A 1970s disk drive that wouldn't seek: getting our Xerox Alto running again

Our vintage Xerox Alto has been running reliably for months, but a couple weeks ago the disk drive malfunctioned and the heads stopped moving. With a drive that wouldn't seek, our Alto wouldn't work.3 After extensive debugging and studying the drive's complex head movement control system, we discovered that the problem had a trivial fix. This blog post discusses our adventures debugging the Alto's Diablo hard drive and how we got it to work again.

The Alto was a revolutionary computer designed at Xerox PARC in 1973 to investigate personal computing. It introduced the GUI, high-resolution bitmapped displays, Ethernet, the optical mouse and laser printers to the world. The Alto I've been restoring came from YCombinator; the restoration team includes Marc Verdiell (curiousmarc on YouTube), Carl Claunch and Luca Severini.

The Xerox Alto's disk drive is the unit below the keyboard. The cabinet under the drive holds the computer itself.

The Xerox Alto's disk drive is the unit below the keyboard. The cabinet under the drive holds the computer itself.

For storage, the Alto used a removable 14" hard disk cartridge that held just 2.5 megabytes. (A user might have multiple cartridges for different purposes, similar to floppies a decade later.) This model 2315 cartridge was invented by IBM in 1964 and became an industry standard, used in minicomputers by HP, DEC, Wang and many other companies. The photo below shows how a disk cartridge is inserted into the Diablo drive. (The drive has been pulled out from the cabinet and its cover removed to show its internal mechanisms.)

A disk cartridge is inserted into the Alto's drive. The drive has been pulled out and the cover removed, revealing its internals.

A disk cartridge is inserted into the Alto's drive. The drive has been pulled out and the cover removed, revealing its internals.

Each disk cartridge contains a single platter. The drive has two heads, one for each side of the platter, and the heads seek (move back and forth) in unison. Each side of the disk contains 203 tracks at a density of 100 tracks per inch (.254mm spacing), so the heads need to be positioned with very high accuracy. The heads float 70 microinches (1.8 µm) above the disk surface on a cushion of air, so any contamination on the disk surface can cause a head crash, causing the head to contact the surface and scrape up the oxide layer.

Opening a disk cartridge reveals the single hard disk platter. The disk isn't scratched; it's just the lighting.

Opening a disk cartridge reveals the single hard disk platter. The disk isn't scratched; it's just the lighting.

Our disastrous adventure started when we tried to help out another Alto owner whose disk drive suffered a head crash.1 (Because of the problems this drive has caused, it will be called the cursed drive, although diabolical fits too.) Replacing the heads in the cursed drive should have taken an hour or so, but became much more complex. I'll describe the full saga of the cursed drive in another post, but to make a long story short we installed new heads that immediately crashed so badly that the head arms were physically bent. After installing another set of heads and fixing various other issues the cursed drive finally seemed to work, so we connected it to our Alto.2 Boot almost worked, except any disk in the cursed drive got hopelessly corrupted. To make things worse, our previously-working drive started seeking erratically and then stopped seeking entirely. We suspected an electrical problem with the cursed drive had damaged the Alto's interface board or the good drive's circuitry. This was rather distressing since now we couldn't use our Alto.3

At this point, I should explain a bit about the Diablo drive and the complex mechanism it uses for seeking. The seek circuitry has two purposes. First, when the Alto wants to read from a particular track, the drive must seek, moving the heads to the desired track as fast as possible. Then, the heads must be held perfectly steady over the track. (Keep in mind that a track is only 0.007 inches (.18mm) wide.) Instead of a stepper motor, the drive moves the heads with a DC motor controlled as a servo. To make seeks faster, the motor runs at four different speeds, accelerating quickly and then slowing as it approaches the desired track. Once the head reaches the desired track, the servo mechanism constantly adjusts the head positioner motor to keep the head centered over the track.

The Diablo drive's circuitry pulls up for repair. The drive has three circuit boards on the left and three on the right.

The Diablo drive's circuitry pulls up for repair. The drive has three circuit boards on the left and three on the right.

The seek logic is implemented by the three circuit boards on the right.4 These boards mostly use simple DTL (Diode Transistor Logic) gates, integrated circuits from the 1960s that predated TTL. The innermost board receives the desired track number from the Alto. The next board computes the difference between the drive's current track and the desired track and determines how fast to move the head. Finally, the rightmost board is the analog board that drives the head positioner motor as well as processing head position signals from the transducer. 5 In a modern system, the seek logic could be compactly implemented with a microcontroller. But in the 1970s, controlling the heads took three boards full of integrated circuits.

The photo below shows the disk heads and the head position transducer, a key component of the seek circuitry.6 The heads are in the foreground, two barely-visible white ceramic circles on flat metal arms. The head positioner motor (hidden underneath) moves the heads in and out to the appropriate track. The head position transducer, the green disk in the photo below, provides electronic feedback on the head position. The yellow pointer and the scale on the transducer show the track number visually.

The green head positioner transducer provides feedback to the head servo mechanism. The pointer and dial indicate what track the heads are on.

The green head positioner transducer provides feedback to the head servo mechanism. The pointer and dial indicate what track the heads are on.

The transducer generates two "quadrature" signals 90° apart, with one pulse per track.7 The disk drive counts these pulses to determine the current track number. By looking at the phase of the two signals, the drive can determine the direction of head movement.8 The video below shows the two transducer outputs displayed in X-Y mode on an oscilloscope. As the head is (manually) moved, the dot rotates 360° on the screen for each track. The direction of rotation indicates which way the head is moving. When the head is aligned over the track, the dot is at the top of the screen. Thus, the transducer outputs show the direction of head motion, the number of tracks moved, and alignment over the track.

Getting back to our disk drive that had problems seeking, we did some testing and determined that seeking had totally failed. The drive did not seek when requested by the Alto or Carl's FPGA-based disk controller. The drive didn't return the head to track 0 when the disk was unloaded. It didn't even hold the head in place over a track. This let us know that the problem was not with the signals from the Alto but something inside the drive.

We figured the complex seek control circuitry must have malfunctioned, so our strategy was to swap the three seek board with boards from a spare drive. Then we could replace boards individually until we found which board had the problem. Much to our surprise, the problem still remained even after we swapped the boards.

An oscilloscope trace shows signals in the malfunctioning disk drive. The motor control signal (yellow) causes the motor to be driven with +15V and -15V (pink), but nothing shows up in the current-sensing resistor (green). Xerox Alto oscilloscope-bad.jpg

An oscilloscope trace shows signals in the malfunctioning disk drive. The motor control signal (yellow) causes the motor to be driven with +15V and -15V (pink), but nothing shows up in the current-sensing resistor (green). Xerox Alto oscilloscope-bad.jpg

Next, we checked out the drive's seek signals with an oscilloscope (above). We found that the seek circuitry was generating a motor control signal (yellow) and the motor driver board was sending +15V or -15V to the head positioner motor (pink). Although these signals weren't really what we expected to see, with full voltage to the motor, the heads should have been moving back and forth rapidly instead of remaining stationary. Also, nothing was showing up across the current-sensing resistor (green).9

The head-seek motor is driven through a large current-sensing resistor (left). (A disk cable or terminator is attached to the connector on the right.)

The head-seek motor is driven through a large current-sensing resistor (left). (A disk cable or terminator is attached to the connector on the right.)

Although the seek circuitry was complex, the actual motor wiring was fairly simple. The motor received up to +/- 15V from a driver board, and was connected to ground through a large (10W) 0.2Ω current sensing resistor (above). A bypass capacitor across the motor (below) filtered out noise. We suspected a failure of the current-sensing resistor, the bypass capacitor, or the motor itself, so we tested these components. A multimeter verified the resistor hadn't burnt out. A LCR meter showed the capacitor had the right capacitance. We powered the motor directly from a power supply and the heads moved back and forth smoothly. This was a puzzle: all the components tested fine and we had measured voltage from the motor driver board, so why was nothing moving?

The head positioning motor moves the heads back and forth. Drive wires (yellow) are bolted to the motor. A bypass capacitor (black) is connected across the motor.

