Showing posts with label globus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label globus. Show all posts

Reverse-engineering the Globus INK, a Soviet spaceflight navigation computer

One of the most interesting navigation instruments onboard Soyuz spacecraft was the Globus INK,1 which used a rotating globe to indicate the spacecraft's position above the Earth. This electromechanical analog computer used an elaborate system of gears, cams, and differentials to compute the spacecraft's position. The globe rotates in two dimensions: it spins end-over-end to indicate the spacecraft's orbit, while the globe's hemispheres rotate according to the Earth's daily rotation around its axis.2 The spacecraft's position above the Earth was represented by the fixed crosshairs on the plastic dome. The Globus also has latitude and longitude dials next to the globe to show the position numerically, while the light/shadow dial below the globe indicated when the spacecraft would enter or leave the Earth's shadow.

The INK-2S "Globus" space navigation indicator.

The INK-2S "Globus" space navigation indicator.

Opening up the Globus reveals that it is packed with complicated gears and mechanisms. It's amazing that this mechanical technology was used from the 1960s into the 21st century. But what are all those gears doing? How can orbital functions be implemented with gears? To answer these questions, I reverse-engineered the Globus and traced out its system of gears.

The Globus with the case removed, showing the complex gearing inside.

The Globus with the case removed, showing the complex gearing inside.

The diagram below summarizes my analysis. The Globus is an analog computer that represents values by rotating shafts by particular amounts. These rotations control the globe and the indicator dials. The flow of these rotational signals is shown by the lines on the diagram. The computation is based around addition, performed by ten differential gear assemblies. On the diagram, each "⨁" symbol indicates one of these differential gear assemblies. Other gears connect the components while scaling the signals through various gear ratios. Complicated functions are implemented with three specially-shaped cams. In the remainder of this blog post, I will break this diagram down into functional blocks and explain how the Globus operates.

This diagram shows the interconnections of the gear network in the Globus.

This diagram shows the interconnections of the gear network in the Globus.

For all its complexity, though, the functionality of the Globus is pretty limited. It only handles a fixed orbit at a specific angle, and treats the orbit as circular. The Globus does not have any navigation input such as an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Instead, the cosmonauts configured the Globus by turning knobs to set the spacecraft's initial position and orbital period. From there, the Globus simply projected the current position of the spacecraft forward, essentially dead reckoning.

A closeup of the gears inside the Globus.

A closeup of the gears inside the Globus.

The globe

On seeing the Globus, one might wonder how the globe is rotated. It may seem that the globe must be free-floating so it can rotate in two axes. Instead, a clever mechanism attaches the globe to the unit. The key is that the globe's equator is a solid piece of metal that rotates around the horizontal axis of the unit. A second gear mechanism inside the globe rotates the globe around the North-South axis. The two rotations are controlled by concentric shafts that are fixed to the unit. Thus, the globe has two rotational degrees of freedom, even though it is attached at both ends.

The photo below shows the frame that holds and controls the globe. The dotted axis is fixed horizontally in the unit and rotations are fed through the two gears at the left. One gear rotates the globe and frame around the dotted axis, while the gear train causes the globe to rotate around the vertical polar axis (while the equator remains fixed).

The axis of the globe is at 51.8° to support that orbital inclination.

The axis of the globe is at 51.8° to support that orbital inclination.

The angle above is 51.8° which is very important: this is the inclination of the standard Soyuz orbit. As a result, simply rotating the globe around the dotted line causes the crosshair to trace the orbit.3 Rotating the two halves of the globe around the poles yields the different paths over the Earth's surface as the Earth rotates. An important consequence of this design is that the Globus only supports a circular orbit at a fixed angle.

Differential gear mechanism

The primary mathematical element of the Globus is the differential gear mechanism, which can perform addition or subtraction. A differential gear takes two rotations as inputs and produces the (scaled) sum of the rotations as the output. The photo below shows one of the differential mechanisms. In the middle, the spider gear assembly (red box) consists of two bevel gears that can spin freely on a vertical shaft. The spider gear assembly as a whole is attached to a horizontal shaft, called the spider shaft. At the right, the spider shaft is attached to a spur gear (a gear with straight-cut teeth). The spider gear assembly, the spider shaft, and the spider's spur gear rotate together as a unit.

Diagram showing the components of a differential gear mechanism.

Diagram showing the components of a differential gear mechanism.

At the left and right are two end gear assemblies (yellow). The end gear is a bevel gear with angled teeth to mesh with the spider gears. Each end gear is locked to a spur gear and these gears spin freely on the horizontal spider shaft. In total, there are three spur gears: two connected to the end gears and one connected to the spider assembly. In the diagrams, I'll use the symbol below to represent the differential gear assembly: the end gears are symmetric on the top and bottom, with the spider shaft on the side. Any of the three spur gears can be used as an output, with the other two serving as inputs.

The symbol for the differential gear assembly.

The symbol for the differential gear assembly.

To understand the behavior of the differential, suppose the two end gears are driven in the same direction at the same rate, say upwards.4 These gears will push on the spider gears and rotate the spider gear assembly, with the entire differential rotating as a fixed unit. On the other hand, suppose the two end gears are driven in opposite directions. In this case, the spider gears will spin on their shaft, but the spider gear assembly will remain stationary. In either case, the spider gear assembly motion is the average of the two end gear rotations, that is, the sum of the two rotations divided by 2. (I'll ignore the factor of 2 since I'm ignoring all the gear ratios.) If the operation of the differential is still confusing, this vintage Navy video has a detailed explanation.

The controls and displays

The diagram below shows the controls and displays of the Globus. The rotating globe is the centerpiece of the unit. Its plastic cover has a crosshair that represents the spacecraft's position above the Earth's surface. Surrounding the globe itself are dials that show the longitude, latitude, and the time before entering light and shadow. The cosmonauts manually initialize the globe position with the concentric globe rotation knobs: one rotates the globe along the orbital path while the other rotates the hemispheres. The mode switch at the top selects between the landing position mode, the standard Earth orbit mode, and turning off the unit. The orbit time adjustment configures the orbital time period in minutes while the orbit counter below it counts the number of orbits. Finally, the landing point angle sets the distance to the landing point in degrees of orbit.

The Globus with the controls labeled.

The Globus with the controls labeled.

Computing the orbit time

The primary motion of the Globus is the end-over-end rotation of the globe showing the movement of the spacecraft in orbit. The orbital motion is powered by a solenoid at the top of the Globus that receives pulses once a second and advances a ratchet wheel (video).5 This wheel is connected to a complicated cam and differential system to provide the orbital motion.

