pragmatic approach and implemented them for efficiency. These instructions can be used for copying data or for stack push/pop, saving registers in a subroutine call or interrupt handler. Note that these instructions are not implemented in microcode, but in hardware that steps through the registers and memory.

[3] It's not obvious why a bit counter is required at all. You'd think the chip could just store registers until it's done, without knowing the total count. The unexpected answer is that LDM/STM always start with the lowest address working upwards. For example, if you're popping 4 registers off the stack with LDM, you'd expect to start at the top of the stack and work down. Instead, the ARM pulls registers out of the middle of the stack: it starts four words from the top, pops registers in reverse order going up, and then updates the stack pointer to the bottom. The results are exactly the same as popping from the top, just the memory accesses are in the reverse order. (The STM instruction is explained in detail on the ARMwiki.) Thus, the bit counter is needed to figure out how far down to jump in memory at the start of the instruction.

That raises the question of why would memory accesses always go low to high, even when that seems backwards. The explanation is that you want to update register 15 (the program counter) last, so if there's a fault during the instruction you haven't clobbered the instruction address and can restart. This problem was discovered partway through the ARM1 design, causing the designers to implement the new strategy that block transfers always go from lowest register to highest register and lowest address to highest address. The bit counter was added to support this. Some remnants of the earlier, simpler design are visible in the ARM1. Specifically, the priority encoder can operate either direction, but high-to-low is never used. In addition, the address incrementer can both increment and decrement addresses, but decrement is never used. The unused circuitry was removed from the later ARM2.

[4] At the time, having two layers of metal in the chip instead of one was a risky technology. However, the ARM1 designers wanted the convenience of two layers, which made routing the chip much simpler.

[5] A few other things to point out in the multiplexer layout. Note that the second input to each multiplexer matches the first input to the next multiplexer. This lets neighboring multiplexers share inputs, so they can be packed together more closely. Another thing of interest is the transistor sizes. The PMOS transistors are about twice the size of the NMOS transistors in order to provide the same current. The reason is that electrons carry the charge around in NMOS transistors, while "holes" carry the charge in PMOS transistor, and electrons move faster, providing more current (details). Finally, the transistors in the upper right are larger. These transistor drive the outputs from the multiplexer, so they must provide more current.

[6] You might wonder why the circuit computes the complement of A XOR B when it isn't used in the schematic. The reason is the multiplexer uses both the select input and the complement of the select input. Thus, the complement is used; it just isn't explicitly shown in the schematic. Likewise an inverter complements B, so it is available for the select lines.

[7] It is very unusual to implement a NAND gate with a multiplexer. Normally CMOS circuits implement a NAND gate with a standard four transistor circuit. But since the circuit already had multiplexers, adding an additional one was more efficient than the standard NAND gate.

[8] The half adder is built from standard gates, rather than multiplexers, as shown in the schematic below. The half adder's behavior is different from a standard half adder: it computes A+B+1 instead of A+B. Thus, the output of the four half adders is equivalent to adding binary 1111 to the sum, equivalent to subtracting 1. The output drivers invert this, so the output on the bus is the twos complement of the sum. The outputs are also shifted two bits on the bus, multiplying the value by 4 (since ARM registers are 4 bytes long). For example, if you pop 3 registers the stack will be decremented by 12 bytes.

The half-adder circuit from the ARM1 processor's bit counter. The outputs from this half-adder are different from normal, as it is used to generate a twos-complement negative output.

The half-adder circuit from the ARM1 processor's bit counter. The outputs from this half-adder are different from normal, as it is used to generate a twos-complement negative output.

[9] The circuit complexity of the bit counter is interesting. To sum 16 bits requires 15 adders. In general, summing N bits will require N-1 adders (for N a power of 2). Note that each adder takes 3 lines down to 2, so reducing N lines down to 1output requires N-1 adders. (There are 4 outputs, not 1, but the half adders bump the total back to N-1). The number of adders for each output bit is a power of 2: 1 purple, 2 blue, 4 green, 8 red. Larger sum circuits could be created by combining two smaller ones. For example, two 16-bit counter circuits could be combined to create a 32-bit counter circuit by adding four more full adders to add the results from each half, before the final half-adder layer. The circuit used in the ARM1 isn't quite the recursive design, pushing more adders to the first layer. An important part of the design is to minimize propagation delay; in the ARM1 design, signals go through 6 adders in worst case, slightly better than the purely recursive design.