The head positioning motor moves the heads back and forth. Drive wires (yellow) are bolted to the motor. A bypass capacitor (black) is connected across the motor.

At this point, Carl noticed that one of the wires on the motor was loose. He tightened the nut and the seek problems were immediately solved. After all our investigation, the problem with our drive was simply a loose wire that prevented power from getting to the motor. Vibration must have slowly loosened the nut until the drive quit working. Apparently it was just coincidence that the problem happened when we had the cursed drive connected.


It was a bit anticlimactic to find a simple loose wire after all our investigation of the seek circuitry. But we were happy to have our drive back in operation, so we could use our Alto again. We still have to diagnose the problem with the cursed drive, but hopefully we're getting closer; I plan to write another blog post once we get that problem solved.

My full set of Alto posts is here. Follow me on Twitter or RSS to find out about my latest blog posts.

Notes and references

  1. Since the head flies at high speed above the disk surface, any particles on the disk can cause the head to crash into the disk surface, scratching the disk and clogging up the head with oxide. Usually the heads can be removed and cleaned. After reinstalling the heads, they need to be realigned with a special alignment pack so they are properly positioned over the tracks. 

  2. The disk drives have two connectors on the back, so multiple drives can be daisy-chained together. This lets you have a two-drive Alto configuration, for instance. A terminator is connected to the last disk in the chain. Thus, the Alto was connected to the working drive in the Alto cabinet, which was then connected to the cursed drive. 

  3. Our Alto wasn't totally dead without a disk drive, since we could boot over Ethernet using my Ethernet gateway. However, without a working disk drive the Alto was very limited. 

  4. The three boards on the left of the drive aren't relevant for this repair, but I'll describe them for completeness. The leftmost board (J10) has the analog read/write circuitry that drives the heads. (You can see a wire from the upper left corner of the board going to the heads.) The next board (J9) controls the spindle drive motor, lowers the heads onto the disk after loading, and detects sector marks. The inner board on the left (J8) counts the sectors on the disk. It also generates the 5V supply and has an oscillator to drive the head position transducer. 

  5. The Disk drive maintenance manual includes schematics and a detailed description of the drive's operation. 

  6. Modern disk drives position the heads based on a servo track written on the disk, a technology developed in 1971 that provided better positioning accuracy. The Diablo drive on the other hand, used older technology where position feedback was part of the drive. 

  7. The head position rotary transducer uses a special transformer to generate the position signals. A 50 kHz carrier signal is fed into the transducer. This signal is modulated based on the head position to yield two signals, the quadrature signals 90° out of phase. The transducer has two parts: a rotary member that receives the carrier signal, and a stationary member that provides the two output signals. I haven't disassembled the transducer, but based on similar rotary transducers, I believe the transducer is built from zig-zag windings etched into circular printed circuit boards in the transducer. The zig-zags are closely spaced around the transducer disk, with their spacing matching one track's rotation of the transducer disk. The two output windings have the same spacing, but are offset one quarter of a zig-zag, i.e. 90°. As the transducer rotates, the input winding will line up alternately in phase and opposite phase with the output winding, yielding a positive and then negative output, once per track. The other output winding behaves similarly, but 90° out of phase. 

  8. A mechanical mouse uses a similar quadrature technique to determine the direction of motion. A mechanical mouse typically uses optical encoders rather than the disk drive's transformer encoders. 

  9. We used an oscilloscope to examine the seek circuitry on a working drive, and found very complex, almost chaotic signals showing the constant adjustments of the servo circuitry to keep the head aligned.

    A working disk drive shows the complex signals in the servo mechanism. The input signal (blue) triggers variations in the motor control signal (yellow). The motor voltage (pink) is constantly adjusted so the motor current (green) tracks the control signal.

    A working disk drive shows the complex signals in the servo mechanism. The input signal (blue) triggers variations in the motor control signal (yellow). The motor voltage (pink) is constantly adjusted so the motor current (green) tracks the control signal.

    The signals from the transducer are processed, combined, and differentiated to generate spikes (blue) as the head moves. This input is filtered to form the motor control signal (yellow). The voltage driving the head motor (pink) is constantly adjusted so the velocity signal (green, from the current-sense resistor) is proportional to the control signal (yellow). 

Reading a VGA monitor's configuration data with I2C and a PocketBeagle

Have you ever wondered how your computer knows all the characteristics of your monitor— the supported resolutions, the model, and even the serial number? Most monitors use a system called DDC to communicate this information to the computer.1 This information is transmitted using the I2C communication protocol—a protocol also popular for connecting hobbyist devices. In this post, I look inside a VGA monitor cable, use a tiny PocketBeagle (a single-board computer in the BeagleBone family) to read the I2C data from an LCD monitor, and then analyze this data.

Inside a VGA cable. The cable is more complex than I expected, with multiple layers of shields. The green, red, white (sync) and blue wires are thicker and have their own shielding.

Inside a VGA cable. The cable is more complex than I expected, with multiple layers of shields. The green, red, white (sync) and blue wires are thicker and have their own shielding.

To connect to the monitor, I cut a VGA cable in half and figured out which wire goes to which pin.3 The wire (above) is constructed in an interesting way, more complicated than I expected. The red, green, blue and horizontal sync signals are transmitted over coaxial-like cables formed by wrapping a wire a spiral of thin copper wires for shielding.2 The remaining signals travel over thinner plain wires. Several strands of string form the structural center of the VGA cable, and the ten internal wires are wrapped in a foil shield and woven outer shield.

The VGA connector consists of 3 rows of 5 pins.
Pins are simply numbered left-to-right with 1 through 5 in the first row, 6-10 in the second, and 11-15 in the third.
(Click image for a closeup.)

The VGA connector consists of 3 rows of 5 pins. Pins are simply numbered left-to-right with 1 through 5 in the first row, 6-10 in the second, and 11-15 in the third. (Click image for a closeup.)

The photo above shows the male VGA connector on each end of the cable. The function assigned to each pin is shown in the table below. The I2C clock (SCL) and data (SDA) are the important pins for this project. The wire colors are not standardized; they refer to my VGA cable and may be different for a different cable.

PinFunctionWire color
1RedRed coax
2GreenGreen coax
3BlueBlue coax
6Red GroundShield
7Green GroundShield
8Blue GroundShield
13HSyncWhite coax

The 5 volt wire in the cable has a clever purpose. This wire allows the computer to power the EEPROM chip that provides the configuration data. Thus, the computer can query the display's characteristics even if the display is turned off or even unplugged from the wall.

Reading the configuration data

To read the data over I2C, I used the PocketBeagle, a tiny Linux computer that I had handy. (You could use a different system that supports I2C, such as the Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone or Arduino.) I simply connected the I2C clock (SCL), data (SDA) and ground wires from the VGA cable to the PocketBeagle's I2C pins as shown below.

Connecting a VGA cable to the PocketBeagle allows the configuration data to be read over I2C. The black wire is ground, the green wire is I2C data (SDA) and the red wire is I2C clock (SCL).

Connecting a VGA cable to the PocketBeagle allows the configuration data to be read over I2C. The black wire is ground, the green wire is I2C data (SDA) and the red wire is I2C clock (SCL).

Simple Linux commands let me access I2C. First, I probed the I2C bus to see what devices were present, using the i2cdetect command. (Many devices can be connected to an I2C bus, each assigned a different address.) The output below shows that devices 30, 37, 4a, 4b and 50 responded on I2C bus 1. Device 50 is the relevant I2C device, assigned to the configuration information. Device 37 is DDC/CI, allowing monitor settings to be controlled by the computer, but I'll ignore it for this post. Devices 30, 4a, and 4b are a mystery to me so leave a comment if you know what they are.

$ i2cdetect -y -r 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: 30 -- -- -- -- -- -- 37 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4a 4b -- -- -- --
50: 50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Next, I used the i2cdump command to read 128 bytes from device 50's registers, providing the raw VGA information. The hex values are on the left and ASCII is on the right.

