Inside the mechanical Bendix Air Data Computer, part 3: pressure transducers

The Bendix Central Air Data Computer (CADC) is an electromechanical analog computer that uses gears and cams for its mathematics. It was a key part of military planes such as the F-101 and the F-111 fighters, computing airspeed, Mach number, and other "air data". This article reverse-engineers the two pressure transducers, on the right in the photo below. It is part 3 of my series on the CADC.1

The Bendix MG-1A Central Air Data Computer with the case removed, showing the compact gear mechanisms inside. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The Bendix MG-1A Central Air Data Computer with the case removed, showing the compact gear mechanisms inside. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

Aircraft have determined airspeed from air pressure for over a century. A port in the side of the plane provides the static air pressure,2 the air pressure outside the aircraft. A pitot tube points forward and receives the "total" air pressure, a higher pressure due to the speed of the airplane forcing air into the tube. The airspeed can be determined from the ratio of these two pressures, while the altitude can be determined from the static pressure.

But as you approach the speed of sound, the fluid dynamics of air change and the calculations become very complicated. With the development of supersonic fighter planes in the 1950s, simple mechanical instruments were no longer sufficient. Instead, an analog computer calculated the "air data" (airspeed, air density, Mach number, and so forth) from the pressure measurements. This computer then transmitted the air data electrically to the systems that needed it: instruments, weapons targeting, engine control, and so forth. Since the computer was centralized, such a system was called a Central Air Data Computer or CADC, manufactured by Bendix and other companies.

A closeup of the numerous gears inside the CADC. Three differential gear mechanisms are visible.

A closeup of the numerous gears inside the CADC. Three differential gear mechanisms are visible.

Each value in the Bendix CADC is indicated by the rotational position of a shaft. Compact electric motors rotated the shafts, controlled by magnetic amplifier servo loops. Gears, cams, and differentials performed computations, with the results indicated by more rotations. Devices called synchros converted the rotations to electrical outputs that controlled other aircraft systems. The CADC is said to contain 46 synchros, 511 gears, 820 ball bearings, and a total of 2,781 major parts (but I haven't counted). These components are crammed into a compact cylinder: 15 inches long and weighing 28.7 pounds.

The equations computed by the CADC are impressively complicated. For instance, one equation computes the Mach number $M$ from the total pressure \( P_t \) and the static pressure \( P_s \):3

\[~~~\frac{P_t}{P_s} = \frac{166.9215M^7}{( 7M^2-1)^{2.5}}\]

It seems incredible that these functions could be computed mechanically, but three techniques make this possible. The fundamental mechanism is the differential gear, which adds or subtracts values. Second, logarithms are used extensively, so multiplications and divisions become additions and subtractions performed by a differential, while square roots are calculated by gearing down by a factor of 2. Finally, specially-shaped cams implement functions: logarithm, exponential, and other one-variable functions.4 By combining these mechanisms, complicated functions can be computed mechanically.

The pressure transducers

In this article, I'm focusing on the pressure transducers and how they turn pressures into shaft rotations. The CADC receives two pressure inputs: the total pressure \( P_t \) from the pitot tube, and the static pressure \( P_s \) from the static pressure port.5 The CADC has two independent pressure transducer subsystems, one for total pressure and one for static pressure. The two pressure transducers make up the right half of the CADC. The copper pressure tube for the static pressure is visible on top of the CADC below. This tube feeds into the black-domed pressure sensor at the right. The gears, motors, and other mechanisms to the left of the pressure sensor domes generate shaft rotations that are fed into the remainder of the CADC for calculations.

Side view of the CADC.

Side view of the CADC.

The pressure transducer has a tricky job: it must measure tiny pressure changes, but it must also provide a rotational signal that has enough torque to rotate all the gears in the CADC. To accomplish this, the pressure transducer uses a servo loop that amplifies small pressure changes into accurate rotations. The diagram below provides an overview of the process. The pressure input causes a small movement in the bellows diaphragm. This produces a small shaft rotation that is detected by a sensitive inductive pickup. This signal is amplified and drives a motor with enough power to drive the output shaft. The motor is also geared to counteract the movement of the bellows. The result is a feedback loop so the motor's rotation tracks the air pressure, but provides much more torque. An adjustable cam corrects for any error produced by irregularities in the diaphragm response. This complete mechanism is implemented twice, once for each pressure input.

This diagram shows the structure of the transducer. From "Air Data Computer Mechanization."

This diagram shows the structure of the transducer. From "Air Data Computer Mechanization."

To summarize, as the pressure moves the diaphragm, the induction pick-up produces an error signal. The motor is driven in the appropriate direction until the error signal becomes zero. At this point, the output shaft rotation exactly matches the input pressure. The advantage of the servo loop is that the diaphragm only needs to move the sensitive inductive pickup, rather than driving the gears of the CADC, so the pressure reading is more accurate.

In more detail, the process starts with connections from the aircraft's pitot tube and static pressure port to the CADC. The front of the CADC (below) has connections for the total pressure and the static pressure. The CADC also has five round military connectors for electrical connections between the CADC and the rest of the aircraft. (The outputs from the CADC are electrical, with synchros converting the shaft rotations into electrical representations.) Finally, a tiny time clock at the upper right keeps track of how many hours the CADC has been in operation, so it can be maintained according to schedule.

The front panel of the CADC, showing the static pressure and total pressure connections at the bottom.

The front panel of the CADC, showing the static pressure and total pressure connections at the bottom.

The photo below shows the main components of the pressure transducer system. At the upper left, the pressure line from the CADC's front panel goes to the pressure sensor, airtight under a black dome. The error signal from the sensor goes to the amplifier, which consists of three boards. The amplifier's power transformer and magnetic amplifiers are the most visible components. The amplifier drives the motors to the left. There are two motors controlled by the amplifier: one for coarse adjustments and one for fine adjustments. By using two motors, the CADC can respond rapidly to large pressure changes, while also accurately tracking small pressure changes. Finally, the output from the motor goes through the adjustable cam in the middle before providing the feedback signal to the pressure sensor. The output from the transducer to the rest of the CADC is a shaft on the left, but it is in the middle of the CADC and isn't visible in the photo.

A closeup of the transducer, showing the main parts.

A closeup of the transducer, showing the main parts.

The pressure sensor

Each pressure sensor is packaged in a black airtight dome and is fed from its associated pressure line. Inside the sensor, two sealed metal bellows (below) expand or contract as the pressure changes. The bellows are connected to opposite sides of a metal shaft, which rotates as the bellows expand or contract. This shaft rotates an inductive pickup, providing the error signal. The servo loop rotates a second shaft that counteracts the rotation of the first shaft; this shaft and gears are also visible below.