[10] Thanks to the Visual 6502 team for providing the simulator and ARM1 chip layout data. If you're interested in ARM1 internals, also see Dave Mugridge's series of posts.

Reverse engineering the ARM1, ancestor of the iPhone's processor

Almost every smartphone uses a processor based on the ARM1 chip created in 1985. The Visual ARM1 simulator shows what happens inside the ARM1 chip as it runs; the result (below) is fascinating but mysterious.[1] In this article, I reverse engineer key parts of the chip and explain how they work, bridging the gap between the puzzling flashing lines in the simulator and what the chip is actually doing. I describe the overall structure of the chip and then descend to the individual transistors, showing how they are built out of silicon and work together to store and process data. After reading this article, you can look at the chip's circuits and understand the data they store.

Simulation of the ARM1 processor chip.

Screenshot of the Visual ARM1 simulator, showing the activity inside the ARM1 chip as it executes a program.

Overview of the ARM1 chip

The ARM1 chip is built from functional blocks, each with a different purpose. Registers store data, the ALU (arithmetic-logic unit) performs simple arithmetic, instruction decoders determine how to handle each instruction, and so forth. Compared to most processors, the layout of the chip is simple, with each functional block clearly visible. (In comparison, the layout of chips such as the 6502 or Z-80 is highly hand-optimized to avoid any wasted space. In these chips, the functional blocks are squished together, making it harder to pick out the pieces.)

The diagram below shows the most important functional blocks of the ARM chip.[2] The actual processing happens in the bottom half of the chip, which implements the data path. The chip operates on 32 bits at a time so it is structured as 32 horizontal layers: bit 31 at the top, down to bit 0 at the bottom. Several data buses run horizontally to connect different sections of the chip. The large register file, with 25 registers, stands out in the image. The Program Counter (register 15) is on the left of the register file and register 0 is on the right.[3]

The main components of the ARM1 chip. Most of the pins are used for address and data lines; unlabeled pins are various control signals.

The main components of the ARM1 chip. Most of the pins are used for address and data lines; unlabeled pins are various control signals.

Computation takes place in the ALU (arithmetic-logic unit), which is to the right of the registers. The ALU performs 16 different operations (add, add with carry, subtract, logical AND, logical OR, etc.) It takes two 32-bit inputs and produces a 32-bit output. The ALU is described in detail here.[4] To the right of the ALU is the 32-bit barrel shifter. This large component performs a binary shift or rotate operation on its input, and is described in more detail below. At the left is the address circuitry which provides an address to memory through the address pins. At the right data circuitry reads and writes data values to memory.

Above the datapath circuitry is the control circuitry. The control lines run vertically from the control section to the data path circuits below. These signals select registers, tell the ALU what operation to perform, and so forth. The instruction decode circuitry processes each instruction and generates the necessary control signals. The register decode block processes the register select bits in an instruction and generates the control signals to select the desired registers.[5]

The pins

The squares around the outside of the image above are the pads that connect the processor to the outside world. The photo below shows the 84-pin package for the ARM1 processor chip. The gold-plated pins are wired to the pads on the silicon chip inside the package.

The ARM1 processor chip installed in the Acorn ARM Evaluation System. Original photo by Flibble,, CC BY-SA 3.0.

The ARM1 processor chip installed in the Acorn ARM Evaluation System. Full photo by Flibble, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Most of the pads are used for the address and data lines to memory. The chip has 26 address lines, allowing it to access 64MB of memory, and has 32 data lines, allowing it to read or write 32 bits at a time. The address lines are in the lower left and the data lines are in the lower right. As the simulator runs, you can see the address pins step through memory and the data pins read data from memory. The right hand side of the simulator shows the address and data values in hex, e.g. "A:00000020 D:e1a00271". If you know hex, you can easily match these values to the pin states.

Each corner of the chip has a power pin (+) and a ground pin (-), providing 5 volts to run the chip. Various control signals are at the top of the chip. In the simulator, it is easy to spot the the two clock signals that step the chip through its operations (below). The phase 1 and phase 2 clocks alternate, providing a tick-tock rhythm to the chip. In the simulator, the clock runs at a couple cycles per second, while the real chip has a 8MHz clock, more than a million times faster. Finally, note below the manufacturer's name "ACORN" on the chip in place of pin 82.