The orbit solenoid (green) has a ratchet that rotates the gear to the right. The shaft connects it to differential gear assembly 1 at the bottom right.

The orbit solenoid (green) has a ratchet that rotates the gear to the right. The shaft connects it to differential gear assembly 1 at the bottom right.

Each orbit takes about 92 minutes, but the orbital time can be adjusted by a few minutes in steps of 0.01 minutes6 to account for changes in altitude. The Globus is surprisingly inflexible and this is the only orbital parameter that can be adjusted.7 The orbital period is adjusted by the three-position orbit time switch, which points to the minutes, tenths, or hundredths. Turning the central knob adjusts the indicated period dial.

The problem is how to generate the variable orbital rotation speed from the fixed speed of the solenoid. The solution is a special cam, shaped like a cone with a spiral cross-section. Three followers ride on the cam, so as the cam rotates, the follower is pushed outward and rotates on its shaft. If the follower is near the narrow part of the cam, it moves over a small distance and has a small rotation. But if the follower is near the wide part of the cam, it moves a larger distance and has a larger rotation. Thus, by moving the follower to a particular point on the cam, the rotational speed of the follower is selected. One follower adjusts the speed based on the minutes setting with others for the tenths and hundredths of minutes.

A diagram showing the orbital speed control mechanism. The cone has three followers, but only two are visible from this angle. The "transmission" gears are moved in and out by the outer knob to select which follower is adjusted by the inner knob.

A diagram showing the orbital speed control mechanism. The cone has three followers, but only two are visible from this angle. The "transmission" gears are moved in and out by the outer knob to select which follower is adjusted by the inner knob.

Of course, the cam can't spiral out forever. Instead, at the end of one revolution, its cross-section drops back sharply to the starting diameter. This causes the follower to snap back to its original position. To prevent this from jerking the globe backward, the follower is connected to the differential gearing via a slip clutch and ratchet. Thus, when the follower snaps back, the ratchet holds the drive shaft stationary. The drive shaft then continues its rotation as the follower starts cycling out again. Each shaft output is accordingly a (mostly) smooth rotation at a speed that depends on the position of the follower.

A cam-based system adjusts the orbital speed using three differential gear assemblies.

A cam-based system adjusts the orbital speed using three differential gear assemblies.

The three adjustment signals are scaled by gear ratios to provide the appropriate contribution to the rotation. As shown above, the adjustments are added to the solenoid output by three differentials to generate the orbit rotation signal, output from differential 3.8 This signal also drives the odometer-like orbit counter on the front of the Globus. The diagram below shows how the components are arranged, as viewed from the back.

A back view of the Globus showing the orbit components.

A back view of the Globus showing the orbit components.

Displaying the orbit rotation

Since the Globus doesn't have any external position input such as inertial guidance, it must be initialized by the cosmonauts. A knob on the front of the Globus provides manual adjustment of the orbital position. Differential 4 adds the knob signal to the orbit output discussed above.

The orbit controls drive the globe's motion.

The orbit controls drive the globe's motion.

The Globus has a "landing point" mode where the globe is rapidly rotated through a fraction of an orbit to indicate where the spacecraft would land if the retro-rockets were fired. Turning the mode switch caused the globe to rotate until the landing position was under the crosshairs and the cosmonauts could evaluate the suitability of this landing site. This mode is implemented with a landing position motor that provides the rapid rotation. This motor also rotates the globe back to the orbital position. The motor is driven through an electronics board with relays and a transistor, controlled by limit switches. I discussed the electronics in a previous post so I won't go into more details here. The landing position motor feeds into the orbit signal through differential 5, producing the final orbit signal.

The landing position motor and its associated gearing. The motor speed is geared down and then fed through a worm gear (upper center).

The landing position motor and its associated gearing. The motor speed is geared down and then fed through a worm gear (upper center).

The orbit signal from differential 5 is used in several ways. Most importantly, the orbit signal provides the end-over-end rotation of the globe to indicate the spacecraft's travel in orbit. As discussed earlier, this is accomplished by rotating the globe's metal frame around the horizontal axis. The orbital signal also rotates a potentiometer to provide an electrical indication of the orbital position to other spacecraft systems.

The light/shadow indicator

Docking a spacecraft is a tricky endeavor, best performed in daylight, so it is useful to know how much time remains until the spacecraft enters the Earth's shadow. The light/shadow dial under the globe provides this information. This display consists of two nested wheels. The outer wheel is white and has two quarters removed. Through these gaps, the partially-black inner wheel is exposed, which can be adjusted to show 0% to 50% dark. This display is rotated by the orbital signal, turning half a revolution per orbit. As the spacecraft orbits, this dial shows the light/shadow transition and the time to the transistion.9

The light/shadow indicator, viewed from the underside of the Globus. The shadow indicator has been set to 35% shadow. Near the hub, a pin restricts motion of the inner wheel relative to the outer wheel.

The light/shadow indicator, viewed from the underside of the Globus. The shadow indicator has been set to 35% shadow. Near the hub, a pin restricts motion of the inner wheel relative to the outer wheel.

You might expect the orbit to be in the dark 50% of the time, but because the spacecraft is about 200 km above the Earth's surface, it will sometimes be illuminated when the surface of the Earth underneath is dark.10 In the ground track below, the dotted part of the track is where the spacecraft is in the Earth's shadow; this is considerably less than 50%. Also note that the end of the orbit doesn't match up with the beginning, due to the Earth's rotation during the orbit.

Ground track of an Apollo-Soyuz Test Project orbit, corresponding to this Globus. Image courtesy of

Ground track of an Apollo-Soyuz Test Project orbit, corresponding to this Globus. Image courtesy of

The latitude indicator

The latitude indicator to the left of the globe shows the spacecraft's latitude. The map above shows how the latitude oscillates between 51.8°N and 51.8°S, corresponding to the launch inclination angle. Even though the path around the globe is a straight (circular) line, the orbit appears roughly sinusoidal when projected onto the map.11 The exact latitude is a surprisingly complicated function of the orbital position.12 This function is implemented by a cam that is attached to the globe. The varying radius of the cam corresponds to the function. A follower tracks the profile of the cam and rotates the latitude display wheel accordingly, providing the non-linear motion.

A cam is attached to the globe and rotates with the globe.

A cam is attached to the globe and rotates with the globe.