Inside the pressure transducer. The two disc-shaped bellows are connected to opposite sides of a shaft so the shaft rotates as the bellows expand or contract.

Inside the pressure transducer. The two disc-shaped bellows are connected to opposite sides of a shaft so the shaft rotates as the bellows expand or contract.

The end view of the sensor below shows the inductive pickup at the bottom, with colorful wires for the input (400 Hz AC) and the output error signal. The coil visible on the inductive pickup is an anti-backlash spring to ensure that the pickup doesn't wobble back and forth. The electrical pickup coil is inside the inductive pickup and isn't visible.

Inside the transducer housing, showing the bellows and inductive pickup.

Inside the transducer housing, showing the bellows and inductive pickup.

The amplifier

Each transducer feedback signal is amplified by three circuit boards centered around magnetic amplifiers, transformer-like amplifiers that were popular before high-power transistors came along. The photo below shows how the amplifier boards are packed next to the transducers. The boards are complex, filled with resistors, capacitors, germanium transistors, diodes, relays, and other components.

The pressure transducers are the two black domes at the top. The circuit boards next to each pressure transducer are the amplifiers. The yellowish transformer-like devices with three windings are the magnetic amplifiers.

The pressure transducers are the two black domes at the top. The circuit boards next to each pressure transducer are the amplifiers. The yellowish transformer-like devices with three windings are the magnetic amplifiers.

I reverse-engineered the boards and created the schematic below. I'll discuss the schematic at a high level; click it for a larger version if you want to see the full circuitry. The process starts with the inductive sensor (yellow), which provides the error input signal to the amplifier. The first stage of the amplifier (blue) is a two-transistor amplifier and filter. From there, the signal goes to two separate output amplifiers to drive the two motors: fine (purple) and coarse (cyan).

Schematic of the servo amplifier, probably with a few errors. Click for a larger version.

Schematic of the servo amplifier, probably with a few errors. Click for a larger version.

The inductive sensor provides its error signal as a 400 Hz sine wave, with a larger signal indicating more error. The phase of the signal is 0° or 180°, depending on the direction of the error. In other words, the error signal is proportional to the driving AC signal in one direction and flipped when the error is in the other direction. This is important since it indicates which direction the motors should turn. When the error is eliminated, the signal is zero.

Each output amplifier consists of a transistor circuit driving two magnetic amplifiers. Magnetic amplifiers are an old technology that can amplify AC signals, allowing the relatively weak transistor output to control a larger AC output. The basic idea of a magnetic amplifier is a controllable inductor. Normally, the inductor blocks alternating current. But applying a relatively small DC signal to a control winding causes the inductor to saturate, permitting the flow of AC. Since the magnetic amplifier uses a small signal to control a much larger signal, it provides amplification.

In the early 1900s, magnetic amplifiers were used in applications such as dimming lights. Germany improved the technology in World War II, using magnetic amplifiers in ships, rockets, and trains. The magnetic amplifier had a resurgence in the 1950s; the Univac Solid State computer used magnetic amplifiers (rather than vacuum tubes or transistors) as its logic elements. However, improvements in transistors made the magnetic amplifier obsolete except for specialized applications. (See my IEEE Spectrum article on magnetic amplifiers for more history of magnetic amplifiers.)

In the CADC, magnetic amplifiers control the AC power to the motors. Two magnetic amplifiers are visible on top of the amplifier board stack, while two more are on the underside; they are the yellow devices that look like transformers. (Behind the magnetic amplifiers, the power transformer is labeled "A".)

One of the three-board amplifiers for the pressure transducer.

One of the three-board amplifiers for the pressure transducer.

The transistor circuit generates the control signal to the magnetic amplifiers, and the output of the magnetic amplifiers is the AC signal to the motors. Specifically, the CADC uses two magnetic amplifiers for each motor. One magnetic amplifier powers the motor to spin clockwise, while the other makes the motor spin counterclockwise. The transistor circuit will pull one magnetic amplifier winding low; the phase of the input signal controls which magnetic amplifier, and thus the motor direction. (If the error input signal is zero, neither winding is pulled low, both magnetic amplifiers block AC, and the motor doesn't turn.)6 The result of this is that the motor will spin in the correct direction based on the error input signal, rotating the mechanism until the mechanical output position matches the input pressure. The motors are "Motor / Tachometer Generator" units that also generate a voltage based on their speed. This speed signal is fed into the transistor amplifier to provide negative feedback, limiting the motor speed as the error becomes smaller and ensuring that the feedback loop doesn't overshoot.

The other servo loops in the CADC (temperature and position error correction) have one motor driver constructed from transistors and two magnetic amplifiers. However, each pressure transducer has two motor drivers (and thus four magnetic amplifiers), one for fine adjustment and one for coarse adjustment. This allows the servo loop to track the input pressure very closely, while also adjusting rapidly to larger changes in pressure. The coarse amplifier uses back-to-back diodes to block small changes; only input voltages larger than a diode drop will pass through and energize the coarse amplifier.

The CADC is powered by standard avionics power of 115 volts AC, 400 hertz. Each pressure transducer amplifier has a simple power supply running off this AC, using a multi-winding power transformer. A center-tapped winding and full wave rectifier produces DC for the transistor amplifiers. Other windings supply AC (controlled by the magnetic amplifiers) to power the motors, AC for the magnetic amplifier control signals, and AC for the sensor. The transformer ensures that the transducer circuitry is electrically isolated from other parts of the CADC and the aircraft. The power supply is indicated in red in the schematic above.

The schematic also shows test circuitry (blue). One of the features of the CADC is that it can be set to two test configurations before flight to ensure that the system is operating properly and is correctly calibrated.7 Two relays allow the pressure transducer to switch to one of two test inputs. This allows the CADC to be checked for proper operation and calibration. The test inputs are provided from an external board and a helical feedback potentiometer (Helipot) that provides simulated sensor input.

Getting the amplifiers to work was a challenge. Many of the capacitors in the CADC had deteriorated and failed, as shown below. Marc went through the CADC boards and replaced the bad capacitors. However, one of the pressure transducer boards still failed to work. After much debugging, we discovered that one of the new capacitors had also failed. Finally, after replacing that capacitor a second time, the CADC was operational.

Some bad capacitors in the CADC. This is the servo amplifier for the temperature sensor.

Some bad capacitors in the CADC. This is the servo amplifier for the temperature sensor.