The two clock signals for the ARM1 processor chip.

History of the ARM chip

The ARM1 was designed in 1985 by engineers Sophie Wilson (formerly Roger Wilson) and Steve Furber of Acorn Computers. The chip was originally named the Acorn RISC Machine and intended as a coprocessor for the BBC Micro home/educational computer to improve its performance. Only a few hundred ARM1 processors were fabricated, so you might expect ARM to be a forgotten microprocessor, a historical footnote of the 1980s. However, the original ARM1 chip led to the amazingly successful ARM architecture with more than 50 billion ARM chips produced. What happened?

In the early 1980s, academic research suggested that instead of making processor instruction sets more complex, designers would get better performance from a processor that was simple but fast: the Reduced Instruction Set Computer or RISC.[6] The Berkeley and Stanford research papers on RISC inspired the ARM designers to choose a RISC design. In addition, given the small size of the design team at Acorn, a simple RISC chip was a practical choice.[7]

The simplicity of a RISC design is clear when comparing the ARM1 and Intel's 80386, which came out the same year: the ARM1 had about 25,000 transistors versus 275,000 in the 386.[8] The photos below show the two chips at the same scale; the ARM1 is 50mm2 compared to 104mm2 for the 386. (Twenty years later, an ARM7TDMI core was 0.1mm2; magnified at the same scale it would be the size of this square vividly illustrating Moore's law.)

Die photo of the ARM1 processor chip. Courtesy of Computer History Museum. Intel 386 CPU die photo (A80386DX-20). By Pdesousa359, (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Die photos of the ARM1 processor and the Intel 386 processor to the same scale. The ARM1 is much smaller and contained 25,000 transistors compared to 275,000 in the 386. The 386 was higher density, with a 1.5 micron process compared to 3 micron for the ARM1. ARM1 photo courtesy of Computer History Museum. Intel A80386DX-20 by Pdesousa359, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Because of the ARM1's small transistor count, the chip used very little power: about 1/10 Watt, compared to nearly 2 Watts for the 386. The combination of high performance and low power consumption made later versions of ARM chip very popular for embedded systems. Apple chose the ARM processor for its ill-fated Newton handheld system and in 1990, Acorn Computers, Apple, and chip manufacturer VLSI Technology formed the company Advanced RISC Machines to continue ARM development.[9]

In the years since then, ARM has become the world's most-used instruction set with more than 50 billion ARM processors manufactured. The majority of mobile devices use an ARM processor; for instance, the Apple A8 processor inside iPhone 6 uses the 64-bit ARMv8-A. Despite its humble beginnings, the ARM1 made IEEE Spectrum's list of 25 microchips that shook the world and PC World's 11 most influential microprocessors of all time.

Looking at the low-level construction of the ARM1 chip

Getting back to the chip itself, the ARM1 chip is constructed from five layers. If you zoom in on the chip in the simulator, you can see the components of the chip, built from these layers. As seen below, the simulator uses a different color for each layer, and highlights circuits that are turned on. The bottom layer is the silicon that makes up the transistors of the chip. During manufacturing, regions of the silicon are modified (doped) by applying different impurities. Silicon can be doped positive to form a PMOS transistor (blue) or doped negative for an NMOS transistor (red). Undoped silicon is basically an insulator (black).

The ARM1 simulator uses different colors to represent the different layers of the chip.

The ARM1 simulator uses different colors to represent the different layers of the chip.

Polysilicon wires (green) are deposited on top of the silicon. When polysilicon crosses doped silicon, it forms the gate of a transistor (yellow). Finally, two layers of metal (gray) are on top of the polysilicon and provide wiring.[10] Black squares are contacts that form connections between the different layers.

For our purposes, a MOS transistor can be thought of as a switch, controlled by the gate. When it is on (closed), the source and drain silicon regions are connected. When it is off (open), the source and drain are disconnected. The diagram below shows the three-dimensional structure of a MOS transistor.

Structure of a MOS transistor.

Structure of a MOS transistor.