$ i2cdump -y -r 0-127 1 0x50 b
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f    0123456789abcdef
00: 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 04 69 fa 22 01 01 01 01    ........?i?"????
10: 12 19 01 03 1e 30 1b 78 ea 3d 25 a3 59 51 a0 25    ?????0?x?=%?YQ?%
20: 0f 50 54 bf ef 00 71 4f 81 80 81 40 95 00 a9 40    ?PT??.qO???@?.?@
30: b3 00 d1 c0 01 01 02 3a 80 18 71 38 2d 40 58 2c    ?.?????:??q8-@X,
40: 45 00 dd 0c 11 00 00 1e 00 00 00 fd 00 32 4c 1e    E.???..?...?.2L?
50: 53 11 00 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 fc 00 56    S?.?      ...?.V
60: 45 32 32 38 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 ff    E228?       ....
70: 00 46 34 4c 4d 51 53 31 32 38 35 34 36 0a 00 bb    .F4LMQS128546?.?

Understanding the monitor's EDID data

The configuration data is encoded in the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) format, so it's not immediately obvious what the data means. But the format is well-documented, so it's not too hard to figure out. For instance, the first 8 bytes 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 are the header. The next two bytes 04 69 encode three 5-bit characters for the manufacturer ID, in this case "ACI" - Asus Computer International. (The data format uses a lot of annoying bit manipulations like these to make the data compact.) Near the end of the output, the ASCII strings "VE228" and "F4LMQS128546" are clearly visible; these are the monitor's model number and serial number.

I made a simple Python program to decode the data, giving the following results:

  Manufacturer: ACI
  Product code: 8954
  Week: 18
  Year: 2008
  Edid version 1, revision 3
  Analog input
  Levels: +0.7/-.03
  Blank-to-black setup (pedestal) expected
  Separate sync supported
  Composite sync supported
  Sync on green supported
  Horizontal screen size: 48cm
  Vertical screen size: 27cm
  Display gamma: 2.200
  DPMS standby supported
  DPMS suspend supported
  DPMS active-off supported
  Display type (analog): RGB color
  Preferred timing mode in descriptor block 1
Chromaticity coordinates:  r: (0.637, 0.351), g: (0.319, 0.626), b: (0.145, 0.061), w: (0.313, 0.329)
Established timings:
  720x400 @ 70 Hz
  640x480 @ 60 Hz
  640x480 @ 67 Hz
  640x480 @ 72 Hz
  640x480 @ 75 Hz
  800x600 @ 56 Hz
  800x600 @ 60 Hz
  800x600 @ 72 Hz
  800x600 @ 75 Hz
  832x624 @ 75 Hz
  1024x768 @ 60 Hz
  1024x768 @ 72 Hz
  1024x768 @ 75 Hz
  1280x1024 @ 75 Hz
Standard timing information:
  X res: 1152, aspect 4:3, Y res (derived): 864), vertical frequency: 75
  X res: 1280, aspect 5:4, Y res (derived): 1024), vertical frequency: 60
  X res: 1280, aspect 4:3, Y res (derived): 960), vertical frequency: 60
  X res: 1440, aspect 16:10, Y res (derived): 900), vertical frequency: 60
  X res: 1600, aspect 4:3, Y res (derived): 1200), vertical frequency: 60
  X res: 1680, aspect 16:10, Y res (derived): 1050), vertical frequency: 60
  X res: 1920, aspect 16:9, Y res (derived): 1080), vertical frequency: 60
Descriptor 1: Detailed timing descriptor:
  Pixel clock: 148500kHz
  Horizontal active pixels: 1920
  Horizontal blanking pixels: 280
  Vertical active lines: 1080
  Vertical blanking lines: 45
  Horizontal front porch pixels: 88
  Horizontal sync pulse pixels: 44
  Vertical front porch lines: 4
  Vertical sync pulse lines: 5
  Horizontal image size: 477mm
  Vertical image size: 268mm
  Horizontal border pixels: 0
  Vertical border lines: 0
  Digital separate sync
  VSync serration
  Positive horizontal sync polarity
Descriptor 2: Display range limits
  Minimum vertical field rate 50Hz
  Maximum vertical field rate 76Hz
  Minimum horizontal field rate 30Hz
  Maximum horizontal field rate 83Hz
  Maximum pixel clock rate: 170Mhz
  Default GTF
Descriptor 3: Display name VE228
Descriptor 4: Display serial number F4LMQS128546

As you can see, the EDID format crams a lot of configuration information into 128 bytes. The output starts off with some basic data about the monitor's characteristics and inputs. The VGA standard doesn't nail down as many things as you'd hope. For instance the sync signals can be provided on one wire (composite), two wires (separate), or on the green wire. The output above shows my monitor supports all three sync types.

The monitor then provides a long list of supported resolutions, which is how your computer knows what the monitor supports. The "detailed timing descriptor" provides more information on signal voltage levels and timings. The timing of VGA signals contains some strange features (e.g. blanking and "front porch") inherited from obsolete CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) displays. The values in the configuration provide the information necessary for the computer's graphics board to synthesize a proper VGA signal that the monitor can understand.

The CIE chromaticity coordinates provided by the monitor are interesting, but need a bit of background to understand. A CIE chromaticity diagram (below), shows all the colors in the real world. (Brightness is factored out, so grays and browns don't appear.) Individual wavelengths of light (i.e. the spectrum) curve around the outside of the diagram. The colors inside the curve are combinations of the pure spectral colors, with white in the middle.

CIE diagram showing the color gamut and white point of my monitor.

CIE diagram showing the color gamut and white point of my monitor.

A display, however, generates its colors by combining red, green, and blue. The result is that a display can only show the colors inside the triangle above with red, green, and blue at the corners. A display doesn't generate the light wavelengths necessary to display colors outside the triangle. Like most monitors, this monitor can only show a surprisingly small fraction of the possible colors. (A wide-gamut display uses different phosphors to expand the triangle and get more vivid colors.) The triangle vertices and white point4 in the diagram above come from the x,y chromaticity coordinates in the configuration data.

You might wonder how you can see the whole CIE diagram on your display if only the colors inside the triangle can be displayed. The answer is the diagram "cheats"—the colors are scaled to fit into RGB values, so you're not seeing the exact colors but just an approximate representation. If you look at the spectrum through a prism, for instance, the colors will be more intense than what you see in the CIE diagram.

Inside I2C

The I2C protocol (Inter-Integrated Circuit) was invented in 1982 by Philips Semiconductor to connect a CPU to peripheral chips inside televisions. It's now a popular protocol for many purposes, including connecting sensors, small LED displays, and other devices to microcontrollers. Many I2C products are available from Adafruit and Sparkfun for instance.

The I2C protocol provides a simple, medium-speed way to connect multiple devices on a bus using just two wires—one for a clock and one for data. I2C is a serial protocol, but it differs from serial protocols like RS-232 in a couple ways. First, I2C is synchronous (using a clock), unlike RS-232 which is asynchronous (no clock). Second, I2C is a bus and can connect dozens of devices, while RS-232 connects two devices.5

The oscilloscope trace below shows what an I2C communication with the monitor looks like on the wire. The top line (cyan) shows the clock. Note that the clock only runs while data is transmitted.) The yellow line is the binary data. At the bottom, the oscilloscope decoded the data (green). In this trace, register number 0x26 is being read from device 0x50. The I2C protocol is rather peculiar since a read is performed by doing a write followed by a read. That is, to read a byte, the master first does a write to the device of the desired register number: the master first sends 0x50 (the device ID) the write flag bit (indicated with "W:50"), and 0x26 (the register number, ASCII "&"). Then, the master does a read; it sends 0x50 and the read flag bit ("R:50"). The device responds with the value in the register, 0x71 (ASCII "q").6

I2C trace: clock (SCL) in cyan and data (SDA) in yellow. Green shows decoded data. Oscilloscope was set to 20µs/division and 2V/division.

I2C trace: clock (SCL) in cyan and data (SDA) in yellow. Green shows decoded data. Oscilloscope was set to 20µs/division and 2V/division.