The mechanical feedback loop

The amplifier boards energize two motors that rotate the output shaft,8 the coarse and fine motors. The outputs from the coarse and fine motors are combined through a differential gear assembly that sums its two input rotations.9 While the differential functions like the differential in a car, it is constructed differently, with a spur-gear design. This compact arrangement of gears is about 1 cm thick and 3 cm in diameter. The differential is mounted on a shaft along with three co-axial gears: two gears provide the inputs to the differential and the third provides the output. In the photo, the gears above and below the differential are the input gears. The entire differential body rotates with the sum, connected to the output gear at the top through a concentric shaft. The two thick gears inside the differential body are part of its mechanism.

A closeup of a differential mechanism.

A closeup of a differential mechanism.

(Differential gear assemblies are also used as the mathematical component of the CADC, as it performs addition or subtraction. Since most values in the CADC are expressed logarithmically, the differential computes multiplication and division when it adds or subtracts its inputs.)

The CADC uses cams to correct for nonlinearities in the pressure sensors. The cam consists of a warped metal plate. As the gear rotates, a spring-loaded vertical follower moves according to the shape of the plate. The differential gear assembly under the plate adds this value to the original input to obtain a corrected value. (This differential implementation is different from the one described above.) The output from the cam is fed into the pressure sensor, closing the feedback loop.

The corrector cam is adjusted to calibrate the output to counteract for variations in the bellows behavior.

The corrector cam is adjusted to calibrate the output to counteract for variations in the bellows behavior.

At the top, 20 screws can be rotated to adjust the shape of the cam plate and thus the correction factor. These cams allow the CADC to be fine-tuned to maximize accuracy. According to the spec, the required accuracy for pressure was "40 feet or 0.15 percent of attained altitude, whichever is greater."


The Bendix CADC was built at an interesting point in time, when computations could be done digitally or analog, mechanically or electrically. Because the inputs were analog and the desired outputs were analog, the decision was made to use an analog computer for the CADC. Moreover, transistors were available but their performance was limited. Thus, the servo amplifiers are built from a combination of transistors and magnetic amplifiers.

Modern air data computers are digital but they are still larger than you might expect because they need to handle physical pressure inputs. While a drone can use a tiny 5mm MEMS pressure sensor, air data computers for aircraft have higher requirements and typically use larger vibrating cylinder pressure sensors. Even so, at 45 mm long, the modern pressure sensor is dramatically smaller than the CADC's pressure transducer with its metal-domed bellows sensor, three-board amplifier, motors, cam, and gear train. Although the mechanical Bendix CADC seems primitive, this CADC was used by the Air Force until the 1980s. I guess if the system worked, there was no reason to update it.

I plan to continue reverse-engineering the Bendix CADC,10 so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I'm also on Mastodon as Thanks to Joe for providing the CADC. Thanks to Nancy Chen for obtaining a hard-to-find document for me. Marc Verdiell and Eric Schlaepfer are working on the CADC with me.

Notes and references

  1. My previous posts on the CADC provide an overview and reverse-engineering of the left side. Much of the background of this article is copied from the previous articles, if it looks familiar. 

  2. The static air pressure can also be provided by holes in the side of the pitot tube. I couldn't find information indicating exactly how the planes with the CADC received static pressure. 

  3. Although the CADC's equations may seem ad hoc, they can be derived from fluid dynamics principles. These equations were standardized in the 1950s by various government organizations including the National Bureau of Standards and NACA (the precursor of NASA). 

  4. The CADC also uses cams to implement functions such as logarithms, exponentials, and complicated functions of one variable such as ${M}/{\sqrt{1 + .2 M^2}}$. These cams have a completely different design from the corrector cams. The function cams are fixed shape, unlike the adjustable corrector cams. The function is encoded into the cam's shape during manufacturing, so implementing a hard-to-compute nonlinear function isn't a problem for the CADC. The photo below shows a cam with the follower arm in front. As the cam rotates, the follower moves in and out according to the cam's radius. The pressure transducers do not use fixed cams, so I won't discuss them more in this article.

    A cam inside the CADC implements a function.

    A cam inside the CADC implements a function.


  5. The CADC also has an input for the "position error correction". This input provides a correction factor because the measured static pressure may not exactly match the real static pressure. The problem is that the static pressure is measured from a port on the aircraft. Distortions in the airflow may cause errors in this measurement. A separate box, the "compensator", determined the correction factor based on the angle of attack and fed it to the CADC as a synchro signal. The position error correction is applied in a separate section of the CADC, downstream from the transducers, so I will ignore it for this article. 

  6. A bit more explanation of the transistor circuit driving the magnetic amplifier. The idea is that one magnetic amplifier or the other is selected, depending on the phase of the error signal, causing the motor to turn counterclockwise or clockwise as needed. To implement this, the magnetic amplifier control windings are connected to opposite phases of the 400 Hz power. The transistor is connected to both magnetic amplifiers through diodes, so current will flow only if the transistor pulls the winding low during the half-cycle that the winding is powered high. Thus, depending on the phase of the transistor output, one winding or the other will be powered, allowing that magnetic amplifier to pass AC to the motor. 

  7. According to the specification, the CADC has simulated "low point" and "high point" test conditions. The low point is 11,806 feet altitude, 1064 ft/sec true airspeed, Mach .994, total temperature 317.1 °K, and density × speed of sound of 1.774 lb sec/ft3. The high point is 50,740 feet altitude, 1917 ft/sec true airspeed, Mach 1.980, total temperature 366.6 °K, and density × speed of sound of .338 lb sec/ft3

  8. The motor part number is Bendix FV101-5A1. 

  9. Strictly speaking, the output of the differential is the sum of the inputs divided by two. I'm ignoring the factor of 2 because the gear ratios can easily cancel it out. It's also arbitrary whether you think of the differential as adding or subtracting, since it depends on which rotation direction is defined as positive. 

  10. It was very difficult to find information about the CADC. The official military specification is MIL-C-25653C(USAF). After searching everywhere, I was finally able to get a copy from the Technical Reports & Standards unit of the Library of Congress. The other useful document was in an obscure conference proceedings from 1958: "Air Data Computer Mechanization" (Hazen), Symposium on the USAF Flight Control Data Integration Program, Wright Air Dev Center US Air Force, Feb 3-4, 1958, pp 171-194. 

Interesting double-poly latches inside AMD's vintage LANCE Ethernet chip

I've studied a lot of chips from the 1970s and 1980s, so I usually know what to expect. But an Ethernet chip from 1982 had something new: a strange layer of yellow wiring on the die. After some study, I learned that the yellow wiring is a second layer of resistive polysilicon, used in the chip's static storage cells and latches.

A closeup of the die of the LANCE chip. The metal has been removed to show the layers underneath.

A closeup of the die of the LANCE chip. The metal has been removed to show the layers underneath.