Like most modern processors, the ARM1 was built using CMOS technology, which uses two types of transistors: NMOS and PMOS. NMOS transistors turn on when the gate is high, and pull their output towards ground. PMOS transistors turn on when the gate is low, and pull their output towards +5 volts.

Understanding the register file

The register file is a key component of the ARM1, storing information inside the chip. (As a RISC chip, the ARM1 makes heavy use of its registers.) The register file consists of 25 registers, each holding 32 bits. This section describes step-by-step how the register file is built out of individual transistors.

The diagram below shows two transistors forming an inverter. If the input is high (as below), the NMOS transistor (red) turns on, connecting ground to the output so the output is low. If the input is low, the PMOS transistor (blue) turns on, connecting power to the output so the output is high. Thus, the output is the opposite of the input, making an inverter.

An inverter in the ARM1 chip, as displayed by the simulator.

An inverter in the ARM1 chip, as displayed by the simulator.

Combining two inverters into a loop forms a simple storage circuit. If the first inverter outputs 1, the second inverter outputs 0, causing the first inverter to output 1, and the circuit is stable. Likewise, if the first inverter outputs 0, the second outputs 1, and the circuit is again stable. Thus, the circuit will remain in either state indefinitely, "remembering" one bit until forced into a different state.

Two inverters in the ARM1 chip form one bit of register storage.

Two inverters in the ARM1 chip form one bit of register storage.

To make this circuit into a useful register cell, read and write bus lines are added, along with select lines to connect the cell to the bus lines. When the write select line is activated, the pass connector connects the write bus to the inverter, allowing a new value to be overwrite the current bit. Likewise, pass transistors connect the bit to a read bus when activated by the corresponding select line, allowing the stored value to be read out.

Schematic of one bit in the ARM1 processor's register file.

Schematic of one bit in the ARM1 processor's register file.

To create the register file, the register cell above is repeated 32 times vertically for each bit, and 25 times horizontally to form each register. Each bit has three horizontal bus lines — the write bus and the two read buses — so there are 32 triples of bus lines. Each register has three vertical control lines — the write select line and two read select lines — so there are 25 triples of control lines. By activating the desired control lines, two registers can be read and one register can be written at a time.[11] When the simulator is running, you can see the vertical control lines activated to select registers, and you can see the data bits flowing on the horizontal bus lines.

By looking at a memory cell in the simulator, you can see which inverter is on and determine if the bit is a 0 or a 1. The diagram below shows a few register bits. If the upper inverter input is active, the bit is 0; if the lower inverter input is active, the bit is 1. (Look at the green lines above or below the bit values.) Thus, you can read register values right out of the simulator if you look closely.

By looking at the ARM1 register file, you can determine the value of each bit. For a 0 bit, the input to the top inverter is active (green/yellow); for a 1 bit, the input to the bottom inverter is active.

By looking at the ARM1 register file, you can determine the value of each bit. For a 0 bit, the input to the top inverter is active (green/yellow); for a 1 bit, the input to the bottom inverter is active.

The barrel shifter

The barrel shifter, which performs binary shifts, is another interesting component of the ARM1. Most instructions use the barrel shifter, allowing a binary argument to be shifted left, shifted right, or rotated by any amount (0 to 31 bits). While running the simulator, you can see diagonal lines jumping back and forth in the barrel shifter.

The diagram below shows the structure of the barrel shifter. Bits flows into the shifter vertically with bit 0 on the left and bit 31 on the right. Output bits leave the shifter horizontally with bit 0 on the bottom and bit 31 on top. The diagonal lines visible in the barrel shifter show where the vertical lines are connected to the horizontal lines, generating a shifted output. Different positions of the diagonals result in different shifts. The upper diagonal line shifts bits to the left, and the lower diagonal line shifts bits to the right. For a rotation, both diagonals are active; it may not be immediately obvious but in a rotation part of the word is shifted left and part is shifted right.

Structure of the barrel shifter in the ARM1 chip.

Structure of the barrel shifter in the ARM1 chip.

Zooming in on the barrel shifter shows exactly how it works. It contains a 32 by 32 crossbar grid of transistors, each connecting one vertical line to one horizontal line. The transistor gates are connected by diagonal control lines; transistors along the active diagonal connect the appropriate vertical and horizontal lines. Thus, by activating the appropriate diagonals, the output lines are connected to the input lines, shifted by the desired amounts. Since the chip's input lines all run horizontally, there are 32 connections between input lines and the corresponding vertical bit lines.

