This applet allows you to select colors using one of several color models:
RGB, HSV, HLS, RGBY, and RBW, and shows the conversion between RGB and one
of the other models. The top three sliders control R,G,B, while
the bottom three sliders control the other color model, which can be
selected from the button. Numeric values may be entered into any of the
The RBW color model is one that I invented to be convenient and intuitive.
The sliders have their
neutral position in the middle. By moving a slider, you can add red,
green, blue, yellow, black, or white. These colors combine in the
intuitive way, e.g. pink is Red+neutral+White, orange is
Red+Yellow+neutral, red is Red+neutral+neutral.
``The RBW Color Model,''
Computers & Graphics, 17(5), Sep. 1993, pp 597-602.
This color selector displays the color as an image on the left and as a
Java Color on the right. Thus, if you have a 256 color display, you can
see both what the color really looks like and how it is mangled into the
Java color model.
The source is here.
Ken Shirriff:
[email protected]
This page:
Copyright 2000 Ken Shirriff. Last updated 3/13/2001.
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