The Earth's rotation

The second motion of the globe is the Earth's daily rotation around its axis, which I'll call the Earth rotation. The Earth rotation is fed into the globe through the outer part of a concentric shaft, while the orbital rotation is provided through the inner shaft. The Earth rotation is transferred through three gears to the equatorial frame, where an internal mechanism rotates the hemispheres. There's a complication, though: if the globe's orbital shaft turns while the Earth rotation shaft remains stationary, the frame will rotate, causing the gears to turn and the hemispheres to rotate. In other words, keeping the hemispheres stationary requires the Earth shaft to rotate with the orbit shaft.

A closeup of the gear mechanisms that drive the Globus, showing the concentric shafts that control the two rotations.

A closeup of the gear mechanisms that drive the Globus, showing the concentric shafts that control the two rotations.

The Globus solves this problem by adding the orbit rotation to the Earth rotation, as shown in the diagram below, using differentials 7 and 8. Differential 8 adds the normal orbit rotation, while differential 7 adds the orbit rotation due to the landing motor.14

The mechanism to compute the Earth's rotation around its axis.

The mechanism to compute the Earth's rotation around its axis.

The Earth motion is generated by a second solenoid (below) that is driven with one pulse per second.13 This motion is simpler than the orbit motion because it has a fixed rate. The "Earth" knob on the front of the Globus permits manual rotation around the Earth's axis. This signal is combined with the solenoid signal by differential 6. The sum from the three differentials is fed into the globe, rotating the hemispheres around their axis.

This solenoid, ratchet, and gear on the underside of the Globus drive the Earth rotation.

This solenoid, ratchet, and gear on the underside of the Globus drive the Earth rotation.

The solenoid and differentials are visible from the underside of the Globus. The diagram below labels these components as well as other important components.

The underside of the Globus.

The underside of the Globus.

The longitude display

The longitude cam and the followers that track its radius.

The longitude cam and the followers that track its radius.

The longitude display is more complicated than the latitude display because it depends on both the Earth rotation and the orbit rotation. Unlike the latitude, the longitude doesn't oscillate but increases. The longitude increases by 360° every orbit according to a complicated formula describing the projection of the orbit onto the globe. Most of the time, the increase is small, but when crossing near the poles, the longitude changes rapidly. The Earth's rotation provides a smaller but steady negative change to the longitude.

The computation of the longitude.

The computation of the longitude.

The diagram above shows how the longitude is computed by combining the Earth rotation with the orbit rotation. Differential 9 adds the linear effect of the orbit on longitude (360° per orbit) and subtracts the effect of the Earth's rotation (360° per day). The nonlinear effect of the orbit is computed by a cam that is rotated by the orbit signal. The shape of the cam is picked up and fed into differential 10, computing the longitude that is displayed on the dial. The differentials, cam, and dial are visible from the back of the Globus (below).

A closeup of the differentials from the back of the Globus.

A closeup of the differentials from the back of the Globus.

The time-lapse video below demonstrates the behavior of the rotating displays. The latitude display on the left oscillates between 51.8°N and 51.8°S. The longitude display at the top advances at a changing rate. Near the equator, it advances slowly, while it accelerates near the poles. The light/shadow display at the bottom rotates at a constant speed, completing half a revolution (one light/shadow cycle) per orbit.


The Globus INK is a remarkable piece of machinery, an analog computer that calculates orbits through an intricate system of gears, cams, and differentials. It provided astronauts with a high-resolution, full-color display of the spacecraft's position, way beyond what an electronic space computer could provide in the 1960s.

The drawback of the Globus is that its functionality is limited. Its parameters must be manually configured: the spacecraft's starting position, the orbital speed, the light/shadow regions, and the landing angle. It doesn't take any external guidance inputs, such as an IMU (inertial measurement unit), so it's not particularly accurate. Finally, it only supports a circular orbit at a fixed angle. While a more modern digital display lacks the physical charm of a rotating globe, the digital solution provides much more capability.

I recently wrote blog posts providing a Globus overview and the Globus electronics. Follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I've also started experimenting with Mastodon recently as @[email protected]. Many thanks to Marcel for providing the Globus. I worked on this with CuriousMarc, so check out his Globus videos.

Notes and references

  1. In Russian, the name for the device is "Индикатор Навигационный Космический" abbreviated as ИНК (INK). This translates to "space navigation indicator." but I'll use the more descriptive nickname "Globus" (i.e. globe). The Globus has a long history, back to the beginnings of Soviet crewed spaceflight. The first version was simpler and had the Russian acronym ИМП (IMP). Development of the IMP started in 1960 for the Vostok (1961) and Voshod (1964) spaceflights. The more complex INK model (described in this blog post) was created for the Soyuz flights, starting in 1967. The landing position feature is the main improvement of the INK model. The Soyuz-TMA (2002) upgraded to the Neptun-ME system which used digital display screens and abandoned the Globus. 

  2. According to this document, one revolution of the globe relative to the axis of daily rotation occurs in a time equal to a sidereal day, taking into account the precession of the orbit relative to the earth's axis, caused by the asymmetry of the Earth's gravitational field. (A sidereal day is approximately 4 minutes shorter than a regular 24-hour day. The difference is that the sidereal day is relative to the fixed stars, rather than relative to the Sun.) 

  3. To see how the angle between the poles and the globe's rotation results in the desired orbital inclination, consider two limit cases. First, suppose the angle between is 90°. In this case, the globe is "straight" with the equator horizontal. Rotating the globe along the horizontal axis, flipping the poles end-over-end, will cause the crosshair to trace a polar orbit, giving the expected inclination of 90°. On the other hand, suppose the angle is 0°. In this case, the globe is "sideways" with the equator vertical. Rotating the globe will cause the crosshair to remain over the equator, corresponding to an equatorial orbit with 0° inclination. 

  4. There is a bit of ambiguity when describing the gear motions. If the end gears are rotating upwards when viewed from the front, the gears are both rotating clockwise when viewed from the right, so I'm referring to them as rotating in the same direction. But if you view each gear from its own side, the gear on the left is turning counterclockwise, so from that perspective they are turning in opposite directions. 

  5. The solenoids are important since they provide all the energy to drive the globe. One of the problems with gear-driven analog computers is that each gear and shaft has a bit of friction and loses a bit of torque, and there is nothing to amplify the signal along the way. Thus, the 27-volt solenoids need to provide enough force to run the entire system. 

  6. The orbital time can be adjusted between 86.85 minutes and 96.85 minutes according to this detailed page that describes the Globus in Russian. 

  7. The Globus is manufactured for a particular orbital inclination, in this case 51.8°. The Globus assumes a circular orbit and does not account for any variations. The Globus does not account for any maneuvering in orbit. 