Details of the barrel shifter in the ARM1 chip. Transistors along a specific diagonal are activated to connect the vertical bit lines and output lines. Each input line is connected to a vertical bit line through the indicated connections.

Details of the barrel shifter in the ARM1 chip. Transistors along a specific diagonal are activated to connect the vertical bit lines and output lines. Each input line is connected to a vertical bit line through the indicated connections.

The demonstration program

When you run the simulator, it executes a short hardcoded program that performs shifts of increasing amounts. You don't need to understand the code, but if you're curious it is:
0000  E1A0100F mov     r1, pc        @ Some setup
0004  E3A0200C mov     r2, #12
0008  E1B0F002 movs    pc, r2
000C  E1A00000 nop
0010  E1A00000 nop
0014  E3A02001 mov     r2, #1        @ Load register r2 with 1
0018  E3A0100F mov     r1, #15       @ Load r1 with value to shift
001C  E59F300C ldr     r3, pointer
0020  E1A00271 ror     r0, r1, r2    @ Rotate r1 by r2 bits, store in r0
0024  E2822001 add     r2, r2, #1    @ Add 1 to r2
0028  E4830004 str     r0, [r3], #4  @ Write result to memory
002C  EAFFFFFB b       loop          @ Branch to loop
Inside the loop, register r1 (0x000f) is rotated to the right by r2 bit positions and the result is stored in register r0. Then r2 is incremented and the shift result written to memory. As the simulator runs, watch as r2 is incremented and as r0 goes through the various values of 4 bits rotated. The A and D values show the address and data pins as instructions are read from memory.

The changing shift values are clearly visible in the barrel shifter, as the diagonal line shifts position. If you zoom in on the register file, you can read out the values of the registers, as described earlier.


The ARM1 processor led to the amazingly successful ARM processor architecture that powers your smart phone. The simple RISC architecture of the ARM1 makes the circuitry of the processor easy to understand, at least compared to a chip such as the 386.[12] The ARM1 simulator provides a fascinating look at what happens inside a processor, and hopefully this article has helped explain what you see in the simulator.

P.S. If you want to read more about ARM1 internals, see Dave Mugridge's series of posts:
Inside the armv1 Register Bank
Inside the armv1 Register Bank - register selection
Inside the armv1 Read Bus
Inside the ALU of the armv1 - the first ARM microprocessor

Notes and references

[1] I should make it clear that I am not part of the Visual 6502 team that built the ARM1 simulator. More information on the simulator is in the Visual 6502 team's blog post The Visual ARM1.

[2] The block diagram below shows the components of the chip in more detail. See the ARM Evaluation System manual for an explanation of each part.

Floorplan of the ARM1 chip, from ARM Evaluation System manual. (Bus labels are corrected from original.)

Floorplan of the ARM1 chip, from ARM Evaluation System manual. (Bus labels are corrected from original.)

[3] You may have noticed that the ARM architecture describes 16 registers, but the chip has 25 physical registers. There are 9 "extra" registers because there are extra copies of some registers for use while handling interrupts.

Another interesting thing about the register file is the PC register is missing a few bits. Since the ARM1 uses 26-bit addresses, the top 6 bits are not used. Because all instructions are aligned on a 32-bit boundary, the bottom two address bits in the PC are always zero. These 8 bits are not only unused, they are omitted from the chip entirely.

[4] The ALU doesn't support multiplication (added in ARM 2) or division (added in ARMv7).

[5] A bit more detail on the decode circuitry. Instruction decoding is done through three separate PLAs. The ALU decode PLA generates control signals for the ALU based on the four operation bits in the instruction. The shift decode PLA generates control signals for the barrel shifter. The instruction decode PLA performs the overall decoding of the instruction. The register decode block consists of three layers. Each layer takes a 4-bit register id and activates the corresponding register. There are three layers because ARM operations use two registers for inputs and a third register for output.

[6] In a RISC computer, the instruction set is restricted to the most-used instructions, which are optimized for high performance and can typically execute in a single clock cycle. Instructions are a fixed size, simplifying the instruction decoding logic. A RISC processor requires much less circuitry for control and instruction decoding, leaving more space on the chip for registers. Most instructions operate on registers, and only load and store instructions access memory. For more information on RISC vs CISC, see RISC architecture.