The die photo above shows a closeup of a latch circuit, with the diagonal yellow stripe in the middle. For this photo, I removed the chip's metal layer so you can see the underlying circuitry. The bottom layer, silicon, appears gray-purple under the microscope, with the active silicon regions slightly darker and bordered in black. On top of the silicon, the pink regions are polysilicon, a special type of silicon. Polysilicon has a critical role in the chip: when it crosses active silicon, polysilicon forms the gate of a transistor. The circles are contacts between the metal layer and the underlying silicon or polysilicon. So far, the components of the chip match most NMOS chips of that time. But what about the bright yellow line crossing the circuit diagonally? That was new to me. This second layer of polysilicon provides resistance. It crosses over the other layers, connected to the silicon at the ends with a complex ring structure.

Why would you want high-resistance wiring in your digital chip? To understand this, let's first look at how a bit can be stored. An efficient way to store a bit is to connect two inverters in a loop, as shown below. Each inverter sends the opposite value to the other inverter, so the circuit will be stable in two states, holding one bit: a 1 or a 0.

Two cross-coupled inverters can store either a 0 or a 1 bit.

Two cross-coupled inverters can store either a 0 or a 1 bit.

But how do you store a new value into the inverter loop? There are a few techniques. One is to use pass transistors to break the loop, allowing a new value to be stored. In the schematic below, if the hold signal is activated, the transistor turns on, completing the loop. But if hold is dropped and load is activated, a new value can be loaded from the input into the inverter loop.

A latch, controlled by pass transistors.

A latch, controlled by pass transistors.

An alternative is to use a weak inverter that produces a low-current output. In this case, the input signal can simply overpower the value produced by the inverter, forcing the loop into a new state. The advantage of this circuit is that it eliminates the "hold" transistor. However, a weak inverter turns out to be larger than a regular inverter, negating much of the space saving.1 (The Intel 386 processor uses this type of latch.)

A latch using a weak inverter.

A latch using a weak inverter.

A third alternative, used in the Ethernet chip, is to use a resistor for the feedback, limiting the current.2 As in the previous circuit, the input can overpower the low feedback current. However, this circuit is more compact since it doesn't require a larger inverter. The resistor doesn't require additional space since it can overlap the rest of the circuitry, as shown in the photo at the top of the article. The disadvantage is that manufacturing the die requires additional processing steps to create the resistive polysilicon layer.

A latch using a resistor for feedback.

A latch using a resistor for feedback.

In the Ethernet chip, this type of latch is used in many circuits. For example, shift registers are built by connecting latches in sequence, controlled by the clock signals. Latches are also used to create binary counters, with the latch value toggled when the lower bits produce a carry.

The SRAM cell

It would be overkill to create a separate polysilicon layer just for a few latches. It turns out that the chip was constructed with AMD's "64K dynamic RAM process". Dynamic RAM uses tiny capacitors to store data. In the late 1970s, dynamic RAM chips started using a "double-poly" process with one layer of polysilicon to form the capacitors and a second layer of polysilicon for transistor gates and wiring (details).

The double-poly process was also useful for shrinking the size of static RAM.3 The Ethernet chip contains several blocks of storage buffers for various purposes. These blocks are implemented as static RAM, including a 22×16 block, a 48×9 block, and a 16×7 block. The photo below shows a closeup of some storage cells, showing how they are arranged in a regular grid. The yellow lines of resistive polysilicon are visible in each cell.

A block of 28 storage cells in the chip. Some of the second polysilicon layer is damaged.

A block of 28 storage cells in the chip. Some of the second polysilicon layer is damaged.

A static RAM storage cell is roughly similar to the latch cell, with two inverters in a loop to store each bit. However, the storage is arranged in a grid: each row corresponds to a particular word, and each column corresponds to the bits in a word. To select a word, a word select line is activated, turning on the pass transistors in that row. Reading and writing the cell is done through a pair of bitlines; each bit has a bitline and a complemented bitline. To read a word, the bits in the word are accessed through the bitlines. To write a word, the new value and its complement are applied to the bitlines, forcing the inverters into the desired state. (The bitlines must be driven with a high-current signal that can overcome the signal from the inverters.)

Schematic of one storage cell.

Schematic of one storage cell.

The diagram below shows the physical layout of one memory cell, consisting of two resistors and four transistors. The black lines indicate the vertical metal wiring that was removed. The schematic on the right corresponds to the physical arrangement of the circuit. Each inverter is constructed from a transistor and a pull-up resistor, and the inverters are connected into a loop. (The role of these resistors is completely different from the feedback resistors in the latch.) The two transistors at the bottom are the pass transistors that provide access to the cell for reads or writes.

One memory cell static memory cell as it appears on the die, along with its schematic.

One memory cell static memory cell as it appears on the die, along with its schematic.

The layout of this storage cell is highly optimized to minimize its area. Note that the yellow resistors take almost no additional area, as they overlap other parts of the cell. If constructed without resistors, each inverter would require an additional transistor, making the cell larger.

To summarize, although the double-poly process was introduced for DRAM capacitors, it can also be used for SRAM cell pull-up resistors. Reducing the size of the SRAM cells was probably the motivation to use this process for the Ethernet chip, with the latch feedback resistors a secondary benefit.

The Am7990 LANCE Ethernet chip

I'll wrap up with some background on the AMD Ethernet chip. Ethernet was invented in 1973 at Xerox PARC and became a standard in 1980. Ethernet was originally implemented with a board full of chips, mostly TTL. By the early 1980s, companies such as Intel, Seeq, and AMD introduced chips to put most of the circuitry onto VLSI chips. These chips reduced the complexity of Ethernet interface hardware, causing the price to drop from $2000 to $1000.

The chip that I'm examining is AMD's Am7990 LANCE (Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet). This chip implemented much of the functionality for Ethernet and "Cheapernet" (now known as 10BASE2 Ethernet). The chip handles serial/parallel conversion, computing the 32-bit CRC checksum, handling collisions and backoff, and recognizing desired addresses. The chip also provides DMA access for interfacing with a microcomputer.

The chip doesn't handle everything, though. It was designed to work with an Am7992 Serial Interface Adapter chip that encodes and decodes the bitstream using Manchester encoding. The third chip was the Am7996 transceiver that handled the low-level signaling and interfacing with the coaxial network cable, as well as detecting collisions if two nodes transmitted at the same time.

The LANCE chip is fairly complicated. The die photo below shows the main functional blocks of the chip. The chip is controlled by the large block of microcode ROM in the lower right. The large dark rectangles are storage, implemented with the static RAM cells described above. The chip has 48 pins, connected by tiny bond wires to the square pads around the edges of the die.

Main functional blocks of the LANCE chip.

Main functional blocks of the LANCE chip.