Devices on the I2C bus can only pull a line low; pull-up resistors keeps the lines high by default.7 As a result, the traces above drop low sharply, but climb back up slowly.8 Even though the transitions look sloppy, the I2C bus worked fine. I couldn't find a source to tell me if VGA monitors included pull-up resistors, or if I needed to add them externally. However, I measured voltage on the lines coming from the monitor and everything worked without external resistors, so there must be pull-up resistors inside the monitor.


The VGA specification includes a data link that allows a computer to learn about a monitor and configure it appropriately. It is straightforward to read this configuration data using the I2C protocol and a board with an I2C port. While VGA is mostly obsolete now, the same data protocol is used with DVI and HDMI displays. My goal in reading the monitor's config data was so I could use the timing data in an FPGA to generate a VGA video signal. (That project is yet to come.) Follow me on Twitter or RSS to find out about my latest blog posts.

Notes and references

  1. DDC (Display Data Channel) is used by VGA, DVI and HDMI connections, which transmit the data over two I2C pins. The data it sends is in the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) format. Everything changed with the DisplayPort interface. It transmits configuration data over a differential AUX channel using the DisplayID format, which extends EDID to supports newer features such as 3D displays. Thus, the techniques I describe in this article should work with DVI or HDMI interfaces, but won't work with DisplayPort. 

  2. Looking at other VGA cables on the web, most VGA cables don't have the fourth coax for horizontal sync that my cable does. So my cable seems a bit unusual. 

  3. Instead of cutting a VGA cable in half, I could have simply plugged a cable into a VGA connector, but that's less interesting. 

  4. The white point for my monitor matches a standard called D65

  5. For more information on I2C, good explanations are on SparkFun and Wikipedia

  6. I'm leaving out some of the complications of I2C. For example, the master generates the clock, but the device can do "clock stretching" by holding the clock low until it is ready. Also, the device sends an ACK bit after each request. The device address is 7 bits, while the data is 8 bits. See protocol documentation for details. 

  7. Using a pull-up resistor on the I2C bus avoids the risk of short circuits. If, alternatively, devices could actively pull the line high, it would be a problem if one device tried to pull a line high at the same time another pulled it low. 

  8. The oscilloscope traces show exponential R-C charging curves when the line is pulled high. This is due to the wire capacitance being charged through the pull-up resistor. The signals only reach about 3V, making them suitable for the PocketBeagle's 3.3V inputs. (If you try this with a different monitor, check the voltage levels to avoid damaging the PocketBeagle's inputs.) 

Implementing FizzBuzz on an FPGA

I recently started FPGA programming and figured it would be fun to use an FPGA to implement the FizzBuzz algorithm. An FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) is an interesting chip that you can program to implement arbitrary digital logic. This lets you build a complex digital circuit without wiring up individual gates and flip flops. It's like having a custom chip that can be anything from a logic analyzer to a microprocessor to a video generator.

The "FizzBuzz test" is to write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100, except multiples of 3 are replaced with the word "Fizz", multiples of 5 with "Buzz" and multiples of both with "FizzBuzz". Since FizzBuzz can be implemented in a few lines of code, it is used as a programming interview question to weed out people who can't program at all.

The Mojo FPGA board, connected to a serial-to-USB interface. The big chip on the Mojo is the Spartan 6 FPGA.

The Mojo FPGA board, connected to a serial-to-USB interface. The big chip on the Mojo is the Spartan 6 FPGA.

Implementing FizzBuzz in digital logic (as opposed to code) is rather pointless, but I figured it would be a good way to learn FPGAs.1 For this project, I used the Mojo V3 FPGA development board (shown above), which was designed to be an easy-to-use starter board. It uses an FPGA chip from Xilinx's Spartan 6 family. Although the Mojo's FPGA is one of the smallest Spartan 6 chips, it still contains over 9000 logic cells and 11,000 flip flops, so it can do a lot.

Implementing serial output on the FPGA

What does it mean to implement FizzBuzz on an FPGA? The general-purpose I/O pins of an FPGA could be connected to anything, so the FizzBuzz output could be displayed in many different ways such as LEDs, seven-segment displays, an LCD panel, or a VGA monitor. I decided that outputting the text over a serial line to a terminal was the closest in spirit to a "standard" FizzBuzz program. So the first step was to implement serial output on the FPGA.

The basic idea of serial communication is to send bits over a wire, one at a time. The RS-232 serial protocol is a simple protocol for serial data, invented in 1960 for connecting things like teletypes and modems. The diagram below shows how the character "F" (binary 01000110) would be sent serially over the wire. First, a start bit (low) is sent to indicate the start of a character.2 Next, the 8 bits of the character are sent in reverse order. Finally, a stop bit (high) is sent to indicate the end of the character. The line sits idle (high) between characters until another character is ready to send. For a baud rate of 9600, each bit is sent for 1/9600 of a second. With 8 data bits, no parity bit, and 1 stop bit, the protocol is known as 8N1. Many different serial protocols are in use, but 9600 8N1 is a very common one.

Serial line output of the character "F" sent at 9600 baud / 8N1.

Serial line output of the character "F" sent at 9600 baud / 8N1.

The first step in implementing this serial output was to produce the 1/9600 second intervals for each bit. This interval can be measured by counting 5208 clock pulses on the Mojo.3 I implemented this by using a 13-bit counter to repeatedly count from 0 to 5207. To keep track of which bit is being output in each interval, I used a simple state machine that advanced through the start bit, the 8 data bits, and the stop bit. The state is held in a 4-bit register. (With FPGAs, you end up dealing a lot with clock pulses, counters, and state machines.)

To create the interval and state registers in the FPGA chip, I wrote code in the Verilog hardware description language. I won't explain Verilog thoroughly, but hopefully you can get a feel for how it works. In the code below, the first lines define a 13-bit register called counter and a 4-bit register called state. The counter is incremented until it reaches 5207, at which time the counter is reset to 0 and state is incremented to process the next output bit. (Note that <= is an assignment operator, not a comparison.4) The line always @(posedge clk) indicates that the code is executed on the positive edge of each clock.

reg [12:0] counter;
reg [3:0] state;

always @(posedge clk) begin
  if (counter < 5207) begin
     counter <= counter + 1;
  end else begin
    counter <= 0;
    state <= state + 1;

While this may look like code in a normal programming language, it operates entirely differently. In a normal language, operations usually take place sequentially as the program is executed line by line. For instance, the processor would check the value of counter. It would then add 1 to counter. But in Verilog, there's no processor and no program being executed. Instead, the code generates hardware to perform the operations. For example, an adder circuit is created to increment counter, and a separate adder to increment state, and additional logic for the comparison with 5207. Unlike the sequential processor, the FPGA does everything in parallel. For instance, the FPGA does the 5207 comparison, the increment or reset of counter and the increment of state all in parallel on each clock pulse. Because of this parallelism, FPGAs can be much faster than processors for highly parallel tasks.

The next part of the serial code (below) outputs the appropriate bit for each state. As before, while this looks like a normal programming language, it is generating hardware circuits, not operations that are executed sequentially. In this case, the code creates gate logic (essentially a multiplexer) to select the right value for out.

case (state)
  IDLE: out = MARK; // high
  START: out = SPACE; // low
  BIT0: out = char1[0];
  BIT1: out = char1[1];
  BIT6: out = char1[6];
  STOP: out = MARK;
  default: out = MARK;

There's a bit more code for the serial module to define constants, initialize the counters, and start and stop each character, but the above code should give you an idea of how Verilog works. The full serial code is here.

The FizzBuzz Algorithm

The next step is figuring out what to send over the serial line. How do we convert the numbers from 1 to 100 into ASCII characters? This is trivial when programming a microprocessor, but hard with digital logic. The problem is that converting a binary number to decimal digits requires division by 10 and 100, and division is very inconvenient to implement with gates. My solution was to use a binary-coded decimal (BCD) counter, storing each of the three digits separately. This made the counter slightly more complicated, since each digit needs to wrap at 9, but it made printing the digits easy.