  8. The outputs from the orbit cam are fed into the overall orbit rotation, which drives the orbit cam. This may seem like an "infinite loop" since the outputs from the cam turn the cam itself. However, the outputs from the cam are a small part of the overall orbit rotation, so the feedback dies off. 

  9. The scales on the light/shadow display are a bit confusing. The inner scale (blue) is measured in percentage of an orbit, up to 100%. The fixed outer scale (red) measures minutes, indicating how many minutes until the spacecraft enters or leaves shadow. The spacecraft completes 100% of an orbit in about 90 minutes, so the scales almost, but not quite, line up. The wheel is driven by the orbit mechanism and turns half a revolution per orbit.

    The light and shadow indicator is controlled by two knobs.

    The light and shadow indicator is controlled by two knobs.


  10. The Internation Space Station illustrates how an orbiting spacecraft is illuminated more than 50% of the time due to its height. You can often see the ISS illuminated in the nighttime sky close to sunset and sunrise (link). 

  11. The ground track on the map is roughly, but not exactly, sinusoidal. As the orbit swings further from the equator, the track deviates more from a pure sinusoid. The shape will depend, of course, on the rectangular map projection. For more information, see this StackExcahnge post

  12. To get an idea of how the latitude and longitude behave, consider a polar orbit with 90° angle of inclination, one that goes up a line of longitude, crosses the North Pole, and goes down the opposite line of latitude. Now, shift the orbit away from the poles a bit, but keeping a great circle. The spacecraft will go up, nearly along a constant line of longitude, with the latitude increasing steadily. As the spacecraft reaches the peak of its orbit near the North Pole, it will fall a bit short of the Pole but will still rapidly cross over to the other side. During this phase, the spacecraft rapidly crosses many lines of longitude (which are close together near the Pole) until it reaches the opposite line of longitude. Meanwhile, the latitude stops increasing short of 90° and then starts dropping. On the other side, the process repeats, with the longitude nearly constant while the latitude drops relatively constantly.

    The latitude and longitude are generated by complicated trigonometric functions. The latitude is given by arcsin(sin i * sin (2πt/T)), while the longitude is given by λ = arctan (cos i * tan(2πt/T)) + Ωt + λ0, where t is the spaceship's flight time starting at the equator, i is the angle of inclination (51.8°), T is the orbital period, Ω is the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation, and λ0 is the longitude of the ascending node. 

  13. An important function of the gears is to scale the rotations as needed by using different gear ratios. For the most part, I'm ignoring the gear ratios, but the Earth rotation gearing is interesting. The gear driven by the solenoid has 60 teeth, so it rotates exactly once per minute. This gear drives a shaft with a very small gear on the other end with 15 teeth. This gear meshes with a much larger gear with approximately 75 teeth, which will thus rotate once every 5 minutes. The other end of that shaft has a gear with approximately 15 teeth, meshed with a large gear with approximately 90 teeth. This divides the rate by 6, yielding a rotation every 30 minutes. The sequence of gears and shafts continues, until the rotation is reduced to once per day. (The tooth counts are approximate because the gears are partially obstructed inside the Globus, making counting difficult.) 

  14. There's a potential simplification when canceling out the orbital shaft rotation from the Earth rotation. If the orbit motion was taken from differential 5 instead of differential 4, the landing motor effect would get added automatically, eliminating the need for differential 7. I think the landing motor motion was added separately so the mechanism could account for the Earth's rotation during the landing descent. 

Reverse-engineering the electronics in the Globus analog navigational computer

In the Soyuz space missions, cosmonauts tracked their position above the Earth with a remarkable electromechanical device with a rotating globe. This navigation instrument was an analog computer that used an elaborate system of gears, cams, and differentials to compute the spacecraft's position. Officially, the unit was called a "space navigation indicator" with the Russian acronym ИНК (INK),1 but I'll use the nickname "Globus".

The INK-2S "Globus" space navigation indicator.

The INK-2S "Globus" space navigation indicator.

We recently received a Globus from a collector and opened it up for repair and reverse engineering. Although the Globus does all its calculations mechanically, it has some electronics to control the motors. Inconveniently, all the wires in the wiring harness to the external connector had been cut so I had to do some reverse engineering before we could power it up. In this blog post, I explain how the electronics operate. (For an overview of the mechanical components inside the Globus, see my previous article.)

A closeup of the gears inside the Globus. It performed calculations with gears, cams, and differentials.

A closeup of the gears inside the Globus. It performed calculations with gears, cams, and differentials.


The primary purpose of the Globus is to indicate the spacecraft's position. The globe rotated while fixed crosshairs on the plastic dome indicated the spacecraft's position. Thus, the globe matched the cosmonauts' view of the Earth, allowing them to confirm their location. Latitude and longitude dials next to the globe provided a numerical indication of location. The light/shadow dial at the bottom showed when the spacecraft would be illuminated by the sun or in shadow.

The mode of the Globus is controlled by a three-position rotary switch near the top of the Globus. The middle position "З" (Земля, Earth) shows the position of the spacecraft over the Earth. The left position, "МП" (место посадки, landing site) selects the landing position mode. The third position "Откл" (off) turns off most of the Globus. This rotary switch is surprisingly complicated with three wafers, each with two poles. Most of the electronics go through this switch, so this switch will appear often in the schematics below.

The rotary switch to select the landing angle mode.

The rotary switch to select the landing angle mode.

In the landing position mode, the Globus rotates to show where the spacecraft would land if you fired the retrorockets now. This allowed the cosmonauts to evaluate the suitability of this landing site. This position is computed simply by rapidly rotating the globe through a fraction of an orbit, since the landing position will be on the current orbital track. Most of the electronics in the Globus control the motor that performs this rotation.

Overview of the electronics

The Globus is primarily mechanical, but it has more electrical and electronic components than you might expect. The mechanical motion is powered by two solenoids with ratchets to turn gears. The landing site mode is implemented with a motor to rotate to the landing position, controlled by two limit switches. An electroluminescent light indicates the landing position mode. A potentiometer provides position feedback to external devices.

To control these components, the Globus has an electronics board with four relays, along with a germanium power transistor and some resistors and diodes.2 Bundles of thin white wires with careful lacing connect the electronics board to the other components.

The electronics circuit board.

The electronics circuit board.

The back of the circuit board has a few more diodes. The wiring is all point-to-point; it is not a printed-circuit board. I will explain the circuitry in more detail below.

The back of the circuit board.

The back of the circuit board.

The drive solenoids

The green cylinder at the front is the upper solenoid, driving the orbital motion. The digit wheels to indicate orbital time are at the left.