Thanks to Robert Garner for providing the AMD LANCE chip and information, thanks to a bunch of people on Twitter for discussion, and thanks to Bob Patel for providing the functional block labeling and other information. For more, follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I'm also on Mastodon occasionally as @[email protected].

Notes and references

  1. It may seem contradictory for a weak inverter to be larger than a regular inverter, since you'd expect that the bigger the transistor, the stronger the signal. It turns out, however, that creating a weak signal requires a larger transistor, due to how MOS transistors are constructed. The current from a transistor is proportional to the gate's width divided by the length. Thus, to create a more powerful transistor, you increase the width. But to create a weak transistor, you can't decrease the width because the minimum width is limited by the manufacturing process. Thus, you need to increase the gate's length. The result is that both stronger and weaker transistors are larger than "normal" transistors. 

  2. You might worry that the feedback resistor will wastefully dissipate power. However, the feedback current is essentially zero because NMOS transistor gates are essentially insulators. Thus, the resistor only needs to pass enough current to charge or discharge the gate. 

  3. An AMD patent describes the double-poly process as well as the static RAM cell; I'm not sure this is the process used in the Ethernet chip, but I expect the process is similar. The diagram below shows the RAM cell with its two resistors. The patent describes how the resistors and second layer of wiring are formed by a silicide/polysilicon ("inverted polycide") sandwich. (The silicide is a low-resistance compound of tantalum and silicon or molybdenum and silicon.) Specifically, the second layer consists of a buffer layer of polysilicon, a thicker silicide layer, and another layer of polysilicon forming the low-resistance "sandwich". Where resistance is desired, the bottom two layers of "sandwich" are removed during fabrication to leave just a layer of polysilicon. This polysilicon is then doped through implantation to give it the desired resistance.

    The static RAM cell from patent 4569122, "Method of forming a low resistance quasi-buried contact".

    The static RAM cell from patent 4569122, "Method of forming a low resistance quasi-buried contact".

    The patent also describes using the second layer of polysilicon to provide a connection between silicon and the main polysilicon layer. Chips normally use a "buried contact" to connect silicon and polysilicon, but the patent describes how putting the second layer of polysilicon on top reduces the alignment requirements for a low-resistance contact. I think this explains the yellow ring of polysilicon around all the silicon/polysilicon contacts in the chip. (These rings are visible in the die photo at the top of the article.) Patent 4581815 refines this process further.


The transparent chip inside a vintage Hewlett-Packard floppy drive

While repairing an eight-inch HP floppy drive, we found that the problem was a broken interface chip. Since the chip was bad, I decapped it and took photos. This chip is very unusual: instead of a silicon substrate, the chip is formed on a base of sapphire, with silicon and metal wiring on top. As a result, the chip is transparent as you can see from the gold "X" visible through the die in the photo below.

The PHI die as seen through an inspection microscope. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The PHI die as seen through an inspection microscope. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The chip is a custom HP chip from 1977 that provides an interface between HP's interface bus (HP-IB) and the Z80 processor in the floppy drive controller. HP designed this interface bus as a low-cost bus to connect test equipment, computers, and peripherals. The chip, named PHI (Processor-to-HP-IB Interface), was used in multiple HP products. It handles the bus protocol and buffered data between the interface bus and a device's microprocessor.1 In this article, I'll take a look inside this "silicon-on-sapphire" chip, examine its metal-gate CMOS circuitry, and explain how it works.


Most integrated circuits are formed on a silicon wafer. Silicon-on-sapphire, on the other hand, starts with a sapphire substrate. A thin layer of silicon is built up on the sapphire substrate to form the circuitry. The silicon is N-type, and is converted to P-type where needed by ion implantation. A metal wiring layer is created on top, forming the wiring as well as the metal-gate transistors. The diagram below shows a cross-section of the circuitry.

Cross-section from HP Journal, April 1977.

Cross-section from HP Journal, April 1977.

The important thing about silicon-on-sapphire is that silicon regions are separated from each other. Since the sapphire substrate is an insulator, transistors are completely isolated, unlike a regular integrated circuit. This reduces the capacitance between transistors, improving performance. The insulation also prevents stray currents, protecting against latch-up and radiation.

An HP MC2 die, illuminated from behind with fiber optics. From Hewlett-Packard Journal, April 1977.

An HP MC2 die, illuminated from behind with fiber optics. From Hewlett-Packard Journal, April 1977.

Silicon-on-sapphire integrated circuits date back to research in 1963 at Autonetics, an innovative but now-forgotten avionics company that produced guidance computers for the Minuteman ICBMs, among other things. RCA developed silicon-on-sapphire integrated circuits in the 1960s and 1970s such as the CDP1821 silicon-on-sapphire 1K RAM. HP used silicon-on-sapphire for multiple chips starting in 1977, such as the MC2 Micro-CPU Chip. HP also used SOS for the three-chip CPU in the HP 3000 Amigo (1978), but the system was a commercial failure. The popularity of silicon-on-sapphire peaked in the early 1980s and HP moved to bulk silicon integrated circuits for calculators such as the HP-41C. Silicon-on-sapphire is still used in various products, such as LEDs and RF applications, but is now mostly a niche technology.

Inside the PHI chip

HP used an unusual package for the PHI chip. The chip is mounted on a ceramic substrate, protected by a ceramic cap. The package has 48 gold fingers that press into a socket. The chip is held into the socket by two metal spring clips.

Package of the PHI chip, showing the underside. The package is flipped over when mounted in a socket.

Package of the PHI chip, showing the underside. The package is flipped over when mounted in a socket.

Decapping the chip was straightforward, but more dramatic than I expected. The chip's cap is attached with adhesive, which can be softened by heating. Hot air wasn't sufficient, so we used a hot plate. Eric tested the adhesive by poking it with an X-Acto knife, causing the cap to suddenly fly off with a loud "pop", sending the blade flying through the air. I was happy to be wearing safety glasses.

Decapping the chip with a hotplate and hot air.

Decapping the chip with a hotplate and hot air.

After decapping the chip, I created the high-resolution die photo below. The metal layer is clearly visible as white lines, while the silicon is grayish and the sapphire appears purple. Around the edge of the die, bond wires connect the chip's 48 external connections to the die. Slightly upper left of center, a large regular rectangular block of circuitry provides 160 bits of storage: this is two 8-word FIFO buffers, passing 10-bit words between the interface bus and a connected microprocessor. The thick metal traces around the edges provide +12 volts, +5 volts, and ground to the chip.

Die photo of the PHI chip, created by stitching together microscope photos. Click for a much larger image.

Die photo of the PHI chip, created by stitching together microscope photos. Click for a much larger image.