[7] For details on the history of the ARM1, see Conversation with Steve Furber: The designer of the ARM chip shares lessons on energy-efficient computing.

[8] The 386 and the ARM1 instruction sets are different in many interesting ways. The 386 has instructions from 1 byte to 15 bytes, while all ARM1 instructions are 32-bits long. The 386 has 15 registers - all with special purposes, while the ARM1 has 25 registers, mostly general-purpose. 386 instructions can usually operate on memory, while ARM1 instructions operate on registers except for load and store. The 386 has about 140 different instructions, compared to a couple dozen in the ARM1 (depending how you count). Take a look at the 386 opcode map to see how complex decoding a 386 instruction is. ARM1 instructions fall into 5 categories and can be simply decoded. (I'm not criticizing the 386's architecture, just pointing out the major architectural differences.)

See the Intel 80386 Programmer's Reference Manual and 80386 Hardware Reference Manual for more details on the 386 architecture.

[9] Interestingly the ARM company doesn't manufacture chips. Instead, the ARM intellectual property is licensed to hundreds of different companies that build chips that use the ARM architecture. See The ARM Diaries: How ARM's business model works for information on how ARM makes money from licensing the chip to other companies.

[10] The first metal layer in the chip runs largely top-to-bottom, while the second metal layer runs predominantly horizontally. Having two layers of metal makes the layout much simpler than single-layer processors such as the 6502 or Z-80.

[11] In the register file, alternating bits are mirrored to simplify the layout. This allows neighboring bits to share power and ground lines. The ARM1's register file is triple-ported, so two register can be read and one register written at the same time. This is in contrast to chips such as the 6502 or Z-80, which can only access registers one at a time.

[12] For more information on the ARM1 internals, the book VLSI Risc Architecture and Organization by ARM chip designer Steven Furber has a hundred pages of information on the ARM chip internals. An interesting slide deck is A Brief History of ARM by Lee Smith, ARM Fellow.

Creating high resolution integrated circuit die photos with Hugin or ICE

Have you ever wanted to take a bunch of photos of an integrated circuit die and combine them into a high-res image? The stitching software can be difficult, so I've written a guide to the process I use. These tips may also be useful for other Hugin panoramas.

The first step is to take a bunch of photos of the die with a microscope. I used an old Motorola 6820 PIA (Peripheral Interface Adapter) chip. This chip had a metal cap over the die that popped off easily with a chisel, exposing the die. The 6820 is notable as the keyboard interface chip in the Apple I computer.

The MC6820 chip with the metal lid popped off to reveal the silicon die.

The MC6820 chip with the metal lid popped off to reveal the silicon die.

The next step is to take photos of the die through a microscope. I used an AmScope metallurgical microscope like the one below. A metallurgical microscope shines the light from above so you can view opaque objects such as chips. (The box on the right of the microscope is the light.) It's much easier if the microscope has an X-Y stage to precisely move the die for each picture.

The key to success is pictures with substantial overlap, so the software can figure out how to combine them. Use more overlap than you think necessary - at least 30% is good. Skimping on the overlap may result in hours of manual work later. The quality of the input photos is also important - make sure the die is level so you can get sharp focus across the whole image. Give the images structured names according to their grid position: 11.png, 12.png, 21.png, ... This will make it much easier to figure out which photos are overlapping neighbors when stitching them together.

For this article, I used the set of images below. Some of them overlap substantially, and some ... not so much. As a result, this article describes a fairly difficult stitch. In the process I learned the importance of overlap, and Hugin worked much better when I tried again with a denser set of images.

The set of images used to generate the die photo.

The set of images used to generate the die photo.

The easiest way to stitch together photos is with Microsoft's Image Composite Editor (ICE). You simply import the photos, click Stitch, and save the result. If ICE works, it's super-easy, but it doesn't have any flexibility if you run into problems (as I did). ICE can be downloaded from Microsoft.

If ICE doesn't work for you, the open-source Hugin panorama photo stitcher is much more flexible and provides many more options. While Hugin is easy to use for simple panoramas, it's pretty confusing for more complex projects, which is why I've written this. The software can be downloaded from the Hugin website. To start a stitch with Hugin, load the images by dragging-and-dropping them into the Photos window. Enter "Normal (rectilinear)" for the lens type and 1 for HFOV in the dialog.