The green cylinder at the front is the upper solenoid, driving the orbital motion. The digit wheels to indicate orbital time are at the left.

The Globus contains two ratchet solenoids: one for the orbital rotation and one for the Earth's rotation. The complex gear trains and the motion of the globe are driven by these solenoids. These solenoids take 1-hertz pules of 27 volts and 100ms duration. Each pulse causes the solenoid to advance the gear by one tooth; a pawl keeps the gear from slipping back. These small rotations drive the gears throughout the Globus and result in a tiny movement of the globe.

The lower driving solenoid powers the Earth rotation.

The lower driving solenoid powers the Earth rotation.

As the schematic shows, the solenoids are controlled by two switches that are closed in the МП (landing position) and З (Earth orbit) modes. The solenoids are powered through three pins. The wiring doesn't entirely make sense to me. If powered through pins 2A and 7A, the Earth motor is switched while the orbit motor is always powered. But if powered through pins 2A and 5B, both motors are switched. Maybe pin 7A monitors the on/off status of the Globus.

Schematic diagram of the solenoid wiring.

Schematic diagram of the solenoid wiring.

By powering the solenoids with 1 hertz pulses, we caused the Globus to rotate. The motion is very slow (90 minutes for an orbit and one day for the Earth's rotation), so we tried overclocking it at 10 hertz. This made the motion barely visible; Marc used a time-lapse to speed it up in the video below.

The landing location mechanism

The Globus can display where the spacecraft would land if you started a re-entry burn now, with an accuracy of 150 km. This is computed by projecting the current orbit forward for a particular distance, specified as an angle. The cosmonaut specifies this value with the landing angle knob (details). Rotating the globe to this new position is harder than you might expect, using a motor, limit switches, and the majority of the electronics in the Globus.

The landing angle control.

The landing angle control.

The landing angle knob pivots the angle limit switch, shown below. The swing arm moves as the globe rotates to the landing position and hits the angle limit switch when the landing position is reached. When returning to Earth orbit mode, the swing arm swings back until it hits the fixed limit switch. Thus, the globe is rotated by the selected amount when displaying the landing position.

The landing angle function uses a complex mechanism.

The landing angle function uses a complex mechanism.

To control the motor, the rotary switch reverses the DC motor based on the mode, while the limit switches and power transistor turn the motor on and off. In landing position mode (МП), the motor spins the globe forward. The mode switch controls the direction of current flow: from upper right, through the motor, through the angle limit switch, through the transistor, and to ground at the bottom. The motor will rotate the globe and the arm until it hits the "landing position" limit switch, cutting power to the motor and activating the path to the light circuit, which I will discuss below. The diode prevents current flowing backward through the motor to the relay. The power transistor apparently acts as a current sink, regulating the current through the motor.

Schematic diagram of the landing location mechanism.

Schematic diagram of the landing location mechanism.

In Earth orbit mode (З), the motor spins the globe back to its regular position. The mode switch reverses the current flow through the motor: from the upper-left, through the diode and the motor, and out the lower-right to the transistor. At the bottom, the relay completes the circuit until the moving arm hits the fixed orbit limit switch. This opens the normally-closed contact, cutting power to the relay, opening the relay contact, and stopping the motor.

The landing place light

The upper-left corner of the Globus has an electroluminescent light labeled "Место посадки" (Landing place). This light illuminates when the globe indicates the landing place rather than the orbital position. The light is powered by AC provided on two external pins and is controlled by two relays. One relay is activated by the landing circuit described above, when the limit switch closes. The second relay is driven by an external pin. I don't know if this is for a "lamp test" or control from an external system.

Schematic diagram of the circuitry that controls the electroluminescent light.

Schematic diagram of the circuitry that controls the electroluminescent light.

We powered the light with an EL inverter from Adafruit, which produces 100 VAC at 2KHz, perhaps. The spacecraft used a "Static Inverter" to power the light, but I don't have any details on it. The display provides a nice blue glow.

The landing position indicator, illuminated.

The landing position indicator, illuminated.

The potentiometer

A 360° potentiometer (below) converts the spacecraft's orbital position into a resistance. Sources indicate that the Globus provides this signal to other units on the spacecraft, but I don't know specifically what these devices are. The potentiometer appears to linearly track the spacecraft's position through the orbital cycle. Note that this is not the same as the latitude, which oscillates, or the longitude, which is non-linear.

The potentiometer converts the orbital position into a voltage.
To the right is the cam that produces the longitude display. Antarctica is visible on the globe.

The potentiometer converts the orbital position into a voltage. To the right is the cam that produces the longitude display. Antarctica is visible on the globe.

As the schematic below shows, the potentiometer has a resistor on one leg for some reason.

Schematic diagram of the orbital-position potentiometer.

Schematic diagram of the orbital-position potentiometer.

The external connector

To connect the Globus to the rest of the spacecraft, the back of the Globus has a 32-pin connector, a standard RS32TV Soviet military design.

The back of the Globus, with the connector at the upper left.

The back of the Globus, with the connector at the upper left.

The connector was wired to nearby 5-pin and 7-pin terminal strips. In the schematics, I label these connectors as "B" and "A" respectively. Inconveniently, all the wires to the box's external connector were cut (the black wires), perhaps to decommission the unit. The pinout of the external connector is unknown so we can't easily reconnect the wires.

A closeup of the back of the connector showing the cut black wires.

A closeup of the back of the connector showing the cut black wires.


By tracing out the wiring of the Globus, I determined its circuitry. This was more difficult than expected, since the wiring consists of bundles of identical white wires. Moreover, many things go through the mode switch, and its terminals were inaccessible. Between the mode switch and the limit switches, there were many cases to check.

Once I determined the circuitry, we could power up the Globus. So far, we have powered the solenoids to turn the Globus. We also illuminated the landing position light. Finally, we ran the landing position motor.

Follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I've also started experimenting with Mastodon recently as Many thanks to Marcel for providing the Globus.

Notes and references

  1. In Russian, the name for the device is "Индикатор Навигационный Космический" abbreviated as ИНК (INK). This translates to "space navigation indicator." 

  2. Most of the diodes are flyback diodes, two diodes in series across each relay coil to eliminate the inductive kick when the coil is disconnected. 