Logic gates

Circuitry on this chip has an unusual appearance due to the silicon-on-sapphire implementation as well as the use of metal-gate transistors, but fundamentally the circuits are standard CMOS. The photo below shows a block that implements an inverter and a NAND gate. The sapphire substrate appears as dark purple. On top of this, the thick gray lines are the silicon. The white metal on top connects the transistors. The metal can also form the gates of transistors when it crosses silicon (indicated by letters). Inconveniently, metal that contacts silicon, metal that crosses over silicon, and metal that forms a transistor all appear very similar in this chip. This makes it more difficult to determine the wiring.

This diagram shows an inverter and a NAND gate on the die.

This diagram shows an inverter and a NAND gate on the die.

The schematic below shows how the gates are implemented, matching the photo above. The metal lines at the top and bottom provide the power and ground rails respectively. The inverter is formed from NMOS transistor A and PMOS transistor B; the output goes to transistors D and F. The NAND gate is formed by NMOS transistors E and F in conjunction with PMOS transistors C and D. The components of the NAND gate are joined at the square of metal, and then the output leaves through silicon on the right. Note that signals can only cross when one signal is in the silicon layer and one is in the metal layer. With only two wiring layers, signals in the PHI chip must often meander to avoid crossings, wasting a lot of space. (This wiring is much more constrained than typical chips of the 1970s that also had a polysilicon layer, providing three wiring layers in total.)

This schematic shows how the inverter and a NAND gate are implemented.

This schematic shows how the inverter and a NAND gate are implemented.


The PHI chip has two first-in-first-out buffers (FIFOs) that occupy a substantial part of the die. Each FIFO holds 8 words of 10 bits, with one FIFO for data being read from the bus and the other for data written to the bus. These buffers help match the bus speed to the microprocessor speed, ensuring that data transmission is as fast as possible.

Each bit of the FIFO is essentially a static RAM cell, as shown below. Inverters A and B form a loop to hold a bit. Pass transistor C provides feedback so the inverter loop remains stable. To write a word, 10 bits are fed through vertical bit-in lines. A horizontal word write signal is activated to select the word to update. This disables transistor C and turns on transistor D, allowing the new bit to flow into the inverter loop. To read a word, a horizontal word read line is activated, turning on pass transistor F. This allows the bit in the cell to flow onto the vertical bit-out line, buffered by inverter E. The two FIFOs have separate lines so they can be read and written independently.

One cell of the FIFO.

One cell of the FIFO.

The diagram below shows nine FIFO cells as they appear on the die. The red box indicates one cell, with components labeled to match the schematic. Cells are mirrored vertically and horizontally to increase the layout density.

Nine FIFO cells as they appear on the die.

Nine FIFO cells as they appear on the die.

Control logic (not shown) to the left and right of the FIFOs manages the FIFOs. This logic generates the appropriate read and write signals so data is written to one end of the FIFO and read from the other end.

The address decoder

Another interesting circuit is the decoder that selects a particular register based on the address lines. The PHI chip has eight registers, selected by three address lines. The decoder takes the address lines and generates 16 control lines (more or less), one to read from each register, and one to write to each register.

A die photo of the address decoder.

A die photo of the address decoder.

The decoder has a regular matrix structure for efficient implementation. Row lines are in pairs, with a line for each address bit input and its complement. Each column corresponds to one output, with the transistors arranged so the column will be activated when given the appropriate inputs. At the top and bottom are inverters. These latch the incoming address bits, generate the complements, and buffer the outputs.

Schematic of the decoder.

Schematic of the decoder.

The schematic above shows how the decoder operates. (I've simplified it to two inputs and two outputs.) At the top, the address line goes through a latch formed from two inverters and a pass transistor. The address line and its complement form two row lines; the other row lines are similar. Each column has a transistor on one row line and a diode on the other, selecting the address for that column. For instance, supposed a0 is 1 and an is 0. This matches the first column since the transistor lines are low and the diode lines are high. The PMOS transistors in the column will all turn on, pulling the input to the inverter high. However, if any of the inputs are "wrong", the corresponding transistor will turn off, blocking the +12 volts. Moreover, the output will be pulled low through the corresponding diode. Thus, each column will be pulled high only if all the inputs match, and otherwise it will be pulled low. Each column output controls one of the chip's registers, allowing that register to be accessed.

The HP-IB bus and the PHI chip

The Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) was designed in the early 1970s as a low-cost bus for connecting diverse devices including instrument systems (such as a digital voltmeter or frequency counter), storage, and computers. This bus became an IEEE standard in 1975, known as the IEEE-488 bus.2 The bus is 8-bits parallel, with handshaking between devices so slow devices can control the speed.

In 1977, HP Developed a chip, known as PHI (Processor to HP-IB Interface) to implement the bus protocol and provide a microprocessor interface. This chip not only simplified construction of a bus controller but also ensured that devices implemented the protocol consistently. The block diagram below shows the components of the PHI chip. It's not an especially complex chip, but it isn't trivial either. I estimate that it has several thousand transistors.

Block diagram from HP Journal, July 1989.

Block diagram from HP Journal, July 1989.

The die photo below shows some of the functional blocks of the PHI chip. The microprocessor connected to the top pins, while the interface bus connected to the lower pins.

The PHI die with some functional blocks labeled,

The PHI die with some functional blocks labeled,


Top of the PHI chip, with the 1AA6-6004 part number. I'm not sure what the oval stamp at the top is, maybe a turtle?

Top of the PHI chip, with the 1AA6-6004 part number. I'm not sure what the oval stamp at the top is, maybe a turtle?

The PHI chip is interesting as an example of a "technology of the future" that didn't quite pan out. HP put a lot of effort into silicon-on-sapphire chips, expecting that this would become an important technology: dense, fast, and low power. However, regular silicon chips turned out to be the winning technology and silicon-on-sapphire was relegated to niche markets.

Comparing HP's silicon-on-sapphire chips to regular silicon chips at the time shows some advantages and disadvantages. HP's MC2 16-bit processor (1977) used silicon-on-sapphire technology and had 10,000 transistors and ran at 8 megahertz, using 350 mW. In comparison, the Intel 8086 (1978) was also a 16-bit processor, but implemented on regular silicon and using NMOS instead of CMOS. The 8086 had 29,000 transistors, ran at 5 megahertz (at first) and used up to 2.5 watts. The sizes of the chips were almost identical: 34 mm2 for the HP processor and 33 mm2 for the Intel processor. This illustrates that CMOS uses much less power than NMOS, one of the reasons that CMOS is now the dominant technology. For the other factors, silicon-on-sapphire had a bit of a speed advantage but wasn't as dense. Silicon-on-sapphire's main problem was its low yield and high cost. Crystal incompatibilities between silicon and sapphire made manufacturing difficult; HP achieved a yield of 9%, meaning 91% of the dies failed.