The next step is to generate the control points, which indicate features that match between pairs of images. The control points are what tie the images together, so high quality control points are critical. To generate control points, under "Feature Matching" select "Hugin's CPFind" and click "Create control points". (See the screenshot below.) It will take several minutes to generate control points. You can install other control point finders if you want. Autopano-SIFT-C is said to be good, but I didn't get good results at all with it; it is in a zip file here.

Main screen of the Hugin panorama program

Main screen of the Hugin panorama program

Next, optimize the control points to fit the images together. Select Custom Parameters under Optimize, which will add the Optimizer tab. Go to the Optimize tab, and disable rotation and lens parameter optimization, so only Pitch and Yaw are optimized: Right click on Roll, and select "Unselect all", so the roll entries are not underlined. Do the same for lens parameters. Back at the Photos tab, select "Positions (incremental, starting from anchor)" under Optimize and click "Calculate". Hugin will try to find the best positions for the images. You want a maximum distance of a few pixels, but if you're unlucky the distance may be in the hundreds. Click Yes to apply the optimization.

The Panorama Preview icon will generate a panorama based on the control points. To get the image to the center, click Center and then click the center of the images. Click Fit and it may fit the panorama into the window, or you may need to move the sliders (very slowly). Above the panorama, you can select which images you wish to display. Important: only the selected images will be optimized. If you don't have enough images selected, you'll get the mysterious error "No Feature Points". As you can see below, my first attempt was a mess with all the images in one badly-aligned horizontal strip.

An unsuccessful attempt to generate a composite photo of an IC die with Hugin.

An unsuccessful attempt to generate a composite photo of an IC die with Hugin.

The next step is to fix the control points. Because Hugin optimizes globally, even a few bad control points can mess up the entire image. The main way to fix control points is the Control Points screen, shown below. Select an image on the left and an image on the right. The image selection dialog shows how many control points match between the images. The squares on the images indicate matching control points, which are also listed. If images overlap but don't have any control points, add control points by clicking matching spots in the left and right images. The images will then zoom so you can fine-tune the positions. Finally, click Add.

The control point editing screen in Hugin.

The control point editing screen in Hugin.

A quick way to create control points between two images that overlap is to re-run Hugin's feature mapper on the pair of images. Go to the Photos tab, control-click two images, and then click Create Control Points. If the images overlap sufficiently, Hugin should find control points. If this doesn't work, you're stuck with manually adding points as described above.

If two images shouldn't share control points, go to the Control Points tab, select the two images and delete their control points. This is where organized naming of the images helps - if you see control points between img00 and img35, there's probably something wrong.

You can also clean up bad control points with the control points list. Click the Show Control Points icon at the top and click Distance to sort. You should see a lot of small distances (good) and some very large distances (bad) at the bottom. Click a large distance, and it will bring up the Control Points page. Delete the bad control points. You can also do a bulk delete from the Show Control Points dialog. Click Select by Distance, enter 50 (for example), and then click delete. (But be warned this could delete some good control points too, so you might want to check them first.)

Once the control points are reasonably sensible, go back to the Photos tab and re-optimize. If you're lucky, the images will now be aligned. Unfortunately, I ended up with a cubist mess. I'll explain how to still get a panorama even if you run into problems like this.

Another unsuccessful attempt to make a composite die photo with Hugin.

Another unsuccessful attempt to make a composite die photo with Hugin.

If the parameters get too messed up, select Custom Parameters under Optimize, which will add the Optimizer tab. Under that tab you can reset all the parameters, or parameters for individual images. This is helpful if images start showing up rotated, for instance.

To debug your panorama, you can add images to the panorama one at a time to see which image is causing the problems. Use the Panorama Preview to select the images you want to process. After adding each new image, use the Optimizer tab to optimize the selected images: check "Only use control points between image selected in preview window" and click "Optimize now". If the image shows up in the right spot, all is well. Otherwise, there's something wrong with the last image's control points. Examine its control points under the Control Points tab, and delete any bad matches. (Since integrated circuits often have repeated blocks, it's easy for the matcher to generate convincing but entirely wrong control points.) If the newly-added image doesn't show up at all, it probably lacks any control points linking it with the rest of the images, and got placed at the origin. If the image shows up at an angle, it may have just one control point linking it to another image, letting it swivel around, so add more matching control points. After fixing the image's control points, re-optimize and hopefully it will now be placed correctly. You should be able to correct all the problems by proceeding image by image.