Inside the Globus INK: a mechanical navigation computer for Soviet spaceflight

The Soviet space program used completely different controls and instruments from American spacecraft. One of the most interesting navigation instruments onboard Soyuz spacecraft was the Globus, which used a rotating globe to indicate the spacecraft's position above the Earth. This navigation instrument was an electromechanical analog computer that used an elaborate system of gears, cams, and differentials to compute the spacecraft's position. Officially, the unit was called a "space navigation indicator" with the Russian acronym ИНК (INK),1 but I'll use the more descriptive nickname "Globus".

The INK-2S "Globus" space navigation indicator. Coincidentally, the latitude indicator matches the Ukrainian flag.

The INK-2S "Globus" space navigation indicator. Coincidentally, the latitude indicator matches the Ukrainian flag.

We recently received a Globus from a collector and opened it up for repair and reverse engineering. In this blog post, I explain how it operated, show its internal mechanisms, and describe what I've learned so far from reverse engineering. The photo below gives an idea of the mechanical complexity of this device, which also has a few relays, solenoids, and other electrical components.

Side view of the Globus INK. Click this (or any other image) for a larger version.

Side view of the Globus INK. Click this (or any other image) for a larger version.


The primary purpose of the Globus was to indicate the spacecraft's position. The globe rotated while fixed crosshairs on the plastic dome indicated the spacecraft's position. Thus, the globe matched the cosmonauts' view of the Earth, allowing them to confirm their location. Latitude and longitude dials next to the globe provided a numerical indication of location. Meanwhile, a light/shadow dial at the bottom showed when the spacecraft would be illuminated by the sun or in shadow, important information for docking. The Globus also had an orbit counter, indicating the number of orbits.

The Globus had a second mode, indicating where the spacecraft would land if they fired the retrorockets to initiate a landing. Flipping a switch caused the globe to rotate until the landing position was under the crosshairs and the cosmonauts could evaluate the suitability of this landing site.

The cosmonauts configured the Globus by turning knobs to set the spacecraft's initial position and orbital period. From there, the Globus electromechanically tracked the orbit. Unlike the Apollo Guidance Computer, the Globus did not receive navigational information from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) or other sources, so it did not know the spacecraft's real position. It was purely a display of the predicted position.

A close-up of the complex gear trains in the Globus.

A close-up of the complex gear trains in the Globus.

The globe

The globe itself is detailed for its small size, showing terrain features such as mountains, lakes, and rivers. These features on the map helped cosmonauts compare their position with the geographic features they could see on Earth. These features were also important for selecting a landing site, so they could see what kind of terrain they would be landing on. For the most part, the map doesn't show political boundaries, except for thick red and purple lines. This line shows the borders of the USSR, as well as the boundaries between communist and non-communist countries, also important for selecting a landing site. The globe also has numbered circles 1 through 8 that indicate radio sites for communication with the spacecraft, allowing the cosmonauts to determine what ground stations could be contacted.

A view of the globe showing Asia.

A view of the globe showing Asia.

Controlling the globe

On seeing the Globus, one might wonder how the globe is rotated. It may seem that the globe must be free-floating so it can rotate in two axes. Instead, a clever mechanism attaches the globe to the unit. The key is that the globe's equator is a solid piece of metal that rotates around the horizontal axis of the unit. A second gear mechanism inside the globe rotates the globe around the North-South axis. The two rotations are controlled by concentric shafts that are fixed to the unit, allowing two rotational degrees of freedom through fixed shafts.

The photo below shows the frame that holds and controls the globe. The dotted axis is fixed horizontally in the unit and rotations are fed through the two gears at the left. One gear rotates the globe and frame around the dotted axis, while the gear train causes the globe to rotate around the vertical polar axis (while the equator remains fixed).

The axis of the globe is at 51.8° to support that orbital inclination.

The axis of the globe is at 51.8° to support that orbital inclination.

The angle above is 51.8° which is very important: this is the inclination of the standard Soyuz orbit. As a result, simply rotating the globe around the dotted line causes the crosshair to trace the standard orbit.2 Rotating the two halves of the globe around the poles yields the different 51.8° orbits over the Earth's surface as the Earth rotates. (Why 51.8 degrees? The Baikonur Cosmodrome, launching point for Soyuz, is at 45.97° N latitude, so 45.97° would be the most efficient inclination. However, to prevent the launch from passing over western China, the rocket must be angled towards the north, resulting in 51.8° (details).)

One important consequence of this design is that the orbital inclination is fixed by the angle of the globe mechanism. Different Globus units needed to be built for different orbits. Moreover, this design only handles circular orbits, making it useless during orbit changes such as rendezvous and docking. These were such significant limitations that some cosmonauts wanted the Globus removed from the control panel, but it remained until it was replaced by a computer display in Soyuz-TMA (2002).3

A closeup of the gears that drive the motion of the two halves of the globe around the polar axis, leaving the equator fixed.

A closeup of the gears that drive the motion of the two halves of the globe around the polar axis, leaving the equator fixed.

This Globus had clearly suffered some damage. The back of the case had some large dents.7 More importantly, the globe's shaft had been knocked loose from its proper position and no longer meshed with the gears. This also put a gouge into Africa, where the globe hit internal components. Fortunately, CuriousMarc was able to get the globe back into position while ensuring that the gears had the right timing. (Putting the globe back arbitrarily would mess up the latitude and longitude.)

Orbital speed and the "cone"

An orbit of Soyuz takes approximately 90 minutes, but the time varies according to altitude.4 The Globus has an adjustment knob (below) to adjust the orbital period in minutes, tenths of minutes, and hundredths of minutes. The outer knob has three positions and points to the digit that changes when the inner knob is turned. The mechanism provides an adjustment of ±5 minutes from the nominal period of 91.85 minutes.3

The control to adjust the orbital period.

The control to adjust the orbital period.

The orbital speed feature is implemented by increasing or decreasing the speed at which the globe rotates around the orbital (horizontal) axis. Generating a variable speed is tricky, since the Globus runs on fixed 1-hertz pulses. The solution is to start with a base speed, and then add three increments: one for the minutes setting, one for the tenths-of-minutes setting, and one for the hundredths-of-minutes setting.5 These four speeds are added (as shaft rotation speeds) using obtain the overall rotation speed.

The Globus uses numerous differential gears to add or subtract rotations. The photo below shows two sets of differential gears, side-by-side.

Two differential gears in the Globus.

Two differential gears in the Globus.

The problem is how to generate these three variable rotation speeds from the fixed input. The solution is a special cam, shaped like a cone with a spiral cross-section. Three followers ride on the cam, so as the cam rotates, the follower is pushed outward and rotates on its shaft. If the follower is near the narrow part of the cam, it moves over a small distance and has a small rotation. But if the follower is near the wide part of the cam, it moves a larger distance and has a larger rotation. Thus, by moving the follower to a particular point on the cam, the rotational speed of the follower is selected.