The time period of the PHI chip is also interesting since interface buses were transitioning from straightforward buses to high-performance buses with complex protocols. Early buses could be implemented with simple integrated circuits, but as protocols became more complex, custom interface chips became necessary. (The MOS 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter chip (1977) is another example, used in many home computers of the 1980s.) But these interfaces were still simple enough that the interface chips didn't require microcontrollers, using simple state machines instead.

The HP logo on the die of the PHI chip.

The HP logo on the die of the PHI chip.

For more, follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I'm also on Mastodon occasionally as @[email protected]. Thanks to CuriousMarc for providing the chip and to TubeTimeUS for help with decapping.

Notes and references

  1. More information: The article What is Silicon-on-Sapphire discusses the history and construction. Details on the HP-IB bus are here. The HP 12009A HP-IB Interface Reference Manual has information on the PHI chip and the protocol. See also the PHI article from HP Journal, July 1989. EvilMonkeyDesignz also shows a decapped PHI chip. 

  2. People with Commodore PET computers may recognize the IEEE-488 bus since peripherals such as floppy disk drives were connected using the IEEE-488 bus. The cables were generally expensive and harder to obtain than interface cables used by other computers. The devices were also slow compared to other computers, although I think this was due to the hardware, not the bus. 

Two interesting XOR circuits inside the Intel 386 processor

Intel's 386 processor (1985) was an important advance in the x86 architecture, not only moving to a 32-bit processor but also switching to a CMOS implementation. I've been reverse-engineering parts of the 386 chip and came across two interesting and completely different circuits that the 386 uses to implement an XOR gate: one uses standard-cell logic while the other uses pass-transistor logic. In this article, I take a look at those circuits.

The die of the 386. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The die of the 386. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The die photo above shows the two metal layers of the 386 die. The polysilicon and silicon layers underneath are mostly hidden by the metal. The black dots around the edges are the bond wires connecting the die to the external pins. The 386 is a complicated chip with 285,000 transistor sites. I've labeled the main functional blocks. The datapath in the lower left does the actual computations, controlled by the microcode ROM in the lower right.

Despite the complexity of the 386, if you zoom in enough, you can see individual XOR gates. The red rectangle at the top (below) is a shift register for the chip's self-test. Zooming in again shows the silicon for an XOR gate implemented with pass transistors. The purple outlines reveal active silicon regions, while the stripes are transistor gates. The yellow rectangle zooms in on part of the standard-cell logic that controls the prefetch queue. The closeup shows the silicon for an XOR gate implemented with two logic gates. Counting the stripes shows that the first XOR gate is implemented with 8 transistors while the second uses 10 transistors. I'll explain below how these transistors are connected to form the XOR gates.

The die of the 386, zooming in on two XOR gates.

The die of the 386, zooming in on two XOR gates.

A brief introduction to CMOS

CMOS circuits are used in almost all modern processors. These circuits are built from two types of transistors: NMOS and PMOS. These transistors can be viewed as switches between the source and drain controlled by the gate. A high voltage on the gate of an NMOS transistor turns the transistor on, while a low voltage on the gate of a PMOS transistor turns the transistor on. An NMOS transistor is good at pulling the output low, while a PMOS transistor is good at pulling the output high. Thus, NMOS and PMOS transistors are opposites in many ways; they are complementary, which is the "C" in CMOS.

Structure of a MOS transistor. Although the transistor's name represents the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor layers, modern MOS transistors typically use polysilicon instead of metal for the gate.

Structure of a MOS transistor. Although the transistor's name represents the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor layers, modern MOS transistors typically use polysilicon instead of metal for the gate.

In a CMOS circuit, the NMOS and PMOS transistors work together, with the NMOS transistors pulling the output low as needed while the PMOS transistors pull the output high. By arranging the transistors in different ways, different logic gates can be created. The diagram below shows a NAND gate constructed from two PMOS transistors (top) and two NMOS transistors (bottom). If both inputs are high, the NMOS transistors turn on and pull the output low. But if either input is low, a PMOS transistor will pull the output high. Thus, the circuit below implements a NAND gate.

A NAND gate implemented in CMOS.

A NAND gate implemented in CMOS.

Notice that NMOS and PMOS transistors have an inherent inversion: a high input produces a low (for NMOS) or a low input produces a high (for PMOS). Thus, it is straightforward to produce logic circuits such as an inverter, NAND gate, NOR gate, or an AND-OR-INVERT gate. However, producing an XOR (exclusive-or) gate doesn't work with this approach: an XOR gate produces a 1 if either input is high, but not both.1 The XNOR (exclusive-NOR) gate, the complement of XOR, also has this problem. As a result, chips often have creative implementations of XOR gates.

The standard-cell two-gate XOR circuit

Parts of the 386 were implemented with standard-cell logic. The idea of standard-cell logic is to build circuitry out of standardized building blocks that can be wired by a computer program. In earlier processors such as the 8086, each transistor was carefully positioned by hand to create a chip layout that was as dense as possible. This was a tedious, error-prone process since the transistors were fit together like puzzle pieces. Standard-cell logic is more like building with LEGO. Each gate is implemented as a standardized block and the blocks are arranged in rows, as shown below. The space between the rows holds the wiring that connects the blocks.

Some rows of standard-cell logic in the 386 processor. This is part of the segment descriptor control circuitry.

Some rows of standard-cell logic in the 386 processor. This is part of the segment descriptor control circuitry.

The advantage of standard-cell logic is that it is much faster to create a design since the process can be automated. The engineer described the circuit in terms of the logic gates and their connections. A computer algorithm placed the blocks so related blocks are near each other. An algorithm then routed the circuit, creating the wiring between the blocks. These "place and route" algorithms are challenging since it is an extremely difficult optimization problem, determining the best locations for the blocks and how to pack the wiring as densely as possible. At the time, the algorithm took a day on a powerful IBM mainframe to compute the layout. Nonetheless, the automated process was much faster than manual layout, cutting weeks off the development time for the 386. The downside is that the automated layout is less dense than manually optimized layout, with a lot more wasted space. (As you can see in the photo above, the density is low in the wiring channels.) For this reason, the 386 used manual layout for circuits where a dense layout was important, such as the datapath.

In the 386, the standard-cell XOR gate is built by combining a NOR gate with an AND-NOR gate as shown below.2 (Although AND-NOR looks complicated, it is implemented as a single gate in CMOS.) You can verify that if both inputs are 0, the NOR gate forces the output low, while if both inputs are 1, the AND gate forces the output low, providing the XOR functionality.

Schematic of an XOR circuit.

Schematic of an XOR circuit.