I wrote a BCD counter module (source) to implement the 3-digit counter. It has three 4-bit counters digit2, digit1, and digit0. The flag increment indicates that the counter should be incremented. Usually just digit0 is incremented. But if digit0 is 9, then it wraps to 0 and digit1 is incremented. Except if digit1 is also 9, then it wraps to 0 and digit2 is incremented. Thus, the digits will count from 000 to 999.

if (increment) begin
  if (digit0 != 9) begin
    // Regular increment digit 0
    digit0 <= digit0 + 1;
  end else begin
    // Carry from digit 0
    digit0 <= 0;
    if (digit1 != 9) begin
      // Regular increment digit 1
      digit1 <= digit1 + 1;
    end else begin
      // Carry from digit 1
      digit1 <= 0;
      digit2 <= digit2 + 1;

As before, keep in mind that while this looks like normal program code, it turns into a bunch of logic gates, generating the new values for digit2, digit1 and digit0 on each clock cycle. The system isn't executing instructions in sequence, so performance isn't limited by the number of instructions but just by the delay for signals to propagate through the gates.

The next challenge was testing if the number was divisible by 3 or 5. Like division, the modulo operation is easy on a microprocessor, but hard with digital logic. There's no built-in divide operation, so modulo needs to be computed with a big pile of gates. Although the IDE can synthesize the gates for a modulo operation, it seemed inelegant. Instead, I simply kept counters for the value modulo 3 and the value modulo 5. The value modulo 3, for instance, would simply count 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, ...5

The final piece of FizzBuzz was the code to output each line, character by character. In a program, we could simply call the serial output routine for each character. But in an FPGA, we need to keep track of which character is being sent, with yet another state machine. Note that to convert each digit to an ASCII character, binary 11 is concatenated, using the slightly strange syntax 2'b11. The code excerpt below is slightly simplified; the full code includes leading zero checks so "001" will print as "1".

state <= state + 1; // Different state from serial
if (mod3 == 0 && mod5 != 0) begin
  // Fizz
  case (state)
   1: char <= "F";
   2: char <= "i";
   3: char <= "z";
   4: char <= "z";
   5: char <= "\r";
   6: begin
     char <= "\n";
     state <= NEXT; // Done with output line
end else if (mod3 != 0 && mod5 == 0) begin
  ... Buzz case omitted ...
end else if (mod3 == 0 && mod5 == 0) begin      
 ... Fizzbuzz case omitted ...
end else begin 
  // No divisors; output the digits of the number.
  case (state)
    1: char <= {2'b11, digit2[3:0]};
    2: char <= {2'b11, digit1[3:0]};
    3: char <= {2'b11, digit0[3:0]};
    4: char <= "\r";
    5: begin
     char <= "\n";
     state <= NEXT;

Putting it all together, there are multiple state machines and counters controlling the final FizzBuzz circuit. The main state machine controls the code above, moving through the characters of the line. For each character, this state machine triggers the serial output module, and waits until the character has been output. Inside the serial module, a state machine moves through each bit of the character. This state machine waits until the baud rate counter has measured out the width of the bit. When the serial output of the character is done, the serial module signals the main state machine. The main state machine then moves to the next character in the line. When the line is done, the main state machine increments the BCD counter (counting from 1 to 100) and then starts outputting the next line.

Programming languages make it easy to do operations in sequence, perform loops, make subroutine calls and so forth. But with an FPGA, you need to explicitly control when things happen, using state machines and counters to keep track of what's happening. In exchange for this, FPGAs give you a huge degree of parallelism and control.

Running FizzBuzz on the FPGA board

To compile the Verilog code, I used Xilinx's ISE tool (below), which is a development environment that lets you write code, simulate it, and synthesize it into gate-level circuitry that can be loaded onto the FPGA. Using the ISE tool is fairly straightforward, and explained in the Mojo tutorials. The synthesis process was slow compared to a compile, taking about 45 seconds for my FizzBuzz program.

By writing Verilog code in Xilinx's ISE tool, you can program functionality into an FPGA.

By writing Verilog code in Xilinx's ISE tool, you can program functionality into an FPGA.

Once I had the code working in the simulator,7, I downloaded it to the FPGA board over a USB cable. I connected the FPGA output pin to a USB-to-serial adapter6 and used a terminal emulator (screen) to display the serial output on my computer. I hit the reset button on the Mojo board and (after just a bit more debugging) the FizzBuzz output appeared (below).

First page of output from the FizzBuzz FPGA, as displayed by the screen terminal emulator.

First page of output from the FizzBuzz FPGA, as displayed by the screen terminal emulator.

The image below shows the raw serial data from the FPGA (yellow). This is the end result of the FizzBuzz circuitry running on the FPGA board—a sequence of pulses. The oscilloscope also shows the decoded ASCII characters (green). This data is near the beginning of the FizzBuzz output, showing the lines for 2, 3 and 4. (CR and LF are carriage return and line feed.)

The serial data signal (yellow) near the beginning of the FizzBuzz output. The ASCII decoding is in green.

The serial data signal (yellow) near the beginning of the FizzBuzz output. The ASCII decoding is in green.

What happens inside the FPGA?

You might wonder how a Verilog description of a circuit gets turned into digital logic, and how the FPGA implements this logic. The ISE synthesis tool turns the Verilog design into circuitry suitable for implementation inside the FPGA. It first synthesizes the Verilog code into a "netlist", specifying the logic and connections. Next it translates the netlists into FPGA primitives, which are mapped onto the capabilities of the particular chip (the Spartan 6 in my case). Finally, the place and route process optimizes the layout of the chip, minimizing the distance signals need to travel.

Schematic of the FizzBuzz circuit.

Schematic of the FizzBuzz circuit.

The image above shows the schematic of the FizzBuzz circuit, as generated by the synthesis tools. As you can see, the Verilog code turns into a large tangle of circuitry. Each block is a flip flop, logic element, multiplexer or other unit. These blocks make up the counters, state registers and logic for the FizzBuzz circuit. While this looks like a lot of logic, it used less than 2% of the chip's capability. A closeup (below) of the schematic shows a flip flop (labeled "fdre")8 and a lookup table (labeled "lut5") from the BCD counter. The nice thing about Verilog is that you can design the circuit at a high level, and it gets turned into the low-level circuitry. This is called RTL (Register-transfer level) and lets you design using registers and high-level operations on them, without worrying about the low-level hardware implementation. For instance, you can simply say count + 1 and this will generate the necessary binary adder circuitry.

Detail of the schematic showing a flip flop and lookup table.

Detail of the schematic showing a flip flop and lookup table.

The FPGA chip uses an interesting technique to implement logic equations. Instead of wiring together individual gates, the logic is implemented with a lookup table (LUT), which is a flexible way of implementing arbitrary logic. Each lookup table has 6 input lines, so it can implement any combinatorial logic with 6 inputs. With 6 inputs, there are 64 different input combinations, yielding a 64-line truth table. By storing this table as a 64-bit bitmap, the LUT can implement any desired logic function.

For example, part of the logic for the output pin is equivalent to the logic circuit below. This is implemented by storing the 64-bit value FFFFA8FFFFA8A8A8 into the lookup table. In the Spartan 6 chip, the LUT is implemented with 64 bits of static RAM, loaded when the FPGA is initialized. Since the chip has 5720 separate lookup tables, it can be programmed to implement a lot of arbitrary logic.

The gate logic implemented by one lookup table in the FPGA.

The gate logic implemented by one lookup table in the FPGA.

The final piece of the FPGA puzzle is the switch matrix that connects the circuitry together in arbitrary ways. In the Spartan 6 a handful of LUTs, flip flops and multiplexers are grouped into a configurable logic blocks (CLB).9 The CLBs are connected together by a switch matrix, as shown below. Each switch matrix block is programmed to connect different wires together, allowing the FPGA to be wired as desired. An important part of the FPGA synthesis process is positioning blocks to minimize the wiring distance, both to minimize signal propagation delay and to avoid running out of interconnect paths.

The switching matrix in the Spartan 6 FPGA allows arbitrary interconnections between CLBs. From the User Guide.

The switching matrix in the Spartan 6 FPGA allows arbitrary interconnections between CLBs. From the User Guide.

Should you try an FPGA?