A diagram showing the orbital speed control mechanism. The cone has three followers, but only two are visible from this angle. The "transmission" gears are moved in and out by the outer knob to select which follower is adjusted by the inner knob.

A diagram showing the orbital speed control mechanism. The cone has three followers, but only two are visible from this angle. The "transmission" gears are moved in and out by the outer knob to select which follower is adjusted by the inner knob.

Obviously, the cam can't spiral out forever. Instead, at the end of one revolution, its cross-section drops back sharply to the starting diameter. This causes the follower to snap back to its original position. To prevent this from jerking the globe backward, the follower is connected to the differential gearing via a slip clutch and ratchet. Thus, when the follower snaps back, the ratchet holds the drive shaft stationary. The drive shaft then continues its rotation as the follower starts cycling out again. Thus, the output is a (mostly) smooth rotation at a speed that depends on the position of the follower.

Latitude and longitude

The indicators at the left and the top of the globe indicate the spacecraft's latitude and longitude respectively. These are defined by surprisingly complex functions, generated by the orbit's projection onto the globe.6

The latitude and longitude functions are implemented through the shape of metal cams; the photo below shows the longitude mechanism. Each function has two cams: one cam implements the desired function, while the other cam has the "opposite" shape to maintain tension on the jaw-like tracking mechanism.

The cam mechanism to compute longitude.

The cam mechanism to compute longitude.

The latitude cam drives the latitude dial, causing it to oscillate between 51.8° N and 51.8° S. Longitude is more complicated because the Earth's rotation causes it to constantly vary. The longitude output on the dial is produced by adding the cam's value to the Earth's rotation through a differential gear.

Light and shadow

The Globus has an indicator to show when the spacecraft will enter light or shadow. The dial consists of two concentric dials, configured by the two knobs. These dials move with the spacecraft's orbit, while the red legend remains fixed. I think these dials are geared to the longitude dial, but I'm still investigating.

The light and shadow indicator is controlled by two knobs.

The light and shadow indicator is controlled by two knobs.

The landing location mechanism

The Globus can display where the spacecraft would land if you started a re-entry burn now, with an accuracy of 150 km. This is computed by projecting the current orbit forward by a partial orbit, depending on how long it would take to land. The cosmonaut specifies this value by the "landing angle", which indicates this fraction of an orbit as an angle. An electroluminescent indicator in the upper-left corner of the unit shows "Место посадки" (Landing place) to indicate this mode.

The landing angle control.

The landing angle control.

To obtain the landing position, a motor spins the globe until it is stopped after rotating through the specified angle. The mechanism to implement this is shown below. The adjustment knob on the panel turns the adjustment shaft which moves the limit switch to the desired angle via the worm gear. The wiring is wrapped around a wheel so the wiring stays controlled during this movement. When the drive motor is activated, it rotates the globe and the swing arm at the same time. Since the motor stops when the swing arm hits the angle limit switch, the globe rotates through the desired angle. The fixed limit switch is used when returning the globe's position to its regular, orbital position.

The landing angle function uses a complex mechanism.

The landing angle function uses a complex mechanism.

The landing location mode is activated by a three-position rotary switch. The first position "МП" (место посадки, landing site) selects the landing site, the second position "З" (Земля, Earth) shows the position over the Earth, and the third position "Откл" (off) undoes the landing angle rotation and turns off the mechanism.

The rotary switch to select the landing angle mode.

The rotary switch to select the landing angle mode.


Although the Globus is mostly mechanical, it has an electronics board with four relays and a transistor, as well as resistors and diodes. I think that most of these relays control the landing location mechanism, driving the motor forward or backward and stopping at the limit switch. The diodes are flyback diodes, two diodes in series across each relay coil to eliminate the inductive kick when the coil is disconnected.

The electronics circuit board.

The electronics circuit board.

A 360° potentiometer (below) converts the spacecraft's orbital position into a voltage. Sources indicate that the Globus provides this voltage signal to other units on the spacecraft. My theory is that the transistor on the electronics board amplifies this voltage, but I am still investigating.

The potentiometer converts the orbital position into a voltage.
To the right is the cam that produces the longitude display. Antarctica is visible on the globe.

The potentiometer converts the orbital position into a voltage. To the right is the cam that produces the longitude display. Antarctica is visible on the globe.

The photo below shows the multiple wiring bundles in the Globus, at the front and the left. The electronics board is at the front right. The Globus contains a surprising amount of wiring for a device that is mostly mechanical. Inconveniently, all the wires to the box's external connector (upper left) were cut.7 Perhaps this was part of decommissioning the unit. However, one of the screws on the case is covered with a tamper-resistant wax seal with insignia, and this wax seal was intact. This indicates that the unit was officially re-sealed after cutting the wires, which doesn't make sense for a decommissioned unit.

This view shows the back and underside of the Globus. The round connector at the back left provided the interface with the rest of the spacecraft. The black wires under this connector were all cut.

This view shows the back and underside of the Globus. The round connector at the back left provided the interface with the rest of the spacecraft. The black wires under this connector were all cut.

The drive solenoids

The unit is driven by two ratchet solenoids: one for the orbital rotation and one for the Earth's rotation. These solenoids take 27-volt pulses at 1 hertz.3 Each pulse causes the solenoid to advance the gear by one tooth; a pawl keeps the gear from slipping back. These small rotations drive the gears throughout the Globus and result in a tiny movement of the globe.

One of the driving solenoids in the Globus. The wheels to indicate orbital time are underneath.

One of the driving solenoids in the Globus. The wheels to indicate orbital time are underneath.

The other driving solenoid in the Globus.

The other driving solenoid in the Globus.


If you look closely at the globe, it has a bunch of pink dots added, along with three-letter labels in Latin (not Cyrillic) characters.8 In the photo below, you can see GDS (Goldstone), MIL (Merritt Island), BDA (Bermuda), and NFL (Newfoundland). These are NASA tracking sites, which implies that this Globus was built for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, a 1975 mission where an Apollo spacecraft docked with a Soyuz capsule.

North America as it appears on the globe. The US border is marked in red. The selection of cities seems a bit random, such as El Paso as the only western city until the coast.

North America as it appears on the globe. The US border is marked in red. The selection of cities seems a bit random, such as El Paso as the only western city until the coast.