The photo below shows the layout of this XOR gate as a standard cell. I have removed the metal and polysilicon layers to show the underlying silicon. The outlined regions are the active silicon, with PMOS above and NMOS below. The stripes are the transistor gates, normally covered by polysilicon wires. Notice that neighboring transistors are connected by shared silicon; there is no demarcation between the source of one transistor and the drain of the next.

The silicon implementing the XOR standard cell. This image is rotated 180° from the layout on the die to put PMOS at the top.

The silicon implementing the XOR standard cell. This image is rotated 180° from the layout on the die to put PMOS at the top.

The schematic below corresponds to the silicon above. Transistors a, b, c, and d implement the first NOR gate. Transistors g, h, i, and j implement the AND part of the AND-NOR gate. Transistors e and f implement the NOR input of the AND-NOR gate, fed from the first NOR gate. The standard cell library is designed so all the cells are the same height with a power rail at the top and a ground rail at the bottom. This allows the cells to "snap together" in rows. The wiring inside the cell is implemented in polysilicon and the lower metal layer (M1), while the wiring between cells uses the upper metal layer (M2) for vertical connections and lower metal (M1) for horizontal connections. This strategy allows vertical wires to pass over the cells without interfering with the cell's wiring.

Transistor layout in the XOR standard cell.

Transistor layout in the XOR standard cell.

One important factor in a chip such as the 386 is optimizing the sizes of transistors. If a transistor is too small, it will take too much time to switch its output line, reducing performance. But if a transistor is too large, it will waste power as well as slowing down the circuit that is driving it. Thus, the standard-cell library for the 386 includes several XOR gates of various sizes. The diagram below shows a considerably larger XOR standard cell. The cell is the same height as the previous XOR (as required by the standard cell layout), but it is much wider and the transistors inside the cell are taller. Moreover, the PMOS side uses pairs of transistors to double the current capacity. (NMOS has better performance than PMOS so doesn't require doubling of the transistors.) Thus, there are 10 PMOS transistors and 5 NMOS transistors in this XOR cell.

A large XOR standard cell. This cell is also rotated from the die layout.

A large XOR standard cell. This cell is also rotated from the die layout.

The pass transistor circuit

Some parts of the 386 implement XOR gates completely differently, using pass transistor logic. The idea of pass transistor logic is to use transistors as switches that pass inputs through to the output, rather than using transistors as switches to pull the output high or low. The pass transistor XOR circuit uses 8 transistors, compared with 10 for the previous circuit.3

The die photo below shows a pass-transistor XOR circuit, highlighted in red. Note that the surrounding circuitry is irregular and much more tightly packed than the standard-cell circuitry. This circuit was laid out manually producing an optimized layout compared to standard cells. It has four PMOS transistors at the top and four NMOS transistors at the bottom.

The pass-transistor XOR circuit on the die. The green regions are oxide that was not completely removed causing thin-film interference.

The pass-transistor XOR circuit on the die. The green regions are oxide that was not completely removed causing thin-film interference.

The schematic below shows the heart of the circuit, computing the exclusive-NOR (XNOR) of X and Y with four pass transistors. To understand the circuit, consider the four input cases for X and Y. If X and Y are both 0, PMOS transistor a will turn on (because Y is low), passing 1 to the XNOR output. (X is the complemented value of the X input.) If X and Y are both 1, PMOS transistor b will turn on (because X is low), passing 1. If X and Y are 1 and 0 respectively, NMOS transistor c will turn on (because X is high), passing 0. If X and Y are 0 and 1 respectively, transistor d will turn on (because Y is high), passing 0. Thus, the four transistors implement the XNOR function, with a 1 output if both inputs are the same.

Partial implementation of XNOR with four pass transistors.

Partial implementation of XNOR with four pass transistors.

To make an XOR gate out of this requires two additional inverters. The first inverter produces X from X. The second inverter generates the XOR output by inverting the XNOR output. The output inverter also has the important function of buffering the output since the pass transistor output is weaker than the inputs. Since each inverter takes two transistors, the complete XOR circuit uses 8 transistors. The schematic below shows the full circuit. The i1 transistors implement the input inverter and the i2 transistors implement the output inverter. The layout of this schematic matches the earlier die photo.5

Implementation of NOR with eight pass transistors.

Implementation of NOR with eight pass transistors.


An XOR gate may seem like a trivial circuit, but there is more going on than you might expect. I think it is interesting that there isn't a single solution for implementing XOR; even inside a single chip, multiple approaches can be used. (If you're interested in XOR circuits, I also looked at the XOR circuit in the Z80.) It's also reassuring to see that even for a complex chip such as the 386, the circuitry can be broken down into logic gates and then understood at the transistor level.

I plan to write more about the 386, so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I'm also on Mastodon occasionally as @[email protected].

Notes and references

  1. You can't create an AND or OR gate directly from CMOS either, but this isn't usually a problem. One approach is to create a NAND (or NOR) gate and then follow it with an inverter, but this requires an "extra" inverter. However, the inverter can often be eliminated by flipping the action of the next gate (using De Morgan's laws). For example, if you have AND gates feeding into an OR gate, you can change the circuit to use NAND gates feeding into a NAND gate, eliminating the inverters. Unfortunately, flipping the logic levels doesn't help with XOR gates, since XNOR is just as hard to produce. 

  2. The 386 also uses XNOR standard-cell gates. These are implemented with the "opposite" circuit from XOR, swapping the AND and OR gates:

    Schematic of an XNOR circuit.

    Schematic of an XNOR circuit.


  3. I'm not sure why some circuits in the 386 use standard logic for XOR while other circuits use pass transistor logic. I suspect that the standard XOR is used when the XOR gate is part of a standard-cell logic circuit, while the pass transistor XOR is used in hand-optimized circuits. There may also be performance advantages to one over the other. 

  4. The first inverter can be omitted in the pass transistor XOR circuit if the inverted input happens to be available. In particular, if multiple XOR gates use the same input, one inverter can provide the inverted input to all of them, reducing the per-gate transistor count. 

  5. The pass transistor XOR circuit uses different layouts in different parts of the 386, probably because hand layout allows it to be optimized. For instance, the instruction decoder uses the XOR circuit below. This circuit has four PMOS transistors on the left and four NMOS transistors on the right.

    An XOR circuit from the instruction decoder.

    An XOR circuit from the instruction decoder.

    The schematic shows the wiring of this circuit. Although the circuit is electrically the same as the previous pass-transistor circuit, the layout is different. In the previous circuit, several of the transistors were connected through their silicon, while this circuit has all the transistors separated and arranged in columns.

    Schematic of the XOR circuit from the instruction decoder.

    Schematic of the XOR circuit from the instruction decoder.