Personally, I was very reluctant to try out an FPGA because they seemed scary and weird. While there is a learning curve, FPGAs aren't as difficult as I expected. If you're interested in new programming paradigms, FPGAs will definitely give you a different perspective. Things that you take for granted, such as performing operations in sequence, will move to the foreground with an FPGA. You can experiment with high degrees of parallelism. And FPGAs will give you a better idea of how digital circuits work.

However, I wouldn't recommend trying FPGAs unless you have some familiarity with wiring up LEDs and switches and understand basic digital logic: gates, flip flops, and state machines. If you're comfortable with an Arduino, though, an FPGA is a reasonable next step.

For most applications, a microcontroller can probably do the job as well as an FPGA and is easier to program. Unless you have high data rates or require parallelism, an FPGA is probably overkill. In my case, I found a microcontroller was barely powerful enough for my 3Mb/s Ethernet gateway project, so I'm looking into FPGAs for my next project.

Is the Mojo a good board to start with?

The Mojo FPGA development board is sold by Adafruit and Sparkfun, so I figured it would be a good hacker choice. The Mojo was designed for people getting started with FPGAs, and I found it worked well in this role. The makers of the Mojo wrote a solid collection of tutorials using Verilog.10 It was very helpful to use tutorials written for the specific board, since it minimized that amount of time I spent fighting with the board and tools. The Mojo is programmed over a standard USB cable, which is more convenient than boards that need special JTAG adapters.

The Mojo FPGA board. The Spartan-6 FPGA chip dominates the board.

The Mojo FPGA board. The Spartan-6 FPGA chip dominates the board.

Although the Mojo has plenty of I/O pins, it doesn't have any I/O devices included except 8 LEDs. It would be nicer to experiment with a board that includes buttons, 7-segment displays, VGA output, sensors and so forth. (It's not hard to wire up stuff to the Mojo, but it would be convenient to have them included.) Also, some development boards include external RAM but the Mojo doesn't, a problem for applications such as a logic analyzer that require a lot of storage.11 (You can extend the Mojo with an IO shield or RAM shield.)

A good introductory book to get started with the Mojo is Programming FPGAs; it also covers the considerably cheaper Papilo One and Elbert 2 boards. A list of FPGA development boards is here if you want to look at other options.


An FPGA is an impractical way to implement FizzBuzz, but it was a fun project and I learned a lot about FPGA programming. I certainly wouldn't get the FPGA job if FizzBuzz was used as an interview question, though! My code is on github, but keep in mind I'm a beginner to FPGAs.

Follow me on Twitter or RSS to find out about my latest blog posts.

Notes and references

  1. It's trivial to implement a microprocessor on an FPGA. For instance, with the Spartan 6 chip you can click a couple buttons in an IDE wizard and it will generate the circuitry for a MicroBlaze processor. Thus, the sensible way to run FizzBuzz on an FPGA would be to write the FizzBuzz code in a few lines of C, and then run it on a processor inside the FPGA. But that's too easy for me. 

  2. The start bit is necessary because otherwise the receiver couldn't tell when the character started, if the first bit sent was a 1. 

  3. Since the Mojo uses a 50 MHz clock, for 9600 baud each output bit is 50,000,000 / 9600 or approximately 5208 clocks wide. 9600 baud isn't a very fast rate so to challenge my circuit, I also tested it at 10M baud (by counting to 5 for each bit) and the circuit worked fine. (The USB-to-serial interface only worked up to 230400 baud, so I used oscilloscope decoding to check the higher speeds.) 

  4. In Verilog, <= is the nonblocking assignment operator, while = is the blocking assignment operator. Nonblocking assignments happen in parallel, and are generally used for sequential (clocked flip flop) logic. Blocking assignment is used for combinational (nonclocked) logic. This is a bit confusing but details are here

  5. I used BCD and not binary to store the number, so computing the value modulo 5 would have been almost trivial by looking at the last digit. But modulo 3 would still be difficult, so I stuck with the counter approach. 

  6. I couldn't connect the serial input directly to my computer, since it doesn't have a serial port. Instead, I used a USB-to-serial adapter, Adafruit's FTDI Friend. This adapter also had the advantage of accepting the FPGA's 3.3V signals, rather than the inconvenient +/- 15V used by genuine RS-232. 

  7. Debugging an FPGA is a very different process from software debugging. Since the FPGA is mostly a black box while running, you should test everything out in the simulator first, or else you end up in "FPGA Hell", blinking LEDs to figure out what's happening. To debug code, you simulate it by writing a "testbench", Verilog code that specifies various inputs at various times (example). You then run the simulator (below) and examine the output to make sure it is correct.

    The ISim simulator from Xilinx allows an FPGA design to be simulated.

    The ISim simulator from Xilinx allows an FPGA design to be simulated.

    If things go wrong, the simulator lets you step through the internal signals to find the problem. After testing everything in the simulator, my code only had trivial problems when I tried it on the real FPGA. My main problem was I assigned the serial output to the wrong pin on the board, so there was no output. 

  8. The Spartan 6 FPGA supports multiple types of flip flop. The FDRE is a D-Flip flop with synchronous Reset and clock Enable. 

  9. The Spartan 6 FPGA's configurable logic blocks (CLBs) are moderately complex, combining LUTs, 8 flip flops, wide multiplexers, carry logic, distributed RAM and shift registers. Hard-wiring components into the these blocks reduces flexibility slightly, but makes the switch matrix much simpler. The CLBs are described in detail in the CLB User Guide. The Spartan 6 FPGA also contains other types of blocks such as clock generation blocks and DSP blocks that can do fast 18-bit multiplication. 

  10. An alternative to the Verilog language is VHDL, which is also supported by the development environment. The Mojo also supports Lucid, a simpler FPGA language developed by the Mojo team. The Mojo Lucid tutorials explain the language, and there is a book available on Lucid. I decided I'd rather learn a standard language rather than Lucid though. 

  11. Although the Mojo doesn't have external RAM, its FPGA has 576 kilobits of internal RAM. This is tiny compared to boards with megabytes of external DRAM, though. 

Repairing the card reader for a 1960s mainframe: cams, relays and a clutch

I recently helped repair the card reader for the Computer History Museum's vintage IBM 1401 mainframe. In the process, I learned a lot about the archaic but interesting electromechanical systems used in the card reader. Most of the card reader is mechanical, with belts, gears, and clutches controlling the movement of cards through the mechanism. The reader has a small amount of logic, but instead of transistorized circuits, the logic is implemented with electromechanical relays.1 Timing signals are generated by spinning electromechanical cams that generate pulses at the proper rotation angles. This post explains how these different pieces work together, and how a subtle timing problem caused the card reader to fail.

The IBM 1402 card reader/punch. The 1401 computer is in the background (left) and a tape drive is at the right.

The IBM 1402 card reader/punch. The 1401 computer is in the background (left) and a tape drive is at the right.

The IBM 1401 was a popular business computer of the early 1960s, used for applications such as payroll or inventory. Data records were stored on 80-column punch cards, which were read into the computer by the card reader and printed on the high-speed line printer. The IBM 1401's card reader (above) could read 800 cards per minute—over 13 cards per second—which is a remarkable speed for a mechanical device. Cards whizzed through the card reader, 80 metal brushes read the holes in each column, and then the cards were stacked in the hoppers in the middle of the reader.3 If anything went wrong, from a misread card to a card jam, the card reader would slam to a halt (hopefully before bent cards started piling up) and an error light would illuminate on the card reader's control panel. At this point, the operator would fix the problem and processing could continue.2

80-column punch cards. Each column of the card holds a character, represented by the holes punched in the column. THE text at the top of the card shows what is in each column. Black paper behind the first card makes the holes more visible.

80-column punch cards. Each column of the card holds a character, represented by the holes punched in the column. THE text at the top of the card shows what is in each column. Black paper behind the first card makes the holes more visible.

The photo below shows the IBM card reader/punch with the front doors opened up. The right half is the reader and the left half is the punch. (The punch records data on cards; I will ignore it in this article.) The blue panel has the operator controls and indicators. Cards enter through the feeder in the upper right, travel right-to-left through the brushes (behind the blue panel) and fall into the stacker slots (center). To the right of the stacker is the service panel with the dynamic timer (circle with knob); this will be relevant later. The relays, resistors, capacitors and diodes that make up the reader's circuitry are below the service panel. Converting the hole pattern to characters was done by the 1401 computer, not the reader, so this circuitry is fairly basic.3 The garbage can on the lower left collects "chips", the bits punched out of cards by the punch, and triggers a warning light when it is full.