The Panorama Preview window in Hugin. By selecting a subset of the images to tile, control point errors can be corrected one image at a time.

The Panorama Preview window in Hugin. By selecting a subset of the images to tile, control point errors can be corrected one image at a time.

Once you have a good preview, you can generate the final image. Go to the Stitcher tab. Select Equirectangular project. Click Calculate field of view. I recommend starting with a small canvas; it's annoying to wait for a 100 megapixel image and then discover it's a mess. I suggest avoiding cropping; Hugin tends to crop too much, and it's easy to crop later with a tool such as Gimp. Finally, click Stitch, save the project, and wait while the image is generated.

If the result looks good, increase the resolution and generate a high-res version. The photo below shows my final stitched image of the Motorola 6820 die. Click for the full-size image. I've left the image uncropped to make the tiling more visible. I've since made a better composite, starting with source images that overlapped more, and the process was much easier.

Die photo of the Motorola 6820 Peripheral Interface Adapter chip, composited with Hugin.

Die photo of the Motorola 6820 Peripheral Interface Adapter chip, composited with Hugin.

One advanced Hugin feature that may be useful is defining horizontal and vertical lines, so your image comes out straight (wiki). To do this, add control points on a horizontal line between two images, e.g. the upper edge at the left and the upper edge at the right. Note that unlike regular control points, you are not matching the same point in both images, just points on the same horizontal line. After clicking Add, change the mode to Horizontal Line using the dropdown. Put another horizontal edge on the bottom of the die. Vertical lines are similar.

To conclude, making a high-res die photo is an interesting project if you have the right kind of microscope. The Hugin compositing software has a steep learning curve, but hopefully this article will help. Starting with images that overlap significantly will make the process much easier. I should mention that I'm not at all an expert at Hugin or die photos - please leave a comment if you have suggestions.

Acknowledgements: Mikhail at zeptobars gave me helpful advice about Hugin. Other good sites with die photos are Visual 6502 and Silicon Pr0n.

Update: some more advanced information from Mikhail:

Regarding optimizing lens parameters – one of the optimal ways is to make a test panorama, some 10-20 shots with ~50-70% shots overlap. Then you align this (position only, no rotation), and at the end – add lens parameters (first optimize on a,b,c, then d,e then a,b,c,d,e). After that you can export lens distortion calibration data to a file and preload it for a large optimization job, so that you won’t need to optimize it. This works for the same lens and same microscope alignment. Good microscope lenses might be okay without lens correction though.

Another large topic is chromatic aberration correction on individual photos before stitching, which also could be done by Hugin tools.

"c:\Program Files\Hugin\bin\tca_correct.exe" -o cv -n 1000 -t 10 -m 1 5xsample.tif

This will try to detect optimal chromatic aberration correction for a single photo. It will give you coefficients, which could be tested by:

"c:\Program Files\Hugin\bin\fulla.exe" -r 0.0000094:0.0000000:0.0000097:0.9853381 -b -0.0000853:0.0000000:-0.0004039:1.0021658 -s -t 4 -o corrected.tif 5xsample.tif

If corrected looks better than original – you can do that for all photos in a batch before stitching. Each lens needs its own correction batch. So for example I have separate batches for 10x and 20x lenses. 5x lenses is quite good without chroma correction.

set path=%path%;"c:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.7-Q16";"c:\Program Files\Hugin\bin\";
cd image
rem mogrify -shave 3
FOR %%I IN (*.tif) DO "fulla.exe" -r 0.0000000:0.0000000:-0.0003093:0.9990635 -b 0.0000000:0.0000000:0.0016437:1.0004672 -s -t 4 %%I -o %%I
mogrify -crop 4084x3276+6+5 *.tif
rem Original size: 4096x3286
ImageMagick crop is used at the end to cut any warped edges of the frame. Also some Chinese cameras have 1px artifacts on the very edges of the frame that should be cropped.