Further confirmation of the Apollo-Soyuz connection is the VAN sticker in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (not visible above). The USNS Vanguard was a NASA tracking ship that was used in the Apollo program to fill in gaps in radio coverage. It was an oil tanker from World War II, converted postwar to a missile tracking ship and then used for Apollo. In the photo below, you can see the large tracking antennas on its deck. During the Apollo-Soyuz mission, Vanguard was stationed at 25 S 155 W for the Apollo-Soyuz mission, exactly matching the location of the VAN dot on the globe.

The USNS Vanguard with a NASA C-54 plane overhead. (source).

The USNS Vanguard with a NASA C-54 plane overhead. (source).


The Globus has a long history, back to the beginnings of Soviet crewed spaceflight. The first version was simpler and had the Russian acronym ИМП (IMP).9 Development of the IMP started in 1960 for the Vostok (1961) and Voshod (1964) spaceflights.

The Globus IMP. Photo from Francoisguay (CC BY-SA 3.0).

The Globus IMP. Photo from Francoisguay (CC BY-SA 3.0).

The basic functions of the earlier Globus IMP are similar to the INK, showing the spacecraft's position and the landing position. It has an orbit counter in the lower right. The latitude and longitude displays at the top were added for the Voshod flights. The large correction knob allows the orbital period to be adjusted. The main differences are that the IMP doesn't have a display at the bottom for sun and shade and doesn't have a control to set the landing angle.9 Unlike the INK, the mode (orbit vs landing position) was selected by external switches, rather than a switch on the unit.

The more complex INK model (described in this blog post) was created for the Soyuz flights, starting in 1967. It was part of the "Sirius" information display system (IDS). The Neptun IDS used on Soyuz-T (1976) and the Neptun-M for Soyuz-TM (1986) modernized much of the console but kept the Globus INK. The photo below shows the Globus mounted in the upper-right of a Soyuz-TM console.

The Neptun-M IDS for the Soyuz-TM (source).

The Neptun-M IDS for the Soyuz-TM (source).

The Soyuz-TMA (2002) upgraded to the Neptun-ME system3 which used digital display screens. In particular, the Globus was replaced with the graphical display below.

A computer display from the Neptune-ME display system used in the Soyuz-TMA spaceship. The Soyuz consoles are much simpler than the Apollo or Space Shuttle consoles, and built with completely different design principles. From Information Display Systems for Soyuz Spaceships.

A computer display from the Neptune-ME display system used in the Soyuz-TMA spaceship. The Soyuz consoles are much simpler than the Apollo or Space Shuttle consoles, and built with completely different design principles. From Information Display Systems for Soyuz Spaceships.


The Globus INK is a remarkable piece of machinery, an analog computer that calculates orbits through an intricate system of gears, cams, and differentials. It provided cosmonauts with a high-resolution, full-color display of the spacecraft's position, way beyond what an electronic space computer could provide in the 1960s.

Although the Globus is an amazing piece of mechanical computation, its functionality is limited. Its parameters must be manually configured: the spacecraft's starting position, the orbital speed, the light/shadow regions, and the landing angle. It doesn't take any external guidance inputs, such as an IMU (inertial measurement unit), so it's not particularly accurate. Finally, it only supports a circular orbit at a fixed angle. While the more modern digital display lacks the physical charm of a rotating globe, the digital solution provides much more capability.

I plan to continue reverse-engineering the Globus and hope to get it operational, so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I've also started experimenting with Mastodon recently as Many thanks to Marcel for providing the Globus. Thanks to Stack Overflow for orbit information and my Twitter followers for translation assistance.

I should give a disclaimer that I am still reverse-engineering the Globus, so what I described is subject to change. Also, I don't read Russian, so any errors are the fault of Google Translate. :-)

With the case removed, the complex internals of the Globus are visible.

With the case removed, the complex internals of the Globus are visible.

Notes and references

  1. In Russian, the name for the device is "Индикатор Навигационный Космический" abbreviated as ИНК (INK). This translates to "space navigation indicator." The name Globus (Глобус) seems to be a nickname, and I suspect it's more commonly used in English than Russian. 

  2. To see how the angle between the poles and the globe's rotation results in the desired orbital inclination, consider two limit cases. First, suppose the angle between is 90°. In this case, the globe is "straight" with the equator horizontal. Rotating the globe along the horizontal axis, flipping the poles end-over-end, will cause the crosshair to trace a polar orbit, giving the expected inclination of 90°. On the other hand, suppose the angle is 0°. In this case, the globe is "sideways" with the equator vertical. Rotating the globe will cause the crosshair to remain over the equator, corresponding to an equatorial orbit with 0° inclination. 

  3. A detailed description of Globus in Russian is in this document, in Section 5. 

  4. Or conversely, the altitude varies according to the speed. 

  5. Note that panel control adjusts the period of the orbit, while the implementation adjusts the speed of the orbit. These are reciprocals, so linear changes in the period result in hyperbolic changes in the speed. The mechanism, however, changes the speed linearly, which seems like it wouldn't work. However, since the period is large relative to the change in the period, this linear approximation works and the error is small, about 1%. It's possible that the cone has a nonlinear shape to correct this, but I couldn't detect any nonlinearity in photographs. 

  6. The latitude is given by arcsin(sin i * sin (2πt/T)), while the longitude is given by λ = arctan (cos i * tan(2πt/T)) + Ωt + λ0, where t is the spaceship's flight time starting at the equator, i is the angle of inclination (51.8°), T is the orbital period, Ω is the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation, and λ0 is the longitude of the ascending node.3

    The formula for latitude is simpler than longitude because the latitude repeats every orbit. The longitude, however, continually changes as the Earth rotates under the spacecraft. 

  7. The back of the Globus has a 32-pin connector, a standard RS32TV Soviet military design. The case also has some dents visible; the dents were much larger before CuriousMarc smoothed them out.

    The back of the Globus.

    The back of the Globus.


  8. The NASA tracking sites marked with dots are CYI (Grand Canary Island), ACN (Ascension), MAD (Madrid, Spain), TAN (Tananarive, Madagascar), GWM (Guam), ORR (Orroral, Australia), HAW (Hawaii), GDS (Goldstone, California), MIL (Merritt Island, Florida), QUI (Quito, Ecuador), AGO (Santiago, Chile), BDA (Bermuda), NFL (Newfoundland, Canada), and VAN (Vanguard tracking ship). Most of these sites were part of the Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network. The numbers 1-7 are apparently USSR communication sites, although I'm puzzled by 8 in Nova Scotia and 9 in Honduras. 

  9. Details on the earlier Globus IMP are at this site, including a discussion of the four different versions IMP-1 through IMP-4. Wikipedia also has information.