With the front doors of the card reader/punch removed, the circuitry is visible. The left half is the punch and the right half is the reader. The *Reader Stop* light is illuminated on the panel, indicating a malfunction.

With the front doors of the card reader/punch removed, the circuitry is visible. The left half is the punch and the right half is the reader. The *Reader Stop* light is illuminated on the panel, indicating a malfunction.

A few months ago a problem with the card reader kept showing up under certain circumstances: the card reader would halt with a "Reader Stop" error, indicating a problem with card feeding and travel.2 Given the age of the card reader at the Computer History Museum, it's not surprising that Reader Stop problems arise. However, in this case, cards were feeding fine and there was nothing visibly wrong. Eventually the 1401 maintenance team determined that the problem occurred if you do multiple cycles of reading a card, printing a line on the printer, reading a card, printing a line, and so on. The first three cards read fine, but the fourth card read always failed with a Reader Stop. But during normal processing, hundreds of cards could be read without a problem. What was different about repeatedly reading and printing?

The card reader can read 800 cards per minute, but the line printer can only print 600 lines per minute. Thus, if you continuously read and print, the printer will eventually fall behind. The consequence is that the card reader will occasionally be blocked while the printer finishes a line. In particular, the system can read and print three cards in a row, but there is a delay before reading the fourth card.4 This is normal behavior for the system, but for some reason, this delay was triggering the Reader Stop error.

The question at this point of the investigation was why the delayed read triggered a Reader Stop. The logic diagram below shows the many different things can cause a Reader Stop.5 (This logic was implemented in the reader by relay circuits of Byzantine complexity.) Usually a card jam or card feed problem is responsible for a stop, but there weren't any card movement problem. And the card levers (microswitches) that detect card movement were operating correctly. Eventually, the team discovered that removing relay R-10 (Read Clutch Impulse near the bottom of the diagram) stopped the Reader Check from happening. Removing this relay prevented the clutch status from being checked8 so it prevented the error from being reported but didn't fix the underlying problems. It did, however, indicate that the problem was with the clutch.

Diagram showing the logic conditions that yield a Reader Stop error in the card reader. From the manual.

Diagram showing the logic conditions that yield a Reader Stop error in the card reader. From the manual.

At this point, I'll explain how the clutch works in the card reader. The card reader is powered by a 1/4 horsepower electric motor. This motor powers a variety of shafts, belts, rollers and cams inside the card reader. However, the reader needs a mechanism to rapidly start and stop card reading under computer control. This is accomplished by a clutch that powers the card feed rollers. With the clutch engaged, cards will be fed through the card reader. With the clutch disengaged, cards will not move (although other parts of the reader will keep running). The GIF below shows the clutch in action: it is disengaged for one cycle and engaged for one cycle. Although the silver pulley (driven by the motor) turns continuously, the black gear is started and stopped by the clutch, which is just behind the black gear.

The clutch in the 1402 card reader. The clutch is disengaged for one cycle and engaged for one cycle.

The clutch in the 1402 card reader. The clutch is disengaged for one cycle and engaged for one cycle.

The diagram below shows the main parts of the clutch. The ratchet (green) continuously rotates, powered by the motor. When the coil (orange) pulls the latch (purple), the dog (blue) will fall into the ratchet (green), engaging the clutch. This will cause the outer wheel to rotate in sync with the ratchet, feeding a card. After one cycle, the clutch can be disengaged by the latch, or can remain clutched for another cycle. Above, you can see the latch move just before the clutch engages. The dogs and ratchet are hidden behind the black gear. For more details, see the footnotes.67

The card reader's clutch mechanism. From the 1402 manual.

The card reader's clutch mechanism. From the 1402 manual.

The clutch requires careful timing. If the coil pulls the latch too late, the dog won't engage with the ratchet until the next cycle and no card will be fed. And if the latch is released too late, the clutch won't disengage until the next cycle, feeding an extra card. Either way, this would cause a serious problem if you are, for instance, printing payroll checks. To catch this, the card reader includes a clutch check circuit that ensures that a clutch happens only when requested.8 This circuit is what triggered the Reader Stop issue.

Timing in the card reader is controlled by the angular position of the main drive shaft; there isn't a clock signal. A 360° rotation of the drive shaft corresponds to one card read cycle.9 The mechanical and electrical components must be precisely adjusted so they activate at the correct rotational angles. For instance, a card's first row of holes reaches the brushes at 8° and card lever #1 is triggered at 227°. And the clutch is engaged or disengaged at exactly 315°. Electrical signals are generated by rotating cams that open and close microswitches at the appropriate degree angles. For example the read clutch is controlled by cam RC6 that closes at 272° and opens at 342°. The photo below shows a cam on a drive shaft, with the microswitch above it; when the cam rotates to a high point, the switch closes.

One of the cams and microswitches in the card reader.

One of the cams and microswitches in the card reader.

To examine timings, the card reader has an interesting maintenance feature called the Dynamic Timer, which is sort of a mechanical oscilloscope that visually shows the angle timing of signals. The dynamic timer consists of a neon bulb that spins behind a plastic disk labeled with the angles from 0° to 359°. If a signal is selected with a control panel switch, the bulb lights up when the signal is active.1 Because the neon bulb is spun by the main driveshaft, its position is synchronized to the rotation angle of the card reader's mechanisms. Thus, the neon bulb traces out sectors of a circle, indicating when the signal is active. For example, the image below shows the read brush signal, which is activated as each card row passes under the brushes. Since there are 12 rows on a punch card, the signal is activated 12 times in a card cycle. By reading the angle labels on the clear plastic dial, the signal timings can be checked for correctness. In addition, the knob in the middle of the dynamic timer can be rotated manually to move the card reader's cycle to any desired angle.

The dynamic timer of the 1402 card reader. The 12 signals correspond to the 12 rows on the card, indicating when the row passes through the brushes.

The dynamic timer of the 1402 card reader. The 12 signals correspond to the 12 rows on the card, indicating when the row passes through the brushes.

We measured the timing of read clutch control cam RC6 and found it was off by about 5 degrees. The manual called the timing of this cam "critical" saying it needed to be within 2° earlier or 0° later from the correct angle.10 Since the cam was well outside the allowed range, we tried to adjust it. The first problem was that the cam was frozen to the shaft; apparently after decades of storage in a a damp garage it had rusted to the shaft. Carl eventually hit the cam hard enough (yet carefully!) with a hammer to loosen it from the shaft so it could be adjusted.

The photo below shows how we manually adjusted cam timings. The dynamic timing wheel (left) can be turned by hand until the cam closes, and then the angle can be read from the dial. The adjustment process is rather tedious, requiring trial and error. First, the duration that contact is closed is corrected by moving the contact closer or farther from the cam. After each adjustment, the duration must be manually checked by slowly rotating the dynamic timing wheel 360°. Once the duration is correct, the next step is to rotate the cam a few degrees at a time until it closes and opens at the right angle. Again, the timing must be carefully checked after each adjustment until trial-and-error yields the right cam setting.

By manually rotating the dynamic timer wheel, the cam timing (center) can be checked. The light (upper right) shows when the cam has closed. This photo shows cam RL10 being adjusted.

By manually rotating the dynamic timer wheel, the cam timing (center) can be checked. The light (upper right) shows when the cam has closed. This photo shows cam RL10 being adjusted.

Once cam RC6 had the proper timing, we tested the card reader. Surprisingly, it failed just as before. We checked the timing of RC6 with the dynamic timer, and strangely, the timer still showed that it closed 5° too late, even though we had measured it as closing correctly. After puzzling over the schematics, I found that cam RC6 was powered through cam RL10, so a bad timing on cam RL10 would cause the dynamic timer to show the wrong time for RC6.

We continued the next week and measurement of RL10 showed it was closing 5° too late. So we repeated the cam adjustment process with RL10. Carl loosened RL10's setscrews, whacked it with a hammer, and was surprised when it spun around on the shaft—apparently it hadn't rusted onto the shaft the way RC6 had. Since the timing of RL10 was now thoroughly off, it took some extra effort to find the right position for it. One complication is that RL cams only rotate while the clutch is tripped, so we had to manually trip the clutch for each test. (This video shows how the clutch can be tripped manually.) After a couple hours of adjustment, the cam had the right duration and then the right start angle.

We powered up the card reader and this time it ran all the tests successfully! We had found the elusive problem. Apparently cam RL10 was open a bit too much, so the signal to read a card after a pause in reading wasn't quite able to engage the clutch. Then the clutch check circuitry would detect that the clutch had failed to engage, triggering the Read Stop.


Tracking down and fixing the mysterious Reader Stop errors on the card reader was tricky and more time-consuming than most problems. But it provided an interesting look back in time at the obsolete technology used inside the card reader: relay logic, spinning cams and a mechanical clutch. Debugging the card reader is a different experience from tracking down software problems or even normal hardware problems. Just understanding the schematics with their obsolete symbols can be a challenge. Hopefully what we learned in this repair will help us the next time the card reader malfunctions.

Many members of the 1401 restoration team were involved in fixing this problem, including Carl, Frank, Alexy, Ron, George, Glenn, Jim and Grant. The Computer History Museum in Mountain View runs demonstrations of the IBM 1401 on Wednesdays and Saturdays so check it out if you're in the area; the demo schedule is here.

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Notes and references

  1. While IBM's computers were supposed to be transistorized by the time of the 1401, two vacuum tubes are hidden deep inside the card reader. These tubes power the neon bulbs for the dynamic timer used for diagnostics. The photo below shows the tubes and the transformer that powers them.

    The 1402 card reader contains two vacuum tubes to drive the neon bulbs in the dynamic timer.

    The 1402 card reader contains two vacuum tubes to drive the neon bulbs in the dynamic timer.

  2. The 1402 card reader reports three types of errors. A Reader Stop indicates a jam or card feed problem. (This is the error we encountered.) A Validity error indicates an invalid character caused by a bad hole pattern. A Reader Check indicates that the card was read incorrectly. An interesting technique was used to detect a bad read. The first set of brushes was used to count the number of holes in each column. The second set of brushes performed the actual read of the characters. If the number of holes in a column was different between the first and second reads, the system knew that the card had been read incorrectly. (This was typically caused by a brush that was slightly out of alignment or making bad contact.) You might wonder why the holes were counted, instead of just checking the characters. Counting holes required fewer bits of expensive core memory. 

  3. The card reader itself didn't convert the hole pattern into characters. Instead, there were 80 parallel wires directly from the 80 hole-sensing brushes to the computer, which did the hole-to-character conversion. The reader had one set of brushes to count holes (for the error check) and a second set to actually read the characters. The punch had a set of brushes to check the punched holes and optionally a set of brushes to read before punching. Thus, there could be up to four sets of brushes in the reader/punch. In addition, the punch had 80 wires from the computer to the 80 hole punch coils. As a result, two massive 200-wire cables connected the card reader and the computer. 

  4. The 1401 computer has a core-memory print buffer that allows computation to continue while printing a line. However, a complex interlock circuit will block the computer if it tries to print a line while the buffer is still in use. (This buffering and locking is all done in hardware; there is no operating system.) The print buffer was an optional feature for the computer, renting for an extra $386 per month. 

  5. The Reader Stop diagram shown earlier is somewhat confusing, but I'll give an overview. As cards pass through the card reader, they trip microswitches (called Card Levers or CLC). The logic tests if a microswitch isn't triggered, indicating if a card got jammed before reaching the microswitch. For example, the second triangle triggers an error if there are cards in the hopper, but no card reached card lever 1 after a feed signal. (Note that the logic symbols are backwards compared to modern usage; IBM used a semicircle for OR, and a triangle for AND. Thus, each set of inputs into a triangle shows a set of conditions that will trigger a reader stop.)

    A label like R-6 indicates that the signal comes from relay 6. Relay R-13 is the Reader Stop Control relay; it gets triggered if there was a card at microswitch 1 or 2 during angle 158°-188°. During this time, the card should have already passed the microswitch, so if it is still closed, there must be a jam. "CLC 1 DELAY" indicates that there was a card at CLC 1 in the previous cycle. If there is no card at CLC 2 this cycle, the card must have been jammed along the way. 

  6. Several documents on the 1402 card reader/punch are available on bitsavers. The IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch Manual is an operator's manual for the card reader. The Customer Engineering Manual of Instruction explains the implementation of the card reader for the service engineer, and is probably the best guide to how it operates. The Customer Engineering Instruction Reference Manual explains the internals of the card reader, with a focus on maintenance. The Wiring Diagram provides schematics of the card reader. The Service Index provides a summary of information for servicing. 

  7. The operation of the clutch mechanism is a bit tricky. In the diagram below, the ratchet (green) is constantly spinning. The remaining parts of the clutch are connected together and rotate only when the clutch is engaged. The key idea is that when the intermediate arm (middle) is latched, the control studs push the dogs up and out of the ratchet disengaging the clutch. (This happens because the intermediate arm can pivot slightly relative to the drive arm (left), so the dog pivot and control stud will move relative to each other, swinging the dogs upwards.) When the intermediate arm is unlatched, the dogs are no longer raised and they will engage with one of the ratchet's teeth. At this point, the mechanism is clutched and everything rotates in synchronization, until the intermediate arm hits the latch again, disengaging the dogs from the ratchet. The video of a simpler ratchet clutch may clarify the dog and ratchet mechanism.

    Diagram of the card reader's ratchet clutch, from the service manual.

    Diagram of the card reader's ratchet clutch, from the service manual.

  8. In case anyone (most likely me, in the future) needs to understand the clutch check circuit, I'll give an explanation. The reader sends a "Proc Feed" signal to the computer each time a card could be fed. If the computer wants to read a card, it sends a "Read Clutch" signal back. This signal is gated by cams RL10 and RC6 and cam RC5 and does two things. It triggers the read clutch magnet, the coil that pulls the clutch latch. It also energizes the clutch check relay R10. (See the schematic for details.) A bit later in the cycle, the clutch status is checked using the circuit below. If the clutch check relay is activated but the clutch did not latch, cam RL10 (not shown) will not be rotating and will remain closed. RL10 will trigger the Read Stop relay R4 through RC7 and R10's normally-open contacts. On the other hand, if the clutch check relay is not activated, but the clutch is latched, cam RL2 will be rotating and will trigger the Read Stop relay through the Read Stop relay R4's normally-closed contacts.

    The clutch check circuit in the card reader uses cams and relays to trigger a Read Stop if the clutch fails to latch. From the 1402 schematic.

    The clutch check circuit in the card reader uses cams and relays to trigger a Read Stop if the clutch fails to latch. From the 1402 schematic.

  9. Although one card can be read every 360° cycle of the reader, it takes three cycles to process a particular card. During the first cycle, the card is moved out of the hopper into the reader and triggers card lever 1. During the second cycle, the card passes through the first set of brushes (which counts the holes in each column), and triggers card lever 2. During the third cycle, the card passes through the second set of brushes (which actually reads the card), and is ejected into a hopper. Thus, there are typically three cards in flight in the reader at any time. (This is one reason the reader has so much circuitry to detect jams quickly, to prevent multiple cards from piling up in a crumpled heap.) 

  10. Many cams (including RC6) actually have three lobes, so they open and close three times every 360°, spaced 120° apart. This is due to an optional feature called Early Read (which cost an extra $10 per month). On the basic card reader, if the computer requests a card too late in the cycle, it has to wait for up to an entire revolution (75ms) until the clutch can latch, slowing down the system. With Early Read, there are three clutch points per revolution, cutting down the wasted time to at most 25ms. (One complication: the clutch is geared to half the speed of the regular shaft and turns 180° per cycle. This is why there are 6 teeth on the clutch ratchet.)